
Bronze Leaf

Ordinary guy, ordinary accidental destruction of his universe, ordinary rebirth in a family of ordinary shinobi. This ordinary story will describe the life and death of an ordinary man who became a politician by the will of circumstances, and did not lose his humanity in the process.

uchiha_izuna97 · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 16

  Uzumaki Mito Mansion. Aki's graduation from the Academy is 4 months away. 


- Mito-sama," Minato jumped up from his chair and bowed deeply to the woman who entered. 

- No need, Minato-kun, we've been having tea parties for a year now. It's practically a tradition, no need for such subservience to an old woman. Don't need it," the elderly Uzumaki smiled faintly. For a second, her face dropped its mask of impassivity, and Minato could appreciate the underlying pain that the woman felt on a daily basis. The boy didn't understand why such an important person was messing around with him, a mere orphan, why she had given him that powerful technique.  Of course, the little genius had his suspicions, because every week, at the tea party, Mito-sama asked him to watch over Kushina. 


Minato was a smart guy and was able to put the facts together. Mito-sama wants to reseal Kyuubi into Kushina-chan!


Minato learned that Mito-sama was a jinchūriki (and who jinchūriki were) by accident, overhearing an old woman talking on the street. After some thought, the boy realized that there seemed to be ways of sealing Kyuubi. He was dumbfounded when he was able to confirm his fantastical hypothesis by getting an affirmative answer from Mito-sama! 


Minato hadn't been so keen on Fuinjutsu before, but after realizing its potential, he was eager to learn it better. But the trouble was, no one was going to teach him. He was not going to learn the art of ninja, but he realized the full potential of Fuin seals, and he realized that no one was going to teach him how to do it. 


And that's when Minato made up his mind. If Mito-sama wanted him to be able to protect Kushina-chan, then he needed strength. Of course, Minato would protect and defend his friend anyway: he liked the red-haired girl's character, her determination. All the qualities he lacked, Minato found in the girl. 


Surprisingly, although Mito-sama didn't bother to teach Minato fuin, she did provide a strong technique. 


It was a challenge, the blond realized. Figuring out the most complicated nin-fuin from scratch was impossible? Not for Minato. Yes, it was difficult, yes, he had neglected some aspects of ninja science, but in almost a year the boy had been able to get close to the foundation of nin-fuin that Mito-sama had given him. 


Even now, as he recounted stories from his school days, Minato was eager to boast about one of the three women he revered and respected. Growing up without a mother's love, Minato looked for it in women who were gentle, kind, and believed in the little genius. 


Mito listened to the boy's words with an undercurrent of hope. Would Minato and Kushina succeed? Would their child receive the purest chakra that so many generations of Whirlpool had longed for? These questions were tearing her up inside. A year, she only needed a year to see her endeavors through, but that was a year Shinigami would not give her. 


Hundreds of generations ago, the Uzumaki embarked on a breeding program that resulted in twelve children carrying the ultimate Uzumaki genome. Nearly perfect children, but the genomes of these twelve lacked the final touch that would turn their ancestors' dream into reality. An adaptive genome that incorporates the best traits of both parents. Uzumakis with Uchiha eyes; Uzumakis who could control their bones; Uzumakis who could use the Mokuto - that was what Whirlpool was aiming for. 


Twelve children with the superior gene. But what to do next? How to make the genome adaptable? Each of the twelve families struggled with this problem in their own way, culminating in the war that destroyed the Whirlpool. Too many kunoichi from other clans were kidnapped on his orders. The result was a wave of hatred that swept away the ancient settlement of Uzumaki. 

And now Mito's path would be the only true one, for only Kushina survived. The last of twelve children, what the future held for her Mito did not know. The old woman could only give her child greatness. Even if the child's last name was different, it wouldn't matter. What mattered was that Uzumaki's will would live on in him or her, as well as in their children and their children's children. 


And for the sake of this dream, Mito will have to plunge her beloved granddaughter into the depths of hatred. The demon will harden Kushina's soul and give her child a great gift. That's funny. The horrible creature that has terrorized the world for millennia will become a second father to the greatest ninja in history, a ninja that could easily rival Rikudo-sanin himself. 


In her reverie, Mito even stopped smelling the wet dog smell that had been haunting her for the past year. The shadows at the edge of her vision also stopped bothering the old woman for a while. 


Nothing lasts forever. Mito's moments of rest were over as well. Something ancient and evil whispered on the edge of hearing. The vague shadows of otherworldly creatures drew attention, but if you looked in their direction, they would cowardly hide in the darkness, only to reappear a few minutes later.  And the smell, it was everywhere. The elderly Uzumaki could smell nothing but it. The wet dog smell was literally everything! 

Setting the mug down with a trembling hand, the woman casually continued chatting with Minato. She liked the boy. Well-mannered, serious, and poised. But she especially liked his Yin. Heavy, massive Yin showed all the genius of the young talent, and Yang was catching up. And even though the boy didn't have much chakra, but its density was already at the level. 


"He'll make a good husband for his granddaughter," Mito confirmed in her thoughts once again. 


This venture could be a success, and there was nowhere to go. Mito had already shown her attitude toward Minato to all concerned, and had made it clear to many who the boy would become. It's important to keep in mind that Minato's husband, Kushina, suited almost everyone. Hiruzen had already sent Jiraiya, a gray-haired fool, to train Minato. 


"Foolish Jiraiya, you were a boy who listened to his benefactor, and you still are. No wonder your granddaughter chose Dan over you. Hiruzen outsmarted himself, he shouldn't have put the little genius in Jiraiya's hands, he's too kind and simple-minded," Mito thought absently. 


  Who knows, maybe this boy will even become someone important, not just one of the two fathers for the Child, but Jiraiya, despite his aversion to politics, is an excellent ninja, and unlike Orochimaru will take care of his charges with all the diligence he can muster. 


Glancing once more into Minato's intelligent blue eyes, she shook her head affirmatively in her mind. A good husband and father to the child, a very good one. And most importantly he would survive, because who in their right mind would take on a student of one of the three strongest ninja in Konoha. Everyone wants to live. 


There were two other guys in Kushina's company besides Minato, Uchiha Fugaku and Kumagai Aki. The former was an Uchiha (which is a diagnosis, since Uchiha are very shy) and was already engaged, while the latter was infertile. And if Kushina and Fugaku had nothing against Kushina's and Fugaku's socializing, then things were not so clear with the visibly handsome Aki. It is worth considering that Aki will be a strong shinobi, for this there are all preconditions - genius, good proportions of Yin and Yang in chakra, which will allow him in the future to master the element "Yin and Yang", a very appreciable stock of chakra, as well as a developed source and the most important teacher, capable to polish his talent, is available. It is none other than Kato Dan, Tsunade's husband. A friendship with such a promising shinobi would be very beneficial to Kushina, but here's the trouble, Aki is bijou charming! If Kushina becomes infatuated with him, she'll be in trouble. 


Mito had told the little girl about Aki's inferiority, of course, but there was nothing else she could do. Forbidding Kushina from associating with the boy was practically putting her in his hands. 


The rest of the day passed under heavy thoughts and pleasant conversation with the little genius. The last month of Mito's life was nearing its end, and there was still so much to be done, so much to be achieved. She had yet to live and live, because by Uzumaki's standards, Mito hadn't even lived half of her allotted time! But the smell of wet dog was getting stronger, the whispers louder, and the shadows thicker....


  City Hospital Aki's graduation from the Academy is 1 month away. 


A beautiful blonde with gorgeous breasts was leafing through my mom's medical book. The transcriber uncle was reading the data obtained after examining my mom with the help of a special medical seal. 


Everyone was silent, busy processing the data. Uncle and Tsunade-sama have been working on the problem of the mangled chakra channels in my hip and shoulder for a couple of years now. I don't know why Tsunade-sama is helping our family, but I don't believe her words, "This is an interesting challenge that will help me hone my iryeninjutsu." We have plenty of such tasks in Konoha, but the best in Ireninjutsu decided to help mom. Even four days after Senju Tsunade-sama had given birth, she came to her mother's checkup as if nothing had happened. 

I don't know why she is helping us, but I will remember that help and I will return kindness for kindness. 


- Well," my uncle chewed his lips. The old man had given up, but he was doing well, not showing it, but I, who could see the statuses, could not be fooled: his uncle was having a hard time, practically squeezing chakra out of his hearth. His hearth had already begun to fade, and now only his irienin skills would determine how long his uncle would last. 

It's hard, it's incredibly hard to see those you love fade away. It's even harder to be unable to help them.  Sometimes I want to give up on my training plan and go deeper into iryeninjutsu, but common sense prevents me from doing so. At least eight years of intensive training and ten levels separates me from the A rank of the iryenin profession, and to help them I need to be at least S rank, level 20 in iryeninjutsu, and able to trigger a fading chakra fire. 


All I can do is grit my teeth, train, gain experience, and carry the will of my uncle, father, and mother into the future, to do what they expect of me - to become strong enough not to be afraid to start a family! And later, to get the title of Hokage, to be at the helm of village politics and prevent the tragedies that every generation of Konoha ninja will experience. 


- Damn Sobaku! - Tsunade suddenly slammed her fist on the table, tossing her medical book aside.


The table exploded with a clatter of splinters.


- Hush girl, hush," the uncle scratched his goatee and glanced disapprovingly at the sleighman. 


My mother and I were sitting in the presence of the big shot as usual, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. The penultimate Senju was known for her hot temper. Who knows what that woman might do if she misunderstood what you said? It's better to keep quiet. 


- I'm sorry," Tsunade-sama's cheeks suddenly reddened as she remembered she wasn't alone in the room. 


- All right. Uh-huh. I guess I should just tell it like it is. Hotaru-chan. We can't give you back your arm, only your leg, and the chakra channels will have to be developed from scratch, and the amount of chakra channels will be less than usual. Also, every time you use chakra, it'll be unbearably painful. That's the best we can do. I'm sorry," his uncle breathed out. 


I put my hand over my mom's palm, wanting to comfort and reassure her. 


- I understand. Don't blame yourself, Fukui-san, Senju-sama. That poison was very strong, I was lucky to be alive... The only one of my group..." Mom said, barely holding back tears. 


I'm squeezing my mom's hand. She still has nightmares, though not as often as before. I try to cheer Mom up, but she needs the support of a man who will be gentle with her in addition to her son. Hopefully, when she gets her leg back, she'll be able to find someone. Mom is still very beautiful, kind and sweet. I don't believe there won't be a man who won't be flattered by her outer beauty and later be enslaved by her inner beauty. 


Tsunade-sama bit her lip and turned away, beginning to sort through her papers. 

Having approved the time of the operation to graft the donor leg (there were many "donor" organs left after the war), we said goodbye to the irienins and slowly headed home. 


- Mom, I'm with you. You'll see, you'll be proud of me," I say seriously to my mom in the hallway. 


A bright smile was my answer.


On my way out of the hospital, I unexpectedly ran into a red-haired beast. 

- You! What are you doing, Tebane? Are you sick? - Kushina asked me a lot of questions. But as soon as her gaze found my mom, the girl abruptly stopped talking and shyly ducked her eyes. What a good girl.


- Mom, let me introduce you to the Academy's most flighty and naughty student, Uzumaki Kushina-chan! 


- I'm not naughty! - Koushina threw a glare at him. 


- She also dyes her hair. Look what an unnatural color, can a person be born with such hair? - I asked, looking at my mom questioningly. 


- Oh, you're a talker. Don't embarrass the girl, Aki," Mom laughed. 


- Forgive my brat, Kushina-chan. He's always like that in public, but in private, my boy is charming.


Kushina stared at my mother in surprise. It's rare to find an adult who allows himself to behave so openly with children. It's rare to find an adult who can be so open with children. 


My mom, on the other hand, loves children, speaks to them as equals, and her smile is kind and friendly. It was no wonder that Kushina, like Minato, was so embarrassed the first time she met my mom. 


There are people to whom children are drawn, they feel the kindness and decency of these people. And mom is one of those people. 


- Kushina-chan, would you like to come over to our house? We're having honey doughnuts today. I made them myself. 


The scowling man accompanying Kushina shook his head disapprovingly:

- Kushina-sama, you need to be examined. You've already taken too long. And you shouldn't hang out with any..." After giving her mother and I a disdainful look from a superior man, the shinobi led the girl away. I remembered his face. No one dares to look at me or Mom with contempt! 


- Aki, let's go," noticing something in my gaze, my mom took my hand and led me towards the house. 


- Let's go! I can't wait to eat doughnuts! - I said cheerfully.


"We'll see who's scum here, you bastard!" - The fire of anger burned in me. 

I felt that Concentration should have worked, but I didn't wish for such a thing. I don't know how I did it, but I refused to use that skill in this situation. That anger is needed, it's useful as motivation in today's workout.