
Can A Background Character Like Me Really Be Of THAT MUCH WORTH?!!!

Look at yourself first. Think about that time, that part of your life where it feels like nothing is going according to your way, nothing is moving according how you want to and everything is just...stagnant. We're the same in that aspect. With the only difference between us being that for you, its just a past, it's a memory and for me, it's not just my past but also my present and also my future. No matter how hard I try to break the chains that bind me, the same reality keeps playing back and forth in front of my eyes. With the only noticable changes about me being my age. People say the world holds the answers to all our mysteries and questions. But I just want to ask only this single question? "Can A Background Character Like Me Really Be Of That Much?" No matter what I do, I always find myself in the position of a background character, which made me to start acting that way. Will my life really ever change? NB: The cover doesn't belong to me and all copyrights reserved for the respective owners. -No NTR! -No Yuri!

Lyriryl · Urban
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42 Chs


I could not see her face right now, but I bet she was shocked by my unexpected action.

I mean, she was the first to invoke this level of intimacy with me, so why shouldn't I return it back.

To make sure that she never escapes from me like how she trapped me previously, I hugged her tighter but gently, melding our two bodies into one as I pressed her chest against mine.

Since the fabric of our uniform is too thin, I could feel her whole.

And what I found there couldn't make me happier.

I thought I was the only one with a quickening heartrate, but turns out I was wrong again.

This time she won't hide anything from me.

Due to the sudden shock, her tense limbs became relaxed as she let go of the door.

"Hey. Ummm. What are you doing hugging me so suddenly?"

Now SHE has the audacity to ask me something like this?

Does she think emotional blackmail is funny?

"You know Sayumi." I said whispering into her ear.

I'll show her just how funny it is.

"Your body is so soft and when you blush, you become the cutest thing I have ever seen in my entire life. It makes me just want to hold you tight. You look so cute right now that I don't want to let you go. I want to keep holding you forever."

I ended that statement with a slight breeze by blowing my hot breath in her ear.

If both our heartrates were fast enough, mine became slow in comparison.

Every single passing moment, it was increasing by large margins to the point that I could feel her chest hitting against me.

I could feel it through the thin fabrics that separated the two of us as she heated up, shivered and melted.


That's the reaction I was looking for.

As if that was not enough, I felt the weight on me doubling as if the force of gravity was twice as before.

But that wasn't the case.

She had relaxed a bit too much.

Her legs and arms had lost strength making me carry her whole weight together.

But it was all good though.

I was serious.

I was not letting her go.

To make sure, I made my iron grip even tighter.

Well, for other reasons too as she felt nice to hold so…


"Sayumi. Did you just get a hell a lot cuter? Now I can't let you go anymore."


No fighting back this time huh?

Did she turn into a mime per chance?

Who cares?

Unfortunately for her, she's not the only one who has a way with words.

I mean, I have been in a relationship before.

What made her think I can't do something like this?

If she thinks I don't have balls, then I'll prove it with my actions.

Wow, this girl is soft.

She's comfortable.

I think I'm getting too much addicted to her.


How long are we going to be like this?

Did she faint?

"What are you doing to our class rep you pervert?!"

Maki, the cockblocker, said in a fit of rage as she attacked me, trying to separate us both.

Unfortunately for her too, there is no way I am going allow her to do that.

I need to teach this class rep of mine not to mess with me.

Plus, it's her fault that I am acting this way.

Now she has to pay the price.

I effortlessly dodged Maki's attacked with Sayumi still clutched in my arms.

I didn't feel any strain on my physical body since she was as light as a feather.

"Maki. Don't butt in. Can't you see we are in the middle of something personal?" I tried to stop her.

"AS IF!"

She tried to pounce on me again.

"Maki, stop. It's alright. I'm okay."

Sayumi muttered the last part silently like she was losing her voice, burying her face in my chest.

Ahh! If only she was my girlfriend.

Wait, what am thinking about?

She turned me down.

If I have to be honest, she wasn't the only one who was affected by this.

I had to use a great level of mental fortitude in order to resist her charm from corrupting me.

That's why I never looked at her not even once.

I'll die.

And now I was at my limit.

"You bastard! Sayumi, you don't usually act like this. Is he blackmailing you?"

Technically nop.

And yep.

Not that I'll spill the beans anyway.

It's time I finally let her go.

She has had enough revenge…

For now.

When I started to let her go, increasing the distance between the two of us and reducing intimacy, she hugged me back, pulling us back to the tight hug we had before.



I was frozen completely lost about what to do and I could see Maki's jaw drop to the ground.

"Saku~." She said in a playful tone as she looked at me, peering her eyes into my face.

But my eyes were drawn to Maki at the current time.

And her expression was…


She must be a Sayumi admirer.

Just look at the jealousy on her face.

It's just priceless.

Sayumi without reading the atmosphere despite being a good judge of character, put her hand on my cheek and forcefully turned my head to face her as she looked at me with those deep silver eyes and that unbelievably drop-dead gorgeous blushing crimson face coupled by her lips which exuded a sweet breath as it tickled my face and I inhaled it by mistake.



The face I was successfully avoiding to look at until now, was now several inches from me, staring back at me HARD!

My revived defenses were once again thrashed into non-existence.

Meaning they would never come back.

"You really got me there for a sec, Saku~. But that also means I don't have to hold anything back anymore."

How could I forget?

She's a social monster!

To make things worse for me, she blew into my face and her sweet breath attacked me again.

Maki couldn't bare to see this anymore and finally managed to successfully break us apart.

"Seriously! What the hell is wrong with you two?! Doing something like this in broad daylight! Class rep, I expected more from you but I'm seriously disappointed!"

"What's the whole commotion about?"

Another new member kicked it.

Our class vice rep who is a boy.

"Sato, would you believe it? Our class rep-"

"Hie Sato. I just recently discovered that Maki has feelings for this guy so I played a little prank on him to confirm if it was true and funny enough, she began with her emotional outburst."





Since when did she ever thought of that?

"Maki, is that true?"

The guy asked the poor girl in particular.


"Maki are you a tsundere?"

"My question too."

Sayumi really knows how to spice things up.

"NO!" she replied with every ounce of her being.

"Maki. Don't do that to the poor guy. You'll hurt his feelings. Look his face is red knowing you like him."

This vice class rep of mine?!

If only he knew the real reason behind that.


"I need to use the restroom."

I said deciding to go out and leaving these three alone.

"HEY-!" She tried to call out to me but what's all this got to do with me?

"Maki. Why would you do that? He's our classmate. Now, he's going to the bath to have a good cry."

This guy is as annoying as always.

And I get goosebumps every time he is near me.

Because he is a literal chatterbox.

Its like he was born for his mouth.


Not my problem.

I was currently heading to the library at the moment as I wanted to check if the place is sufficient enough for me to study.

Being in class is not safe for me.

I need a different environment away from her which doesn't allow chaos.

Actually, that's where I was heading before she blocked access to the door.

As of now, I am just going to check.

I opened the door to the library only to be greeted by the faint scent of old books and furniture.

The environment was eerily quiet.

It also appeared unusually empty expect for one person.


My stomach churned.

I closed the door immediately and pretended as if I never opened it before.


I will come back at lunch break.

There is still plenty of time.

When I returned back to the classroom, there was a commotion.

It appeared that most people had already arrived.

Just that small time huh?

And I had a pretty bad feeling about this.

I entered the classroom and...



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