

I spent my whole life in luxury, among people who loved me or at least pretended so. I never had to care for anything, all was given to me. From one day to another I became a prince of nothing. A former royalty with no family, no power and no bright hope for the future. Even worse, I was sold as a slave. However I will not give up. I might be young, alone and inexperienced but I will learn to fight for myself, get my revenge and find my own place in this world. … I hope so at least.

KatS2020 · Fantasie
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48 Chs

Chapter 30

We returned home before it got dark. I kept thinking about those odd brothers and how obsessed Tod was with me. I took a hot bath to warm up and decided to dress nicely for Lorcan. After all, I made up my mind to pretend I had forgiven him. 

I took out a flashy sparkling outfit, one of those he bought me and even picked some hair ornaments. I wasn't as good as Gelda with pinning hair so I just kind of placed those sparkling hairpins one on each side and let the rest of my hair loose. I was wearing a magenta suit with a brocade collar and cuffs. It was way too much. I sighed and left the room. 

The twins were already in the dining room when I entered.

"Oh my. No wonder dad doesn't put up any decorations here. As long as he has you, this room lacks nothing." Jay smiled.

"You look beautiful." Tod added keeping his eyes glued to me.

"Fuck Kian, you are making my brother even more desperate than he is now." Jay was enjoying the whole situation. Before I managed to say something, Lorcan appeared. He looked at me and then at his two sons. 

"How was the ride?" He asked while sitting down.

"Thrilling." Jay responded immediately.

"Kian is a good rider." Tod added, looking at me from time to time. 

I smiled lightly because I didn't want to say anything else about the ride and the behavior of Tod and Jay. Sitting like that during the dinner made me clear my life will become even more difficult when those twins move here. 

Lorcan and his sons were talking about horses, the new equipment for the guards and training.

The diner finished, the twins were reluctant to part with father so early.

"Kian, go to your room, I will come later. Boys, come with me for some father sons time. We shall have a drink." 

They left and I went back to my room. Right, I wasn't considered a part of this family. Back in my room I took off that magenta thing and put on a robe. Lorcan will come to see me tonight and I will pretend to have feelings for him. I knew Lorcan could be generous if he wished to and cruel if provoked by even the smallest thing. According to what I heard He usually keeps his fuck toys for about three months or so, which means I have a month and then who knows? He might actually give me to his son , sell or let me work as a servant. I felt bad, worthless and cheap. I took off all my clothes and took out that opulent necklace he gave me. I wore it once, when I got it. Lorcan seemed happy to see me in that tacky jewelry so I put it on. I also rubbed some of the scented oil into my hair. I can't believe I'm doing it for that asshole. I slipped under the sheets and decided to wait for him. 

Lorcan came quite quickly, I guess he wanted to claim his reward for a favor the great Lord of the Bridge bestowed on me. 

"Kian.' He called my name gently. I raised myself revealing the necklace I had on me.

"Is that for me?" Lorcan smiled and sat on the bed next to me. He touched my hair and sniffed at it.

"I see you put extra care to please me tonight. To what do I owe such a royal treatment?" 

He was mocking me again. That fucker could spoil everything. I suddenly felt bad, so I lowered my head and pressed the knees to my chest.

Lorcan sensed that something wasn't all right, he sighted. 

"Kian, I missed you and I'm happy that you dressed so nicely for me today." He leaned closer and kissed my head. 

"I hope you aren't going to tease me again. Like tempting me only to reject me." 

I should say something but my throat was simply too tight. I don't know why but suddenly I felt so vulnerable. I was supposed to be able to seduce him with my looks and behavior but I couldn't. 

"Come here." Lorcan lifted me and placed me on his lap, his strong arms wrapped around me and despite the fact, I knew how he felt about me, his touch felt warm and … safe. A nice illusion. He raised my chin and kissed me gently. He took his time to slowly make me more excited. I closed my eyes and allowed my body to take control over my mind. Lorcan felt my excitement because he said my name several times. His lips and tongue were working their way down my chest. He was playing with my nipples to squeeze sounds of pleasure from me. Then he touched my dick and soon his hot mouth was wrapped around my shaft. God he was so skilled. He was sucking me off like crazy and all I could do was just moan from the unexpected pleasure. I took a hold of his head and without thinking I was pushing my dick deeper into his throat. 

"I'll come." I whispered but Lorcan didn't stop. I came moaning and breathing hard. It took me a while to realize I did it inside Lorcan's mouth.

"Was it so good Kian?" He smiled and without waiting for my answer he flipped me on my belly.

"Raise your ass."

Well I just came but he was probably at his limit by now. I thought he would trust inside me but to my amazement I felt his tongue circling around my ass and pushing its way inside me. I gasped.

"Lorcan, no…" 

He kept pushing his tongue inside me and it felt slippery, erotic and weird at the same time. I didn't even know that something like that could be done and that Lorcan would lick me right there. 

"Now you're lose and wet, I will fuck you hard Kian. Brace yourself." 

As soon as he thrusted inside me I came. Lorcan really fucked me hard and at some point I was screaming. It was our best sex ever. I guess he wanted to show me in his own way that he appreciated my efforts in pleasing him.