
Bronze Leaf

Ordinary guy, ordinary accidental destruction of his universe, ordinary rebirth in a family of ordinary shinobi. This ordinary story will describe the life and death of an ordinary man who became a politician by the will of circumstances, and did not lose his humanity in the process.

uchiha_izuna97 · Anime und Comics
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45 Chs

Chapter 15

  Shinobi Academy. 


- World War! - Sensei shouted instead of greeting, having just entered the classroom. 

To say we were frightened is an understatement. I couldn't even concentrate! 


- Scared? Hehe, don't worry, it's a peaceful world, if you can say that about our world. Heh-heh-heh," Komatsu-sensei began his lecture in his own way. 


- Ahem. So, the World Shinobi War. The term "World Shinobi War" was coined a decade or so ago. In the days of the Clan Wars, the scale of these wars was not what it used to be. Clans argued among themselves for territory and resources, and there was a lot of bloodshed, but it was spread thinly over the whole Epoch. There were no one-time heavy casualties. 


We listened attentively. History is a very interesting thing, but, to my deepest regret, it is practically not taught at the Academy. So the main events of the past days and the names of the most important personalities involved in these events. 


- Everything changed with the creation of Gakure no Sato. The First World Shinobi War broke out unexpectedly, it was a terrible time for Konoha, our village was on the verge of destruction! The alliance of the four great villages was about to descend upon us, only the competent work of spies helped us to survive, but the enemies had their way. The war was not about resources or territory, so who can tell me why Gakure no Sato united against us? 

A couple of people in the class raised their hands. I knew the reason, but I didn't want to answer. I was lazy. 


- Raiji-kun, would you be so kind," the teacher of one of the townsfolk asked. 


- They were afraid of Senju Hashirama-sama. The First Hokage had great power and could control the Senju. That's why we were challenged.


- Exactly. Biju are not just huge monsters with endless chakra, they are huge monsters with chakra that is incredibly poisonous to all living things! Back in the days when these monsters roamed the earth and parted the oceans, no one was safe in our world. Hundreds of thousands died every year because Biju simply walked by, poisoning crops and water with his chakra. And Hashirama-sama had the power to control all nine Biju! Of course, his power was only limited to sealing the monsters, but the villages didn't know that. 


- In one of the battles, Hashirama-sama fell, and his brother Tobirama-sama took responsibility for our village. Thanks to his foreign policy, the Gakure no sato were able to divide among themselves and avoid a tragedy," he said, thinking about something. 


- The First World War can be divided into three phases: The first was the alliance of the Four Great Villages against Konoha, and the second, the bloodiest, was the War of All Against All. It was chaos, no one knew what was going on, where were the enemies and where were the allies. It is this phase is considered the First World War in other countries.  And the third, protracted, phase is a period of time of armed neutrality, when active hostilities came to naught, but peace was not concluded. This phase was the cause of the outbreak of World War II. It was very long, and trade during this period of time came to a standstill, and famine broke out in many countries. After the long-awaited peace, the situation for some countries deteriorated even more. For example, the food supply to Suna had all but stopped, and this forced the Great Country to launch a campaign to seize fertile land. The Wind Country invaded our ally's territory, forcing us into a confrontation.

"Also, Suna is characterized by population explosions, and if Suna got a surplus of food, in a couple of years, it would break into the lead," I added mentally. 

Next Sensei went over the geography of fighting during World War II, for obvious reasons, the geography of World War I was not considered (there was real chaos then). 


At the end of the class, I was suddenly given a +1 to Knowledge. That was the end of the last class of the penultimate year. 


I was so excited that I wanted to tease my roommate.


- Hrrr-few," Tsume was safely asleep, sprawled out on the desk. 



  Unknown Jonin's house -> Hokage Tower. 


Jonin is the elite ninja of his village. He is the first to enter battle and the last to cover the retreat of his comrades. Jonin is a great honor to become one. Ninjas who bear such a title have proven their abilities in practice.

Jonin - Tempered in the blood and fire of enemy jutsu, these death machines sow death on the battlefield. Their strength varies from ninja to ninja.  Even the lowest ranked jounin can defeat up to five strong jounin, all things being equal! The elite of their village, but even among them there are those who are head and shoulders above the rest - S rank. You can count the number of these uniques living in Konoha on the fingers of one hand. They are capable of single-handedly destroying entire armies and countries. It is from the S-ranked Jonin that the Hokage is chosen. 


And now one of these death machines was being slapped by his beloved wife, who chased the poor man out of the house in the rain in the evening. No doubt it was his own fault, he delayed, he didn't do everything in time, but that's no reason for abuse! 


He tried to intercept his wife and take her fervor to another plane, but unfortunately, Honey was also in a hurry to get to work. She had the evening shift. 


- You've already dragged it out to the point of impossibility! I told you, instead of beating around the bush, you should have thanked his wife and son a long time ago," his beloved told him. 


He admired the angry face of his soulmate. How could he have lived without her before? Had the day been as bright before they met? Of course not! It was his beloved who gave him what the great shinobi lacked - love and happiness. 


"How can I explain that I'm embarrassed to show my face to them for so long, and yet it was Kumagai-san who saved my life back then..." - he thought gravely. His wife, however, understood him without words and only mussed his long hair, which she loved so much for its unusual color. 


Of course he sent money to the family of his savior, but could money be a substitute for a husband and father? You can make excuses about his being in a coma for the first year after that unfortunate night, but they are empty words that an aching heart will not believe. And that's why He was afraid. 


Tell who, but one of the strongest jonin in his village was afraid to look into the woman's eyes and see hatred in them. And yet he remembered her, Kumagai-san showing a picture of his wife-a kind smile and equally kind eyes. 

- Pansy," his wife buried her head between her treasures. He felt the tantalizing scent of her body, and his hand reached for his beloved's breasts. But a savory slap brought him back to the harsh reality. We must go. 


Neither he nor even his wife could give Kumagai Hotaru back an arm and a leg, but at least he could take care of her son. 


Soon Jonin, jumping from rooftop to rooftop, was rushing toward the Hokage Tower. He was about to begin the next Jonin Council, and at the end of it, he would express his desire to take over next year's genin team. 


He was a little late. He nodded hello to the acquaintances who saw him coming and listened to the topic under discussion. 


There were no important topics for today, as usual a couple of speakers complained about the low rate on B rank missions, and it was indeed quite low. It's more profitable for jonin to take a few C ranks or take a chance on an A rank than to waste their time on B ranks for a low rate. The Hokage's representative (the Hokage himself was now in the capital of the Fire Nation) had promised to "investigate and punish those involved," but He doubted he'd go beyond idle talk. If the paper was properly drawn up and signed by the senior councilors, then the matter would move forward. He was thinking of taking care of the problem himself, organizing everything and pushing for an increase in the percentage of pay for B-rank missions, but later, when he was more or less back in shape. 


A little later the new members of their fraternity were introduced, only D rank Jonins so far, but they were still young and He had no doubt they would be successful. 


Toward the end of the council, the person in charge dismissed all but those who wished to take a team this year or next. 


Gradually, the people began to disperse. He had time to exchange a few words with acquaintances, to endure the teasing about the prolonged honeymoon (they were jealous), but the teasing was not malicious. He felt that his return to work was welcome. 


  There were three others in the hall besides him, and one of the three was someone with whom he did not get along well for a clear reason. 


- Ho? Eagle decided to take on the Genii? Congratulations, ha-ha-ha-ha, you must be really tired of it, if the loner Eagle decided to take the team! - A large man with a mane of white hair laughed and patted him on the shoulder. 


"Too loud," It wasn't that He disliked one of the Legendary Sanin trio, Jiraiya-san, the reason for the wary attitude was otherwise. 


In addition to Jiraiya, there were still a few young jonin unfamiliar to Him.

"They probably became Jonins during my recovery," thought the twenty-nine year old man. 


Jiraiya did not disappoint. He was expressive and boisterous, telling stories of his turbulent youth, completely oblivious to the fact that he was talking to a peer. No wonder he looked so young. 


According to Sanin, because he does not have such a beautiful wife, he has to get sophisticated and take a team of geniuses. And the noisy man also said that he would write books and would definitely give Him one copy with a signature.

The apotheosis was the envious stares of the other three ninjas present in the room. 


- Ahem. I'm sorry, Jiraiya-san. My wife shouldn't worry in her position, so I want to finish my business as soon as possible and return home. 


- Teehee, I'm so jealous! - Jiraiya almost cried, but he calmed down, as if he'd shed his fool's mask. He noticed the change in Sanin's demeanor, but he couldn't vouch for the others in the room. 

- Well, I, the Great Toad Sanin of Mount Moboku, have come to take on an apprentice! - Sanin dumbfounded everyone present. 


It should be said that taking a command and taking an apprentice are not the same thing! Genins may not become disciples of Jonin, he may just be a temporary commander, but he may not show Intent toward them and pass on his Will. Another thing, when you take a disciple, you immediately show Intention towards them and commit to teach them everything. The Master is responsible for his Apprentice even when he is not on missions or training. This is a very important step for a ninja, because Apprentices are practically your children. 


And now Sanin, a Jonin of SS rank has expressed a desire to take on an apprentice. I wonder who it will be? Even the Jonins would be jealous of the lucky one, because it was a direct path to the elite. To put it bluntly, even the child of an ordinary citizen can be raised into a strong Jonin with the right approach. Sanin's approach certainly couldn't be wrong with his experience.


- Have you chosen a student yet? - The Hokage representative asked dumbfounded. 

- Not yet. I'll watch the kids over the course of the year and choose," Jiraiya said with a grin:


- But the one I choose will be mine! Don't you try to steal him! - He pointed a finger in his direction. Jiraiya


- I'm sorry, Jiraiya-san, but if you don't mind, I also have the intention of taking one Kumagai Aki from the first senior class as an Apprentice," he smiled harmlessly. 


Jiraiya quacked. Exhaled. 


- Still blaming yourself? You're not Rikudo, Eagle, so thank heavens you're still alive.


- I thank you every day, Jiraiya-san. Every morning when I see the eyes of my beloved, I praise Heaven," he said as he went through the paperwork.


- Will you pick the other two yourself? - The clerk asked. 


- No, I have complete confidence in the choice of specialists.


It must be said that specialists in creating genin teams do not eat their bread for nothing. Especially for the elite genin graduating from the Academy. He himself was unlikely to pick a better team than the specialists who did it most of the time. 


Already leaving the room, He asked the paperwork-filling Jiraiya:


  - Jiraiya-san, I am no longer Anbu, no longer Eagle, but a simple ninja - Kato Dan," he waved goodbye to the sanyin.


In a year, he can start paying off his life debt. We need to be prepared.

Dan is a very consistent man and, having decided to take the genin team, he rushed to study the matter comprehensively. Now Kato was on his way to the library to borrow a book on the nuances of puberty behavior in children. He decided to become a student teacher in all matters. Kato Dan is a very consistent and responsible person.....