
My inner convincing fool!

"And here we have a happy couple of homos who are beautifully defending their love!" Zayn mocked us in a childish, ridiculous tone and I quickly glared at him but he just shrugged with a huge grin...He was so good at driving others crazy with anger!

When Liam saw his big and satisfied smile, he pressed his jaws together so hard that the first two front row of our full-time audience heard the sound of his teeth grinding! Where was the fucking security team when people actually needed them?

"Louis ... I'm asking you for the last time. Back off! This is not about you anymore ... The problem now is between me and this asshole! He must know his position here ... he must understand who is the boss around here!"

"Boss? This isn't jungle Liam! Please stop...your nose is bleeding! Let's go...Please, Lee!"

"Louie ... either you step aside or you're forcing me to draw a red line on our friendship!" Liam threatened bitterly and my heart stopped for a second...What...

"And here ... the battle between love and power ... Oh my God!" Zayn snickered, and in rage, I hit him in the rib with my elbow!

"Shut up Collins!" I whispered angrily but he completely ignored me!

With laughter and excitement, he wrapped his hands around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder, and chuckled in my ear! "Shush! This is the Sensitive part ... let me see what happens!"

"Louie? Step aside so I can show him what happens next! Come here!" Liam said calmly and I gulped...now he was beyond angry!

"Liam ... Calm down! You know his specialty is to make others angry ... Do not pay attention to him! If I step aside ...Would you promise me to stop this? I will explain my reasons to you! Okay?"

When I stared at him, he took a deep breath and nodded his head. I forcibly removed Zayn's locked hands from around my waist and walked away from him while glaring at him! I hadn't taken more than two-step when Liam attacked him and I panicked! As fast as I could, I rushed towards Zayn that was looking at me with a smile, and stood between them. Liam's fist that was coming towards Zayn's face nearly hit me in the eye but Liam controlled himself and was able to hold his clenched fist back! Fuck...that was a close one!

He just looked at me in disbelief, wide-eyed...

"What ...I was about to hit YOU in the eye, you jerk! What if I couldn't control it ... Louis? Do you want THIS? Okay... whatever! I had enough ..." He yelled and I rushed to him in fear and agitated but he pushed me back harshly...no...no no no!

"Don't come near me, I said! I warned you not to force me to choose. It's over ... Now it's just you and this bastard! Let him beat you as much as you want. I don't give a shit anymore!" He yelled and rushed out of the building...Oh god no!

"Liam!" I called out his name weakly but I wasn't sure anyone but me could hear it...

"Ouch! Did you really get dumped by the love of your life in front of everyone? Oooh...That must hurt!"

I turned back to him like maniacs and raised my fist, but I couldn't ... The bones of my hand were cracking from the pressure I was putting on them, but I couldn't! Everyone was silently staring at us and waiting to understand the meaning of my deeds...I already knew about the rumors about me, Liam, and Zayn but I didn't care because I had my own reasons but that damn reason was only convincing to me!

When Zayn saw that I wasn't going to hit him, he grinned and wiped the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand...He was right...I was pathetic!

"You don't wanna say anything?"

With anger and a lot of pressure on my self-control, I lowered my fist and gritted my teeth..." pity! Pity I can't..."

I took a deep shaky breath and ran towards the exit, and without paying attention to the stares and whispers of others, I grabbed my belongings from the ground and ran to the parking lot as fast as I could, but seeing his usual parking spot empty, I ran out of energy and sat down on the ground.

All my emotions were mixed up! I was bursting with fury why I couldn't punch him in the face even once! I was dying out of embarrassment! How could I answer my best friend's kindness and concern like this, and disappoint him in front of everyone? I was disappointed in myself, I hated myself...I hated my life...my disgusting life that was full of questions and unknown answers!

I even couldn't find a bright and clear part of my life myself, let alone explain it to Liam! What did I want to explain? Something that I couldn't understand myself? What could I tell him? Tell him that I can't stand seeing Zayn hurt and I even don't know why? I was disgusted with myself ... neither the beginning of my life was clear nor the path that I should've take... everything was in thick fog!

The only thing I was sure of in my whole life was my name ... no clear memory, no family ... only my name! Only God knew how grateful I was to remember this little piece of my identity… Fuck this life!

"Louis...are you ok?"

Hearing Luke's voice that was full of concern, I snapped out of my overthinking about my miserable life and nodded slowly...

"You don't look very good! Are you sure you alright?" Calum asked this time and I shook my head with a grin...

"I just lose my best friend! I should look extraordinary, right?" I said with a smile while looking at them over my shoulder and they visibly flinched!

"Louis, look ... I'm really sorry, but there was no way that the two of us could intervene in that!" Luke reasoned and I got up furiously and stood right in front of him...He was wrong!

"Why? Why couldn't you? As a friend, I asked you to stop Liam until I can get my ass over there so that in the first place a fight wouldn't start that I'd be forced to choose between my most important ones and lose Lee! Exactly why? Are you new around here? Do you need his support so that you don't have any problems? That is why you cling to Zayn, Right? Is that right? Answer me dammit!"

When I yelled, they lowered their heads down and gently nodded. I smirked and laughed mockingly...everything was about power!

"Yeah? So the main reason was his support! You just needed to choose wisely. Why did you chose Zayn and not Liam? He isn't a bully, he isn't a jerk and he can fuck up Zayn without any consequences! It was enough for Liam to know that you're important to me and I care about you as a friend ... It was then that you could understand the real meaning of full support!"


"I don't get you ... I really can not understand you! You say you need support from a big shot person and you simply didn't understand that if you respect Liam, you can have much more support than Zayn can give you? It's ridiculous ... it's really senseless! You just had to choose the right side to have what you wanted and I could've kept my best friend ... You just had to choose with your mind, not your eyes ..." I interrupted Luke's meaningless reasons, and exhausted, tried to explain to them that they were wrong...

"The little one is right...it's time for you to learn to choose right and wisely. So, what do you say? Me or this midget!"

When I suddenly heard his voice from behind me, I jumped a little and took a deep breath. I turned to him and put my hand on my hip and rolled my eyes for him...

"Not now, Collins!"

"Why exactly it's the time! All who should be, are present. Me and my group ... you and ... um ... it doesn't seem like much is left from your group, Carter! Well ... what do you say, guys?"

"We don't see any reason in being with someone who has no benefit for us!"

With Luke's answer, the sound of Collins's minions clapping and whistles rose, and I shook my head and took a deep breath as I saw Collins's huge grin. Everyone has to choose. Sometimes the choice is difficult, but you must consider the future, not the desires of your damned heart!

Hmmm ... just like my stupid choice when I was choosing my major ... if I've chosen wisely I could've been a medical student now and at the end of the day, I could say with confidence that I can have money in my pocket in the next few years, not half of a protein bar... Well, I have to be reasonable, Luke and Calum's wisdom works better than mine!

"See you, loser!" Zayn said and I nodded while bending down to pick up my backpack from the ground...

"See you, Broadway bad boy!"

Zayn froze and I was left with something that I had no idea where I got it from! I slowly turned my head and cursed myself when I saw that Zayn was exactly as surprised as me and maybe even more ... Who said that I have a good sense of humor?

He stared at me for a few seconds and then left the parking lot with his group without saying anything ...Weird! He didn't swear nor didn't insult, not even his usual middle finger ... he sure was really surprised! Broadway bad boy...where did that really come from? He doesn't even live on Broadway! Whatever...

I really wanted to go after Lee, but I had two other classes and unfortunately, I had to endure them ... In any case, if I went after him now, he wouldn't open his door on me!

In college, everyone was staring at me, maybe they had found another reason besides my reputation as the biggest loser in New York ... AHA! I was the idiot who preferred his bully over his best friend ... interesting! Let them see because they can never see such a fool in their lifetime ever again!