
Caged With A Vampire

(Warning: Mature content) She is dreadful and has no mercy. She isn't scared of anything, even death is scared of her. But, the ever daring man dared to look at her, straight at her piercing eyes. Something no one has ever done. Well, she is the QUEEN of her territory and he is the KING TO TAME HER. * To get his sister back from the hands of the evil woman who had kidnapped her, Darren Vladimir is ready to do anything even thought it means putting his life on the life. But it wouldn't go easy as thought as she is not one to please. They made a deal..... A deal with consequences if broken. "You will replace your sister and become my slave, and I will give her back to you..... If this deal is breached, the person you love the most will have to DIE" "Yes I accept..... Just let my sister go." A dangerous deal..... But the famous arrogant researcher, Darren Vladimir, has a different plan in mind. The deal might backfire and he was ready for it...... He is going to TAME HER, the forest vampire and send her to hell where she belong. .......... Ambrosia drew closer and raised his jaw using her middle fingers, staring at his grey orbs, never taking her eyes off or blinking away. The man was determined. He raised a corner of his lips, smiling at her lopsidedly. He wasn't blinking away too but staring at the gorgeous but cold woman who leaned so close to him. "Are you falling for me already?" he asked. She raised a brow at the sudden question but her face went back to her usual deadpan state. "I see you are determined......Fine then, I give you fourteen days. Fourteen days to get me on your bed. If after the fourteenth day, and nothing happened between us, then I might end up punishing you severally. A punishment you will never forget." His smile broadened, "Fine then, but if after that fourteenth day, I succeed, you will also be punished." She smiled and moved back, "You are crazy, aren't you?" she said staring at him. "Fine then, let's make that part of our deal."

Marvlyn_chi · Fantasie
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69 Chs

Forest witch.

Amby walked towards the president of Avrone gaming company office in fast pace as she kept checking her wristwatch at every interval.

She got to the door and took in a deep breath before she knocked and walked in.

Her eyes met with the brown eyes staring at her by the window before she quickly looked away and faced the old man with grey hairs whose eyes were filled with worries and confusion.

She bowed, "Is there something you need sir?" She asked in a silvery voice, soft and soothing to the ears, but the president said nothing as his eyes were fixed on the bookshelf behind her, looking lost.

The tall man by the window, with the brown eyes, walked closer to her and leaned forward her a bit, "Now isn't the right time, leave him be for some time." he whispered and straightened up.

Amby nodded and looked at the president one more time before she left the office. She knew better than to say any thing else in the state he was in which got her wondering why he looked so worried and confused, more like different emotions were running through him.

"Amby..." A feminine, high-pitched voice called her attention from an office which was opened wide.

Amby walked to the office and closed the door when she entered. She was dragged by her arm by her best friend who was eager to tell her something important.

Eve faced her friend and bit her fingernail, as she normally do whenever she was nervous or had something really important she wanted to say.

Curiously, Amby drew nearer waiting for the news which seemed to make her friend nervous.

"Something terrible happened." She finally said breaking the silence.

"What happened?"

"The president daughter went missing yesterday." She dropped the bombshell, causing a gasp from Amby as she covered her mouth with her palm. "Yesterday, when she left for school with the driver, they stopped in front of the death forest cause the car was faulty and she walked right into the forest as if been controlled. The driver tried going after her but she was far gone with no trace of where she went. And now, not even her body has been found."

"I heard a lot of stories about the death forest. People said there is a witch there who eats anyone that comes in and that is why they never return even their dead bodies." A male colleague, Chris chipped in, walking towards the girls with a terrified look on his face.

"Yes I believe that now. There is a witch living in that forest." Eve supported and rubbed her arms feeling a cold sensation running through her vein. The death forest is the most haunted place with a lot of background stories which mostly focuses on the witch who kills anyone that evade her territory. No one comes out of the forest alive.

Amby adjusted her glasses and swallowed hard, "Will she be alright now? In that dark haunted forest. I hope they find her." She wondered out loud.

"She will be alright. The search teams are in the forest searching for her already. You should know this, you are the secretary to the president." The third colleague who had been quiet all along, spoke up.

"This is new to me." Amby stated and adjusted her glasses again. "Now I feel bad for not knowing." She sat down on a chair and sighed out deeply. "I wonder how Mrs. Vladimir will feel right now. She is their only daughter and now she is lost in the forest of no return... I feel bad for them."

"Everyone do too. It's so unfortunate it had to be their only girl." The third colleague, Milly said arranging the scattered documents on the table, placing them in the file it belonged to.

Amby eyes were fixed on the table as she began to imagine the pain the president and his wife were going through. She knew what it was to loss a family member. Her foster mother who loved her with all her heart was killed by the man she married. After few days, he was also killed gruesomely in his cell.

Her foster dad has always hated her and abused her physically, that when he died, she felt peace and happy that he left the world in the most gruesome way. But her mother's death created a huge space in her heart.

What is the true mystery behind the death forest?

She stood up and left the office with her phone. Her eyes were on her phone when she walked to the wall bumping her head hard on it. She let out a loud cry and placed her hand on her forehead nursing the pain.

"You should watch where you are going. Walls don't move, you know." Eve said from the office.

Embarrassed, Amby picked up her phone that fell from her hand and walked away in fast pace.


The brown-eyed man smiled amusingly as he watched her leave in a hurry with an embarrassed face. When she was out of sight, he sighed and left.

He blamed himself for what happened to his sister who haven't been found yet. She had begged him to drive her to school, but he didn't cause he was too busy with work. If only he knew, he would have drove her to school himself, that morning.

Getting to the parking lot, he opened his car and sat inside, taking a deep breath as he held the steering wheel.

His sister just be found and he was willing i do anything, even though he has to pay with his life. He will have to fulfill the promise he made to his parent, to bring back his sister, Isabel, from the death forest.

Luther wore the seatbelt and drove off.

The mystery behind the death forest is unsolved. No one knows what lies in the deep, dark forest. Could the story about the forest witch be true or there is something else killing people at the forest?

Whatever is the real story to that forest, he was determined to face it.

Luther's phone rang, jerking him out of his thought. He picked his phone and checked the message.

'I am coming back!' It reads.