
Brokenhearted: The Billionaire Begs For A Second Chance

Divorced by her husband due to her barren state, Ava found herself on a hospital bed with bandages wrapped over her head. She was discovered pregnant right in the hospital some moments after the divorce. With her heart firm and resolute, she traveled out of the country to pursue her dream course as a lawyer. One year later, she came back fully successful and transformed, with two babies in her hands. She had a major case to defend, and her opposing client turned out to be her ex-husband, the source of her pain and trauma, and also, her first love. Will the love in her heart overshadow her hatred for him? Or will she throw away all her love for him and destroy him for what he made her pass through? Join Ava on this masterpiece of love and emotions as the billionaire begs for a second chance.

Roqeeb_Abiodun · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Lincoln was agonized as Ava's blood filled the whole area. He shook in fear at the thought that he might have murdered someone. He hurriedly placed his ear on her chest and was relieved at the faint heartbeats he could hear.

"To the hospital, now!" Lincoln screamed, while the driver hurriedly got the car ready. They drove at the highest speed to the hospital. He never knew he actually cared for Ava this greatly, he felt as if his heart was pierced by a sharp object as he watch Ava in such a critical condition.

They got to the hospital not quite long after, and Ava was rushed to the ward immediately.

Lincoln paced the reception and prayed that Ava would make it out alive.

The theater door opened, and a doctor walked out.

"How's she? Is she all right?" Lincoln asked, his voice was shaking.

"She had lost too much blood and would need a blood transfusion now. I will have to go and attend to her." The doctor said and moved away from Lincoln's sight.

"Why are you so concerned about her? I thought you did not love her?" Tabitha asked suspiciously.

"Can't you see I am on the verge of facing a jail term? If she dies, do you think you will enjoy your marriage and life as the billionaire's wife? Besides, she is still my wife and I ought to protect her." Lincoln bellowed, ensuring that no one heard him, so he wouldn't be accused of murder. His eyes, mind, all parts of his body displayed different levels of fear and agony as he trembled.

"I truly hope it's because of that," Said Tabitha as she walked out of the reception, even though Lincoln's last statement made her furious.

The clock ticked and hours passed by before the door opened again. The doctor came out again but with a smile on his face this time around.

"We've stabilized her condition, she should wake up soon, she will be fine." The doctor said,

Lincoln was extremely happy. He thanked the doctor and made the necessary payments for the treatment.

"Let's go home!" Tabitha said, startling Lincoln. She seemed to suddenly appear as soon as the doctor confirmed Ava's safety.

"I should wait till she wakes up," Lincoln argued, his heart raced as he awaited his wife's consciousness.

"Why should we wait? We've done our part by ensuring her well-being and paying for her treatment. Remember you were about to divorce her," Tabitha shouted, staring fiercely into Lincoln's eyes.

"And I am pregnant with your child. Do you want to lose me? You know that means you will be forfeiting your inheritance to your brother." She continued, carefully choosing words that could alter Lincoln's thinking faculty, so he could go home with her. She whispered some sweet words into Lincoln's ears and stressed on his inheritance which was at stake.

"You are right. First things first. Since she's okay now, then it's time to finalize my divorce with her." Lincoln said, searching through his pockets, before letting out a sigh.

"Are you looking for this? I couldn't possibly forget to bring them along." Tabitha smirked, she took out the divorce papers with a bitter smile plastered on her face.

"Since she is still unconscious, we can make a thumbprint of her finger there, it still counts as her signature," Tabitha said, and Lincoln agreed to it.

They both went inside and pressed Ava's finger on the ink and then on the paper, while they both smiled at each other, kissing each other right in front of Ava, who lay unconsciously. Lincoln felt a sharp pain in his heart as he stared at Ava one last time.

"Did I really make the best decision by divorcing her?" He thought within himself.

"I will be on my way now, I will call her brother to come and stay with her," Lincoln said to the receptionist and went straight to his car and drove off. He sent a message to Ava's brother, informing him of his sister's condition.

A car rushed into the hospital's compound and a young man scrambled out of the vehicle, running straight to the reception center. He was Ava's younger brother, Jim.

"Ava Smith! She was admitted here." Jim screamed immediately as he got to the receptionist. The receptionist consulted the computer and directed him to his sister's ward.

He ran straight to the ward and met his sister still lying unconscious, with a bandage tied on her head.

He sat beside her and held her hand while Ava woke up immediately. She glanced at her surroundings, while memories of her being pushed by Lincoln flashed through her mind.

"Jim? Where's Lincoln?" Ava asked instantly.

"He left. He said he had finalized the divorce, and you shouldn't bother anymore about him." Jim replied, rubbing her hands gently, so he could calm her down a bit.

"I didn't sign the papers, we didn't finalize any divorce." Ava cried, her pulse racing with a greater speed.

Jim showed him the message Lincoln sent to him, as well as the copy of the divorce agreement he had left for her.

Ava's heart shattered, she couldn't believe her husband could leave her alone in such a critical condition, and she couldn't believe even more that he still had the heart to sign the papers while she was in pain and trauma.

She begged for Jim's phone and placed a call across to Lincoln.

"Did you leave me alone while I was still unconscious?" She asked as soon as he picked up, but Lincoln kept quiet.

"Yes, he did. It was your deaf ears that birthed your current predicament. Had you signed the documents when he told you to, you wouldn't have hit your head against the floor and been hospitalized." Tabitha spat out angrily, when she noticed Lincoln's reluctance to answer her question.

Ava felt heartbroken, she clutched her fingers tightly and gritted her teeth. She could hear some silent murmurs, and she knew instantly it was Lincoln's mother and sister.

"So, I now sound a great warning to you. I hope our paths never cross as I wouldn't hesitate to humiliate and destroy you, I will ensure I trample on you and get even at you, even if it means destroying myself." Ava screamed, her eyes bloodshot red and fiery.

"Despite my love for you, all I got was a head fully wrapped with bandages while my supposed husband left me in such a critical condition, divorced me, and ran away with another woman."

"And Tabitha, you've caused the most pain in my marriage over the years, now that you are married to him, I wish you all that I passed through in Lincoln's and his family members' hands."

Lincoln and others were astounded, they couldn't utter a word while Ava nagged at them. They were taken aback by her sudden change of behavior. Lincoln couldn't help but wonder if he had not made a grave mistake by divorcing Ava, his heart warmed as he listened to her voice over the phone.

"And every one of your family members, I will make them regret the day they chose to make my life miserable in your house. I pray I do not set my eyes on any of you again, or else, you will be doomed." She finalized and hung up, as she was sure she had sounded enough warnings to Lincoln and his family.

She felt a sharp pain in her stomach as soon as she ended the call, and she growled out loudly while Jim rushed to her aid. The pain escalated, and she screamed more loudly. Blood flowed out of her thighs, as she grabbed her stomach in pain. Jim rushed out to call the doctors, and they hurried inside to attend to her.

"Leave us now!" The lead doctor commanded, while Jim hurried outside.

Several tests were conducted on her, and hours passed by before the door opened again.

"How's she?" Jim asked in despair.

"She's pregnant, but may lose the child!" The doctor said, dropping the bombshell coldly.