

I spent my whole life in luxury, among people who loved me or at least pretended so. I never had to care for anything, all was given to me. From one day to another I became a prince of nothing. A former royalty with no family, no power and no bright hope for the future. Even worse, I was sold as a slave. However I will not give up. I might be young, alone and inexperienced but I will learn to fight for myself, get my revenge and find my own place in this world. … I hope so at least.

KatS2020 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

Chapter 36

The door opened and a law scholar she had hired in Kalimin for this occasion rolled in. He was a fat man with a perpetually red face and protruding ears. His name was Bentor, and from what she had learned about him, he was cunning, willing to make concessions in the law, and able to put things in the right light. Today she expected not only his presence but also his skill in presenting the contract proposal in such a way as not to change anything in it.

"My Lady, Prince." The breathless legist bowed awkwardly and then sat down in the place indicated by Setia, satisfied with a moment of rest. He placed all the documents on the table and looked longingly at the wine-filled goblets. Moros took his previous place. A moment later, Timor entered, accompanied by an older man with spiky gray hair and a worried face.

"My Lady, my Prince, I am present at your call." The tone of his voice showed fatigue, but his eyes carefully analyzed each of the people present here.

"Sit down, Marwin, after all, you lived long enough to see me getting married. Today we will write a prenuptial contract." Tendred sat down in the main chair again, wanting to emphasize his position in these negotiations.

"Of course, my Prince, I'm very happy and congratulate you." Marwin looked at Setia and even if he was surprised, he didn't show anything. Timor probably told him everything along the way. He also spread the documents in front of him and after a moment of hesitation he said.

"It is customary for the father to negotiate with the future husband."

"My Lady is unfortunately an orphan." Said Bentor with an expression suddenly turning sad.

"Her younger brother is here with us, but that's the way it is, even a woman has to deal with legal matters today. However, I think that as the future princess of Emfer, she should be privy to everything. This is the role of our rulers." Bentor's expression turned submissive again.

"I understand." Marwin digested this news, but he obviously didn't like it. 

"If the prince is ready, we can begin. I have a standard marriage contract template at home, in which we will make appropriate changes to…"

"If my colleague would kindly excuse me - Bentor smiled almost apologetically "I have already prepared a contract, which will make the work faster." Then he stood up and handed one manuscript to Marwin and the other to the prince, wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief and sat down again.

Marwin was silent, wrinkles appeared on his forehead and the expression on his face showed some nervousness. Eyes quickly scanned the neat lines of text. After a while he said

"If I may, I would like to speak to the prince.

"You're welcome to do so." Setia smiled and gestured to Marvin that he could talk with the prince, at the same time, she made it clear that no one was going to leave.

Marwin gasped, then approached the prince and, whispering quietly in his ear, showed fragments in the text. Tendred nodded, and after a short discussion, the legist returned to his seat.

"So, when it comes to your proposal, we have to make some changes - he said, smiling wryly - first of all, paragraph number 3, which states that after the prince's death, the lady inherits her husband's property and title regardless of whether she has a male heir, we will replace it with a widow's pension."

"Unfortunately, my lord - Bentor looked towards Tendred with a worried face - this record is absolutely necessary. As you can see in point number 8, my lady brings a huge dowry to this marriage, which would enable her to live comfortably for the rest of her days at a level that a widow's pension does not guarantee. So it is only fair to secure her future in such a way that she does not feel anxious now. I would also like to mention here that the Prince is in his prime and we expect many years of health and happiness. My lady is also a young and healthy woman, so there is nothing stopping Naida from giving her numerous offspring."

Tendred was silent for a moment, then nodded in agreement. Marwin continued with a grimace.

"Paragraph number 10, which states that the spouses decide together on how to spend the money from the dowry and the fortress's income. Decisions will be made by the prince himself, as his spouse, and Lady Setia will decide on household expenses."

"This paragraph is non-negotiable. - Setia stopped short, bored with this verbal fencing. She got up from her seat and approached Tendred - This is not a contract proposal, this is its final version."

Bentor lowered his eyes, wiped the sweat from his forehead and the fat of his neck, then humbly folded his hands and sighed. Marwin clenched his jaw and looked at the prince in anticipation. Tendred was furious, she saw him fighting with himself. Moros picked up two goblets, approached Setia and the prince handed the cup first to his sister and then, looking deep into Tendred's eyes, he handed the wine to the Prince.

"Why all these nerves, we all want the same thing. I can't wait until we become a family." Moros smiled, showing dimples in his cheeks and even the white teeth.

In the evening, in her private chambers, Setia, lying on a large four-poster bed, laughed out loud. Moros was sitting on a chair next to her, pouring wine into his glass again.

"Oh, little brother - Setia stood up and looked at Moros - you're quite a wicked weed, you've manipulated my future husband."

"Isn't it exactly why you dragged me here?" Said slightly drunk Moros. 

"I guessed as soon as he shook my hand and started staring at me with sheep's eyes. All I had to do was smile a little and the contract was signed! But don't count on more, I'm not interested in men." He stated firmly.

"Don't worry, you are a free man, the only thing I can advise you, is to take care of yourself now and rather not stay alone with my future husband, especially in dark corridors." Setia, laughing, reached out her hand for a refill of red wine. Moros poured the red drink, but the smile faded from his face.