
Brokenhearted: The Billionaire Begs For A Second Chance

Divorced by her husband due to her barren state, Ava found herself on a hospital bed with bandages wrapped over her head. She was discovered pregnant right in the hospital some moments after the divorce. With her heart firm and resolute, she traveled out of the country to pursue her dream course as a lawyer. One year later, she came back fully successful and transformed, with two babies in her hands. She had a major case to defend, and her opposing client turned out to be her ex-husband, the source of her pain and trauma, and also, her first love. Will the love in her heart overshadow her hatred for him? Or will she throw away all her love for him and destroy him for what he made her pass through? Join Ava on this masterpiece of love and emotions as the billionaire begs for a second chance.

Roqeeb_Abiodun · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

"Welcome back, dear." Ava blushed as her husband walked into the room, she hurriedly took off his clothes and happily brought the food she had prepared for him.

"I want a divorce," Lincoln said coldly, staring bluntly at Ava, his cold eyeballs emanating an icy aura which terrified Ava.

"What?" Ava exclaimed as she stopped in her steps. She gently placed the food on the table and faced Lincoln, staring lovingly into his eyes. Her heart raced but she tried maintaining her composure.

"You are joking, right? I have prepared your favorite food, hurry and eat before it gets cold." Ava said with a loving voice, gently stroking her husband's beard. His handsome and tall physique was a great joy-giver to her.

"It's not a joke, Ava. It's about time we divorce and go our separate ways." Lincoln retorted, the cold words dropping in a witty manner.

Ava's heart pounded as the words dropped icily out of Lincoln's mouth, her eyelids twitched and her armpits itched. She began to sweat despite the cool air conditioner blowing in the room.

"What's wrong? What did I do to warrant a divorce? We can talk things through without getting a divorce." Ava muttered with a soft tone, she grabbed Lincoln's hand, and her eyes were becoming teary.

"Can't you understand? We've been married for a good five years, and you haven't borne me a child. I am tired. I wouldn't have married you if I knew you were barren." Lincoln screamed, he flung her hand away from his hand and stormed off to the other side of the room, while Ava's heart shattered.

"I am being threatened by my father. If I can't produce a child, then all his fortunes will go to my younger brother. You know that very well, don't you?" He continued, pulled open his bag, and took out some documents.

"But we can still make it happen, we still have time. We will have a good-looking child." Ava pleaded, her voice hinted that she was at the verge of breaking down in tears. She moved to Lincoln's side and knelt in front of him, gently rubbing his knees, while she hoped for a change of mind.

"Don't touch me! Here are the divorce papers. Sign them now. The new wife will be here soon. You should pack your things and move out of the house immediately." Screamed Lincoln, he flipped the documents open and threw them to her side.

"Divorce papers? It hasn't gotten up to that, please." She begged with her teary voice, trying to maintain a loving gaze at Lincoln despite her turbulent mind.

"I have no reason not to divorce you. I simply married you then because of the pressing issue of getting an heir and being the inheritor of my father's properties, and since you have failed to produce me with what I want, I have no reason to keep you by my side." He sighed.

"As for you, you have a lot to lose since all of our support towards your father's company will be withdrawn and his company will be ruined," he concluded.

Ava's entire world crashed at the last statement Lincoln made, she fell backwards and sat dejectedly on the floor. He was right, her marriage with Lincoln was arranged by their families since Ava's father's company was on the verge of collapsing and needed help from another company. Coincidentally, Lincoln needed a wife, so he could be the successor of his father's assets, which were worth billions of dollars. 

"And for your information, the new wife is pregnant and will replace you as the matron of this house as soon as she arrives, you will then be the stranger in the house." Lincoln spat. He stood up from the chair he sat on and headed towards the bathroom.

"Sign the papers respectfully and leave now, or you will be embarrassed when she comes." He said and locked the bathroom door behind him.

Ava felt heartbroken and dejected, especially at the news of the pregnancy. She knew her husband never truly loved her throughout their years of marriage, yet, she was keen on making the marriage better, but her barrenness ruined everything. Was it really over? Especially with the new wife's pregnant status.

"The new wife? It would be none other than Tabitha." She sighed as she glanced across the whole room. Tabitha was Lincoln's love right from the first day. They were so much in love with each other, but fate was against them as Tabitha was outside the country when Lincoln badly needed a wife.

She was extremely shocked when she came back to the country only to hear of Lincoln's marriage.

The design of the whole house was made to Tabitha's taste, her favorite flowers were planted around the house, the building was painted with the combination of her favorite colors, the warm and refreshing scent that lingered around was her beloved and cherished scent, pictures of Lincoln and Tabitha were hung all over the house, even in their private bedroom, everything was perfectly put in place to remind him of Tabitha.

Ava could hear the drops of water from the bathroom, the sound was peaceful and refreshing. Only if her marriage could be as peaceful as that, Lincoln had always embarrassed her, even in front of the housemaids. His family members made matters worse for her. His mother and sister made her life miserable and would stop at nothing to humiliate her. They made her life hell in Lincoln's house. 

The sounds of water drops stopped, and Lincoln went out of the bathroom. He tied a towel around his lower body, leaving his muscular chest and arms naked. Ava swallowed hard at the sight of Lincoln's body. He was hot and handsome.

"I hope you've signed the papers?" Lincoln asked immediately as he reached her side.

"I…" the door flung open, which sent the words back to Ava's mouth. A young woman entered the room, carrying a suitcase and a backpack. It was Tabitha.

"Why is this woman still here? Or does she want to stay as our maid?" Tabitha mocked, she walked into the room proudly, holding her head high with an air of elegance.

"I told you to sign the divorce papers now, sign it now!" Lincoln thundered, his eyes filled with rage, while Tabitha threw a pen to her side.

"No, I won't sign it," Ava screamed, she threw a disgusting look at Tabitha, before finalizing her gaze on Lincoln. An idea struck her mind.

She ran towards Lincoln, grabbed his head, and kissed him deeply. She interlocked her tongue with his' while rubbing his full body with her hands. She ensured Tabitha witnessed the whole scenario as she showcased her dominance and right as the legal and only wife of Lincoln.

Lincoln struggled to free himself from Ava's grip, but she clutched on tightly to him. Tabitha watched in agony as she also tried separating the two, but it was futile. Ava poured all her energy and emotions into the kiss so that even both Lincoln and Tabitha couldn't force her away.

As the struggle continued, Lincoln, with great force, pushed Ava away, which made her stagger backward, hitting her head on the tiled floor, rendering her unconscious while blood gushed out with great force.