
Bronze Leaf

Ordinary guy, ordinary accidental destruction of his universe, ordinary rebirth in a family of ordinary shinobi. This ordinary story will describe the life and death of an ordinary man who became a politician by the will of circumstances, and did not lose his humanity in the process.

uchiha_izuna97 · Anime und Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 17

Shinobi Academy. Examination Day. 


What would happen if thirty active children were gathered in a classroom? Confusion, chaos and total destruction of everything! But only if the children in this room are not taking an exam, in which case you can hear a ringing tense silence, which is broken only by the squeak of pen nibs on parchment. Sometimes you can hear the whispering of a careless student trying to get through to his neighbor to tell him how to answer this or that question. 


The questions were childish to me. Seriously, would there really be a fool who wouldn't pass something like that the first time? I doubt it.


  Having deduced the last answer, I looked around.


  (Int) Knowledge : 1% vs. 56% - Success. Next turn - 10 min. 


  Name: Inuzuka Tsume

  Rank: academy student

  General level: 9

  Attitude: Rivalry. Attraction. Friendship. 


-Shinobi  - Taijutsu 4ur.

-Shinobi  - Ninjutsu 1ur.

-Shinobi  - Bukijutsu 1ur.

-Sniffer  {Premium Class} 3ur.

Worldview: Orderly-Good.

Status: Desperate.


"Wait. Didn't she learn anything?" - Appreciating 'Desperate' thought I. 


"What a fool!" - continued the thought. The last thing she needed was to fail the exam. She could even be stripped of her princess status for something like that! What was she thinking?

With a glance in the direction of the supposedly sightless teacher, I risked folding the seals under the desk and used Illusory Cloning, but made the clone appear in me. 


"Noticed!" - I realized from the teacher's sly look. But there's no choice. If I don't help her, Tsume will fail, and who knows what consequences that failure will bring. 


Folding the concentration seal at a moment when the teacher was supposedly casually distracted by another student.




Henge is a very unusual technique, although it is an illusion, it has nothing to do with genjutsu. You can actually change your appearance. You can even turn into stone. The problem with the technique is that it is very difficult to keep the image of the desired object in your mind and interact with the world. The technique also requires constant feeding, but for me it is not critical, because I have quite a lot of chakra.


Turning my illusory clone into a gnat. I'm getting reports of a successful Shape Shifting skill, if the percentage didn't go through, I'd fail. This kind of jutsu, although it usually requires 5-10% skill, can sometimes fail if I'm tired and hungry. 


The fly under my control flew up to Tsume's parchment. Inuzuka stared dumbly at the couple of questions she'd been able to answer, and was probably thinking something bad now. 


Henge once more. The fly turned into an exact replica of the parchment, covering the real parchment. 


Tsume saw what I had written to her. She looked in my direction with gratitude and scribbled with her pen, tracing the answers. 


Twenty minutes later, our parchments were collected and the ninjutsu exam began.


  You passed the written test! 

Mission accomplished! 

+1000 experience

Assignment received: 

Pass the ninjutsu exam - Rank D+.


It's simple. Anyone can use Illusory Clone or Henge to pass.


For the sake of order, I ran a glance over my friends.


" You've got to be kidding me!" 


Although I still couldn't see Kushina's data until now, but here I don't even need to look at it to realize the extent of her desperation. 


The first to go, as the smartest (nerd), was Minato. He didn't have any problems.


I, on the other hand, moved stealthily toward Kushina.


The girl is still reeling from the death of her grandmother, and she needs support more than ever. She shouldn't fail this exam at all! She may not be called anything other than "Rising Star of Fuinjutsu" now, but if she makes a mistake once, that's it. Those who previously exalted her will unleash a barrage of criticism on the girl, and she's still in a state of apathy after the demise of her relative. The pressure is intense! 


Justifying my kindness, I asked Kushina a question:


- Henge or Bunshin? 


Kushina, almost crying, gave out:


  - I can't do Illusory Cloning! I used to be able to do it, Tebane! But now because of... I can't do it anymore! - Koushina was crying about something she was hiding.


- Biju (Shit!), don't worry. I'll help you, but don't think it's for nothing! You'll owe me. Go ahead, the sooner you turn it in, the better. 


So much hope in her eyes, and most importantly she didn't ask me how I would do it, she just believed in me. That's the kind of trust a friend inspires. 


"Fine. So what if I get caught, I'll have to sit in the academy for another year. But I'll be able to refine my Toxic Claws, and I'll be able to level up to 12, like I wanted to," I reassured myself before cheating. 


Another fly, this time replacing the inscription of the ticket that Kushina had drawn. 


Instead of Bunshin no Jutsu, there was Henge no Jutsu. 

The teacher burned me again, but again remained silent, only slyly shooting a half-smile in my direction. 


Kushina had no trouble transforming herself into a teacher, and when she got the highest score, she looked at me appreciatively, which displeased most of the girls in the class. Inuzuka was especially displeased. 


I calmed myself with the fact that even if the girls had a crush on me, they would soon forget, especially considering the fact that once we started our ninja activities, there would be no time for "affairs". Because of my peculiarities, I did not want the close attention of the clans, and there was no one from our class I had high feelings for, because these girls are still very young. When they grow up, then I'll think about it. 


After using the clone, I got the highest score and prepared to take the last exam, which it looked like no one would take after us. The education reform was coming, and the taijutsu exam would be abolished. 


  You passed the ninjutsu exam!

Mission accomplished! 

+1000 experience

Assignment received: 

Pass the taijutsu exam - Rank D+.


"Wow, they're giving me a lot of experience! Soon I'll reach level 11," I marveled at the teacher's generosity. Or maybe it's because of the hopes they have for us. After all, the most gifted graduating class in the last twenty years, as all ninjas say. 

We went out to the training ground and prepared to take the exam. In the taijutsu exam, the main thing is not to win, but to show the teacher your skills and knowledge of the discipline. This is the most ambiguous exam, because the teacher will decide. If you have a conflict with him, the chance of failing is high. Thank Rikudo, I didn't have a conflict with my teacher. 


  I breathed a sigh of relief. None of his friends had any problems. Kushina danced quietly with Mikoto for five minutes. Both showed a high knowledge of their clan style. Fugaku battled Minato, and of course put the blond man down. Still, an Uchiha with an awakened sharingan was trouble. Minato tried his best, showing everything he was capable of and beyond. Except that there's no way that Leaf Style can be compared to Uchiha Taijutsu - Spark Vaporization. Even I'm not sure I could show anything against Fugaku. At least not right now. 


And now it was my turn. My opponent was also an Uchiha, but from an outside family. According to Fugaku, he was a half-breed, and if he did well before he turned 18 and awakened the sharingan, he would be honored with a wife, a half-breed Uchiha who would be picked up later, to be the youngest family in the Clan, and his children would be recognized as "true Uchiha. 


In this way, the Uchiha are injecting fresh blood into their family. 


I didn't talk to this boy with dark blue hair, and I didn't even hear him during lessons and breaks. He sat quietly in the corner, completely unnoticeable and unwilling to communicate with anyone. 


He had not yet awakened the Sharingan, as seen by his status, but had a high level, indicating constant training. 


  Name: Uchiha Torio

  Rank: Academy Scholar 

  General level: 8

  Attitude: Indifference


-Shinobi  - Taijutsu 2nd level.

-Shinobi  - Bukijutsu 2nd grade

-Shinobi  - Kenjutsu 3rd level.

-Shinobi  - Ninjutsu 1st level. 

Worldview: Chaotic - Neutral

  Status: Healthy.


And even though his stats weren't very impressive. His chakra level wasn't high, but he had more Strength than me, and Dexterity was 1 unit less than my value of that characteristic. 


But characteristics are just characteristics. I don't have any HP bars, one precise hit to the death point and that's it - defeat. 


Don't be arrogant just because my development potential is higher. Even Madara and Hashirama were killed! 


The teacher counted down the time. We bowed to each other properly.


- Fight! - Sensei gave the signal. 


He came at me like a hurricane, shifting back and forth. He was tumbling around and didn't give me time to counterattack. I must say his style is good. It was still the same Uchiha style of Spark Steaming, but without the active Sharingan, it wasn't as effective. Effective - no doubt, effective? Not really. I didn't use my hand-crafted Kumagai style. This taijutsu is good against any kind of opponent, but I don't want to stomp the Uchiha's pride into the dirt by easily defeating him. Why make enemies out of nothing? It's better to fight on equal footing and quietly get my positive score than to show off and make an enemy. 


Except Fugaku had a different opinion on the matter.


- Don't hold back, Aki-kun. Don't look down on Torio! - he suddenly shouted. I haven't forgiven the kiss on the cheek that Mikoto gave me for helping me with that ninjutsu. 


"You asshole!" - I assessed the anger on the face of a slightly pale boy with aristocratic features neighboring the narrow eyes common to islanders. 


The anger and resentment on the moon-faced blue-haired Uchiha's face made it clear that we weren't going to be buddies. 


"Damn Fugaku! Why is he so vindictive? Just a kiss on the cheek. We didn't kiss in French!"


I dodge another jumping leg kick and get into a stance. I begin to move erratically. Our fight turns into a battle between the falcon and the mongoose. 

I catch him on another jump, hitting him right in the stomach. Then I step back and elbow him in the fallen, struggling foe. He manages to block his head, but the force of the blow, multiplied by gravity, knocks him to the ground. He tries to take a breath, but the air was knocked out of his lungs in the fall, and now he can do nothing. The Master stops the fight and declares me the winner.


  +100 experience

  You passed the Taijutsu exam!

Mission accomplished! 

+1000 experience

Level 11 is obtained! 10000/14000 left until the next one

Assignment received: 

Obtain a genin's credential and Konoha Protector - Rank D+ 



I used Kumagai's taijutsu moves, but I didn't use chakra in them, so Fugaku was screwed. Even if he was able to copy my taijutsu, it would still be useless to him, because without chakra reinforcement, without special strikes and chakra coverings, it's just an ordinary movement technique. Foot movements, that's all. 


"There are friends with whom no enemies are necessary," came the thought. 


Fugaku's not a bad guy, but he's a vindictive bastard! 


I give my hand to Torio, he behaves properly, accepts my help. 

- Don't feel sorry for me," the battered Uchiha said shortly. Without another word, he walked away. 


"Weird guy," I thought to myself for some reason. 



At 11th level, Aki put a point into the Bio class.

A class skill has been obtained for the 2nd level of the Bio class:


[Bio: Toxic Claw - Immunity Damage] (x) - Depends on opponent's Yang: Nullifies immunity; reduces immunity by 50%. Lasts 3 hours.