

I spent my whole life in luxury, among people who loved me or at least pretended so. I never had to care for anything, all was given to me. From one day to another I became a prince of nothing. A former royalty with no family, no power and no bright hope for the future. Even worse, I was sold as a slave. However I will not give up. I might be young, alone and inexperienced but I will learn to fight for myself, get my revenge and find my own place in this world. … I hope so at least.

KatS2020 · Fantasie
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48 Chs

Chapter 35

I was avoiding the twins and to be honest Lorcan made sure they weren't idle. Sometimes I was asked for assistance doing some translation, which was a nice distraction. During one of those times Lorcan made a weird request.

"Kian, I want you to teach my children."

"Teach? What?" 

"Etiquette. You know like during meals and at balls and parties. I intend to go with them to Gresbourgh next month." 

"One month to teach them all that?" That sounded like an impossible task. 

"It's not that they didn't learn any etiquette at all, they had teachers. All they need is a bit of polishing." Lorcan put all the documents aside and looked at me.

"As you wish my Lord." I bowed a bit. "When do you want me to start?" 

"During the dinner, I will always be present to make sure they focus on the right things." That again.

During dinner for the first time since I came to this castle I made good use of my table manner's knowledge.

"No elbows on the table."

"Before you drink something, chew your food to the end."

"Tod, that's the wrong fork."

"Jay, cut one piece at a time."

"Don't rush, pace with the rest of the guests."

The dinner came to an end and I was happy about it because I felt tired of all that nagging. The following weeks were full of work. I even practiced dancing with the twins making sure Tod was holding his hand in the right position. To be honest all the time I was waiting for Lorcan to tell me I was going with them. I kind of hoped he included me in his plans as well. But nothing. I was teaching the twins during the day and Lorcan fulfilled his needs with me at night. I was quite a practical slave. 

The night before the departure it became crystal clear to me that I was not included, I was supposed to stay here alone. My heart got tight and for a moment I felt really miserable. But then I convinced myself that it could be only for the better. I shall have time for myself and my plans. As soon as Lorcan came in the evening I poured him and myself some wine while sitting on the sofa wrapped in my favorite robe with my hair loose.

"Well I guess we won't see each other since tomorrow. When are you going to come back?" I didn't want to sound bitter but apparently I did because Lorcan sat next to me. He even put my feet on his lap and stroked them lightly. 

"Are you sad?" He asked while warming my feet with his hands. 

"A bit, yes." I admitted that much. 

"We will need a month, my sons will stay in Gresborgh for the whole winter. Gael will take care of them for that time. I'm not going to take you with me because of him." There was a moment of silence. I was waiting for further explanation.

"You do remember that Gael wanted to buy you, he even offered his sword, Lunden."

"Yes, he was drunk back then." I commented indifferently.

"He was but he repeated this same offer before he departed. He was sober then. I think you are better off here, in my castle. I will bring you some nice things if you want." Lorcan bowed and kissed my ankle and calf. 

"I have everything." I flinched a bit when he touched my knee.

Lorcan raised his head.

"Don't hold back Kian. I can buy you anything you want."

I immediately thought about all those flashy clothes. Maybe it was better to order something.

"Some books maybe? I'd like some good read about romance and adventure."

Lorcan smiled.

"Romance, hmm?" He had a very pervy expression on his face so I grabbed his hair and pulled it a bit.

"Who allowed you to stop?"

"At your service." Lorcan was in a mood to go along with me being his master, for a bit. 

I, on the other hand, decided to enjoy it as much as I could, after all Lorcan knew my body perfectly well.

In the morning I decided to stay in bed, I didn't go out and I didn't bid them farewell. I was standing in the window and watching them depart while I was being confined here in this castle. I know it could be worse. I could be sold as a whore or work myself to death in some mine. Yet I couldn't help but feel miserable. 

They left accompanied by a whole cortege consisting of knights and servants. I was left alone. The whole day I stayed in my room, Gelda visited me twice to serve me some food. 

Lorcan told me that they will need about four days to get to Gresbourgh. After almost a whole day of thinking I had a brave idea. I don't have to wait till spring time to make my escape. Right now is a perfect time to do it. The guards here will be less strict and more careless. It might take some time before they even notice that I'm gone. As soon as the guards realize I'm missing they will look for me and send a message to Lorcan. To get to Gresbourgsh and back they will need about eight days. That's quite a lot of time to disappear. 

The next two days I have been very busy. I managed to steal some old clothes from a servant. I also packed quite a few jewels Lorcan gave me. I prepared a warm blanket and solid shoes as well. Finally I managed to find the servant with scarred lips, Andy.

"Andy, I have a big favor to ask you."

He looked at me with a surprise in his eyes.

We had a conversation, well to be precise I was talking and he was listening. We came to some sort of agreement, at least I hoped so.

 Now I had to wait. Every day I was meaninglessly walking around the inner bailey. I sometimes talked to the guards or I just enjoyed the fresh air. After three days a caravane came. I was prepared to get away. My stuff was packed and I felt both anxious and determined.