
Caged With A Vampire

(Warning: Mature content) She is dreadful and has no mercy. She isn't scared of anything, even death is scared of her. But, the ever daring man dared to look at her, straight at her piercing eyes. Something no one has ever done. Well, she is the QUEEN of her territory and he is the KING TO TAME HER. * To get his sister back from the hands of the evil woman who had kidnapped her, Darren Vladimir is ready to do anything even thought it means putting his life on the life. But it wouldn't go easy as thought as she is not one to please. They made a deal..... A deal with consequences if broken. "You will replace your sister and become my slave, and I will give her back to you..... If this deal is breached, the person you love the most will have to DIE" "Yes I accept..... Just let my sister go." A dangerous deal..... But the famous arrogant researcher, Darren Vladimir, has a different plan in mind. The deal might backfire and he was ready for it...... He is going to TAME HER, the forest vampire and send her to hell where she belong. .......... Ambrosia drew closer and raised his jaw using her middle fingers, staring at his grey orbs, never taking her eyes off or blinking away. The man was determined. He raised a corner of his lips, smiling at her lopsidedly. He wasn't blinking away too but staring at the gorgeous but cold woman who leaned so close to him. "Are you falling for me already?" he asked. She raised a brow at the sudden question but her face went back to her usual deadpan state. "I see you are determined......Fine then, I give you fourteen days. Fourteen days to get me on your bed. If after the fourteenth day, and nothing happened between us, then I might end up punishing you severally. A punishment you will never forget." His smile broadened, "Fine then, but if after that fourteenth day, I succeed, you will also be punished." She smiled and moved back, "You are crazy, aren't you?" she said staring at him. "Fine then, let's make that part of our deal."

Marvlyn_chi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
69 Chs

All her enemies

Isabel opened her eyes slowly and groaned when she felt a sharp pain on her neck. Her hands were chained to the wall and her head was down, making her sweaty hair cover her face. 

She looked up but couldn't see anything in the dark room. Where was she? She couldn't figure out how she got there in the first place.

She forcefully pulled her hand from the chains and it came of easily, which was surprising. Her whole body hurt but she has to escape. No one knows what her adaptors were planning to do with her. Maybe sell her off or kill her and sell off her organs? 

Struggling to stand became an hassle cause of how weak she was. It seemed to her she had been there for a long time seeing how numb her body was. She fell back to the floor and looked at the window but her view became blurry. 

She wasn't able to move any part of her body again. "Hel....help." A cry left her lips but she wasn't sure if it was said out as she couldn't hear her own voice.

Slowly, she lost consciousness.

Ambrosia sat on a golden made chair, her favorite actually. It was designed to represent strength, power and leadership. It was made by the first vampires.

On the two sides of the armrest were the head of lions with spikes at the edges. The chair was at the middle of the empty dark large room on a pavement with three steps around it. 

On each side of the throne seat was a statued dragon staring at the entrance fiercely with it wings joined together. The large room had only the throne seat with nothing else in the room. The broken windows were filled with cobwebs and little bugs caught up in the webs.

Ambrosia's eyes were closed, and her hands on the head of the lions. She was stilled. Lifeless. Seeing her at that moment, someone would think she's dead but she wasn't neither was she asleep.

A scream from the rooftop forced her eyes opened. It was a silent scream, but she has a good hearing ability. It was no doubt, the human girl she had taken captive from the forest had woken up. 

Attempting to drain the human blood was a big mistake on her part. The girl was part of them. Part of the people she hated. When she digged her fang into her neck, her face ended up getting burnt which healed after an hour. Wounds and burnt inflicted on her, heals immediately. But the burnt she got, healed after an hour. 

The human girl has the blood that can end a vampire. The people she hated and thought they were extinct. The PURE BLOODS. The vampires nemesis.

Ambrosia vanished and materialized in the room on the rooftop where she had kept the young girl. She stood by the door in the dark, staring at the helpless human. 

Isabel was quick to notice the change of atmosphere in the room as soon as Ambrosia arrived. She seized her breath when she sensed someone else in the dark room. Someone was there with her.

Immediately she had fallen unconscious, she woke up again and tried screaming but she was too weak to scream out loud. She felt no one else presence in the room and suddenly, someone was in the room? Was the person with her all the while?

"Hello? Is someone here?" Her voice failed to hide her nervousness as she asked. But the room was silent with just her voice echoing. She squinted her eyes trying to see who it was but it was too dark to see anything. "Hello?" She called again but the room remained silent. "Did my father's enemy paid you to do this? My father will pay you double of what they paid you. Just let me go!"

Ambrosia let out a short laugh causing Isabel to gasp. "Daddy's little girl, proud of her daddy's money." She mocked.

Isabel moved back until her back hit the wall. The room became so hot and suffocating. Even the opened windows weren't doing any good. "Ple.....please, let me go!" she cried out. Her voice filled with panic. 

The woman voice was enough to frighten her to her bones. Her presence was so intimidating.

She remembered the story of the forest witch, and her eyes widened at the realization that she fell a prey to the forest witch she thought was a myth.

Ambrosia eyes turned bright red when Isabel called her a witch in her thoughts. She tilted her hand and Isabel began to choke, trying to breath but she couldn't. Her eyes were almost popping out of it sockets and her face turned crimson red, while struggling to breath. Her life was slowly leaving her as she struggled. 

"I. AM. NOT. A. WITCH." Ambrosia roared, with her voice shaking the walls of the room.

Tears escaped Isabel's eyes as she was getting weak and tired from struggling, but suddenly, she stopped choking as if she was being controlled. She coughed out and looked up to try to see the woman but the room was quiet again. The forest witch had left.

Isabel buried her face in her hand and burst into tears, praying someone would come to her rescue.

Ambrosia jumped down to her room through the window and fell on the floor breathing heavily. Her veins popped out on her neck as she stared fiercely, boiling in anger. The pure bloods. They can't be harmed by vampires, instead it backfires. The vampires end up getting hurt by their own intention.

Ambrosia punched the tiled floor and stood up with blood flowing down her nose and mouth staining her cloth. She clutched her fist tight as heavy wind blew into the room breaking down some ancient antiques and the window. She raised her head up and screamed loudly causing an earthquake beneath the earth where the castle stood. 

Making an attempt to choke the girl actually caused her more damage than good.

Suddenly, the familiar scents of humans filled her nostrils causing her to shut her eyes and take in a deep sniff. Getting relaxed, she limped out of the room, going towards the part of the forest where the scent was coming from.

The unsuspecting humans were moving around the forest with dogs, searching for the lost daughter of Mr. Vladimir but a strong wind blew around them forcing them to cover their eyes with theirs hands; protecting themselves from the dust that came along with the wing. One of them was dragged away by a force making him to scream loud; alerting the others. Another was picked up from the ground causing fear to run through their veins.

"Run!!!" The search team leader shouted, getting a signal of the impending danger that had surrounded them. The dogs barked coupled with the panic screams from the search teams, as they made their way out.

The two men picked were thrown down to the panicking men with their heads pulled out of their necks and their body brutalized. The earth under their foot shook making them to all fall to the ground. Everyone was in chaos as they struggled to leave the forest. The death forest.

Ambrosia stood on a tree breathing heavily while watching the men flee. Her mouth was covered with blood dripping down to her clothes. The humans, the pure bloods, the witches, were all her enemies, she hated them all.

She licked her lips and jumped down from the tree and her eyes went back to it beautiful hazel with the veins disappearing from her neck. With a sigh, she turned and went back to her castle.