
Build A Technological Civilization

Alexander Sebastian had transmigrated to a world where everyone could awaken a Planet. The larger the Planet, the higher the Origin Energy, and the stronger the Civilization. Some people made theirs with Qi to create a Martial Arts Civilization, everyone on the Planet was a Martial Arts practitioner. Some people made theirs with Magic to create a Magical Civilization, everyone on the Planet was a Mage. Some people made their with Spiritual Energy to create an Immortal Civilization, everyone on the Planet was an Immortal Cultivator. Everyone was trying their best to construct all sorts of extraordinary planets. Sebastian, on the other hand, used his memories from his previous life to create a technological civilization! “Your Star Destroyer directly pierced through the opponent’s planet, and the opponent bowed their head.” “Your two-way foil turned the opponent’s planet into a piece of paper, and you frightened them.” This story uses technology to break through all sorts of Supernatural Civilizations. Sorry, my English is average, so forgive me if there is a mistake. The later chapter will have better quality, The cover art is from: Cole_Thomas_The_Course_of_Empire_The_Arcadian_or_Pastoral_State_1836

Sokdavid · Sci-fi
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447 Chs

Final Declaration

 It's not just the Endless Star Territory, the Devil is also very clear about this. So last night, many Lords held a negative attitude to whether or not to fight in advance. Although they have a Grand Array that is much stronger than the Demon Queen, in the eyes of the Lords, the weapon made by Jiang Fan is impossible to escape. If this problem is not solved, on the battlefield, they will be apprehensive. They gotta defend against that weapon at all times and it can appear from nowhere.

But out of trust in the Dread Lord, no one dared to ask this question. Such a simple question, the Dread Lord who has always been resourceful, how could it not have occurred to him?

On the battlefield, it is exactly as the Lords expected. After the initial turbulence, the groups of Demons noticeably slowed down as their attention was highly focused. Around the 3 Grand Demons, there are also many Legions around staring around all the time, especially the sky. On the contrary, they didn't care so much about the three Grands in front of them.

Seeing this scene, from the Endless Star Territory, many spectators smiled knowingly.

"You said..." A spectator thought for a while and said, "Will the Devil use the Legions as a shield to fend off Jiang Fan's weapon?"

"They should have planned that way, but..." Another spectator smiled lightly and said, "If it's that easy to block that kind of weapon won't be so scary."

Compared to the previous days of the War, today's spectator atmosphere seems more relaxed. Many people are chatting and laughing with each other.

"Kill-!" The 3 Grand Creatures took the lead in charging while the Legions followed behind. Since it is an important battle, it's impossible to stay behind.


The Grand Creatures and the Grand Demons slammed into each other.

Jiang Fan watched with interest. Such a big matchup, it's quite rare. Even the Deputy Palace Lord and Higher-Ups, in their lifetime, saw it once. If not for this level of War, this kind of Grand Array will not dispatched at all. The team of Scientists of the Imperium Military are also watching carefully.

"Level 4." A Scientist said in a very positive tone: "This is definitely beyond Level 3 of combat power."

On the battlefield, the fighting was extremely fierce. While the Grand Creatures and the Grand Demons fight each other, the other Legions also fight with each other. Soon, the whole battlefield, there were fierce fighting. The speed of loss is far more than the previous days. But as expected before the war, because of the fear of the 'Emperor' that may come at any time, the 3 Grand Demons fought carefully.

And to protect the Grand Demons, around them, there were a bunch of troops that acted as a shield. This greatly affected the Demon Army, they changed from offense to defense. The combat power is much weaker than the Endless Star Territory, which was suppressed and beaten before.

"What-!" A Demon Legion was besieged by 2 Endless Star Territory Legions, and they got severely injured.

In an instant, the aftermath on the field broke to pieces. Although the strength of the Legion is comparable to Level 4, the units inside are only Peak Level 3. On this battlefield, it's hard to survive. Once the Array is broken, the unit inside has almost no chance of survival.

Over time, it appears frequently in the Demon Legion. The Endless Star Territory has also paid a corresponding price, but now it is a life for a life. Naturally, it is more beneficial to the Endless Star Territory.

As the battle got heated up, the scene was extremely tragic. Each legion seemed to have red eyes, as from ten in the morning, the fight continued until two o'clock in the afternoon. Both sides lost many Legions and rivers of blood flowed on the battlefield. A powerful creature that is rarely seen in ordinary times, here their corpses are everywhere. It was startling to see.

But at the center of gravity of the battlefield, the 3 Grands on both sides are fighting each other too closely, so Jiang Fan never finds a good chance to launch the 'Emperor'. But this time, the Higher-Ups are no longer worried, following this trend, victory is only a matter of time.

On the Devil's side, not just worrying, the Lord is restless. They all looked up at the Dread Lord sitting above.

The Dread Lord tapped the arm of the chair three times with his right hand and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "It's time, it's time to teach the Endless Star Territory a hard lesson, none of them would have thought of it."

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