
Chapter Four

The next day slides through before you are ready to grasp it, having slept most of it away.

"Are you sure you should be out here right now?"

You lazily turned your head, the chilled air filled with light snowflakes one tickled your nose.

"I'm good." You replied to Mr. Plastic, one of the other heroes stuck on night patrol. You walked beside him; hands crammed in your jacket pockets trying to gather a little warmth.


"I have had a lot worse than a concussion." You cut him off, having been called in on your leave to aid in patrolling for the night since X-Less was unable to come in.

Mr. Plastic huffs through his nose, pulling his phone from his pocket he checks the HC's app 'Collocate' to check on Sameko and Elecplant. Each hero had a GPS tracker sewed into their hero uniform.

Mina's party was tonight, but there was plenty of time to get home and grab a nap before shuffling to her apartment with a low social battery.

"Looks like everyone is still good." Mr. Plastic decided to drop the conversation about your health. He may have only been working with you for the last two months after moving here, but he quickly got the feeling you didn't like people babying you.

"It's a slow night." You hummed a response.

"You make that seem like a bad thing!" He lets out a hearty laugh.

"It makes the night go by slow." You reply, an annoying ping in the back of your skull itched at you, Katsuki still hadn't messaged you after two whole days, why?

"I suppose so-" Mr. Plastic hummed, "-but at least I have good company to pass the time!"

"Mhmm." You rolled your eyes but allowed the smirk to grow on your face. These four heroes who you'd been involuntarily clumped up with were starting to grow on you.

"So..." Mr. Plastic cleared his throat, adjusting his visors.

"So." You smirked, glancing at him.

"I-I heard a few rumors-"

"Oh boy-" You joke. "-here we go-"

"-I just want to make sure they are true!"

"Yeah-Yeah." You wave him off, you have felt his quizitive nature the moment you met him, he reminded you a lot of Midoriya with his curious nature. "Lay it on me."

"Well-" His voice spiked. "-is it true that you and...and...uh-"

"Spit it out or shut up." You retorted, eyes scanning the area.

"Is it true you and Dynamight have like a thing!?" Mr. Plastic blushed, you rolled your eyes.

He would get sucked up in office gossip.

"A thing?" You turned your head, eyebrow raised.


"We are dating." You confirmed.

"Why!?" Mr. Plastic couldn't stop the brace words before they spilled out.

"Why not?" You replied, Mr. Plastic studied your composure, it never wavered. You kept calm, and nothing ever seemed to faze you.

"I-I mean I haven't met him personally, but I have seen-"

"Exactly-" You cut him off, "-you haven't met him, so who are you to judge?"

"I-I'm not judging!" Mr. Plastic waves, "It just took me by surprise that you would be interested in someone who is so...explosive-!"

"You don't know him like I do." You replied, half believing your words.

"I-I am sure that's true, I did just move here but-"

"You're going to talk all night, aren't you?"

"I like talking."

"I can tell."

"What does that mean!?"


At Mina's party you had your fill of merrymaking, you planted yourself on the couch with a blue cup in your hand watching your friends mingle, enjoying the food and drinks. You couldn't get home for a quick nap like you had planned, while returning to the agency to change Mr. Plastic and you got wrapped up in a standoff at a local store.

You rubbed your neck, trying to ease the knots which had formed. You barely had time to change and get here on time with Mina blowing up your phone. You ran your tongue over your teeth, deciding not to tell them you went on patrol knowing it would earn a thicker headache than what you had now.

You faked a smile at Mina and Kirishima who sat beside you, you couldn't scraunch up the energy to enjoy yourself, and your eyes kept flickering to the door waiting for it to open, to spot his blond hair and lose your breath when you saw his crimson eyes.

Katsuki never showed.

It took three hours to slip out of Mina's apartment, she wanted you to stay and spend the night, but you were exhausted, in need of sleep and a hot shower. You walked into an empty apartment, without flicking the lights on, you headed to the bathroom, ready to just get this day over with.

The mattress hugged your curves as you rolled around, stretching your body, a yawn on your lips you groaned coming out of a deep sleep. Cracking an eye open, you reached your arms out feeling the empty spot beside you. You frowned, feeling the cold space. You ran your hands along the soft sheets until you felt your phone. With blurry eyes burning at the sight of the bright screen, your heart skipped seeing a text from Katsuki resting on your screen.

'Gutiokipanja, 7:00pm.'

For a moment you were confused, until you looked at the date on the phone. You had slept all day after getting home late from Mina's, it was now 6:00pm.

You smiled sitting up, it was date night. When the two of you became pro-heroes and your schedules became so hectic, Katsuki and you made an agreement, once a month you two would each make sure to get the same day off work so you could have a night of no friends, no hero work, just you and him.

It was your favorite day.

Gutiokipanja was your favored restaurant, it wasn't a place you went to often so maybe this was Katsuki's way of making up for his bazaar behavior. The excitement of the promised food was what motivated you to remove yourself from the warmth of the bed, placing your feet on the chilled tile of the bedroom, you started your day.

Mina talked your ear off, placed on speaker while you were in the bathroom getting dressed. She was hung over, and didn't remember you leaving her apartment, you reinsured her you two were fine, you two didn't get into a fight it was just a dream she had in her drunken state, it was just late, and you were tired.

"I can't believe you chickened out." You laughed again.

"I didn't chicken out!"

"So, you did ask Kirishima to move in with you?"

"Well no..."

"Then you chickened out."

"I was drunk!"

"I hear excuses."

"Ugh-!" Mina groaned, "-when are you meeting Bakugo?" Mina questioned, hoping to switch the subject.

"Seven." You replied, capping the tube in your hand.

"See-!" Mina's voice echoed in the bathroom. "-I told you he was just working, you had nothing to worry about!"

"Then keep your nose out of my business-"

"Yeah..." You hummed, ready for an explanation. "...nice subject change though." You smirk hearing Mina groan, a notification popped onto the screen just then. "Oh, I have to go."

"What?" Mina whined, "Why!?"

"The Uber is here." You answered, grabbing your phone, turning the lights off as you moved to leave the apartment.

"Take me with you-" Mina wailed, "-just leave me in your pocket!"

"I don't think you'll like what you'll hear-"

"Ah-!" Mina cut you off causing you to laugh. "-speak no more, I am going!"

"I'll text you later." You promised.

"You better!" Mina called as you locked the door. "I want all the details how Bakugo groveled for forgiveness!"

"You'll be the first."

"Thank you, that's all I ask of you."

You chuckled, ending the call you stepped into the winter night, light snow continued to fall from the sky. You were happy to keep tonight off, the accumulative snow was not something you wanted to trudge around. You ignored the dozens of texts requesting you to once again break your grounded status and patrol.

"(y/n) Yagi-?" You turned your head; the hostess at the popular restaurant greeted you with a soft smile. "-right this way please, we have a table reserved for you."

"Oh." You blinked, you thought you would be waiting for Katsuki before getting a table, you guessed he called a head?

You followed the hostess, she placed you at a table in the middle of the dining room, but before she walked away, she spun around, a shy smile on her face.

"I am a huge fan!" Her voice giddies causing you to flash a smile, "Can I bother you for an autograph!?"

"Sure." You chuckled as she scrambled for a pan and paper. She quickly bowed, taking her leave, you breathed in, heart slowly picking up wondering how far away Katsuki was.