
Boy and Bracelet

A boy named Lenn met a girl named Lila on the streets in his childhood days. Lila ran away after Lenn tried to help her. After several years, he met that same girl when he arrived to College and approached to her. They became great friends as time went by. However, Lenn and Lila didn't suspect any familiarity from each other as they kept their childhood secrets from everyone. Would Lenn fulfill his childhood dreams to know who that little girl was? What if those two would stay friends without learning each other's secret? There is a solution to every problem, even when it's serious. This is more than romance.

Blu_Pearl_3869 · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 9: Childhood Friend

The flashback still occurred. It is when Lisa thought to invite Anthony to the concert since he also loved heavy and blues rock.

"Hey Anth! Anth!", Lisa called him, while he was at his locker as he organized his books.

He closed the locker then said, "Hi Lisa, what is it?"

"I'm going to Deep Purple concert tomorrow evening. Would you like to join me and the girls?", Lisa asked.

"Oh well, is it okay?", Anthony asked.

"Of course bro!"

"Well, if it's okay with my parents of course.", he spoke as he held his back neck.

"Wonderful! I would like to hear it from you tomorrow morning!", Lisa smiled as she clenched her hands in excitement.

"But are you sure you even want me with you and your buds? I feel like a bur-"

She hushes Anthony as she held his left shoulder. "Dude, it doesn't matter."

He nodded in reply.

. . .ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

The next day, the girls waited at the entrance along with their tickets and a handbag.

"Where Anthony anyway Lisa?", Rose asked.

"Oh he'll be here, he told me so.", Lisa replied.

"And what if he doesn't approach?", Steff asked.

"Guys, he will come, he promised."

Later on, as the girls went to their seats, look who came early.

"Anth!", Lisa went next to his seat and hugged him. "I thought you-"

"Lisa please, I'm a morning person, I like being early.", Anthony sassily spoke.

"What's up Anthy, looking good boy!", Rose spoke as she and Steff took their seat. Steff giggled, "Yep! Nice seeing you again."

"Nice to see you again girls.", he smiled.

An hour passed by as the band played a lot of songs and the majority of the audience stood up. Anthony, who sat down still, tapped on Lisa's back as she stood.

"Lisa, can you sit down for a moment.", he spoke quietly but not so quiet due to the noice.

"Of course bro. What is it?", she spoke calmly as she sat down.

"I got something I'd like to give you.", he picked up his backpack and grabbed something.

"Oh, what is it my friend?", she asked when Anth showed her a present, "Oh a leather journal?"

"Yes indeed my friend, so you could use it for schoolwork or at least you could write some of your memories here.", Anthony said as he handed her the journal.

"Or I could write some stories or sketch something bizzare and cool.", she said. She smiled as she looked at the journal cover, then hugged Anthony with delight. "Thanks Anth!"

She lets go and stared at him while held his arms, "It's ashamed that I haven't got anything much for you."

He smiled as he stroked her hair, "Lisa, you little nuisance. You always made my day with all your energy. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd like to thank you for always sticking up to me."

Lisa stared then smiled, "Aww, you're welcome Anth. I'm glad I found someone who understands me aswell."

"Well, you are the best gift I received. You are so kind, and you knew me more than anyone I've ever met.", Anthony spoke as he gazed along with her.

She lost her smile for a moment, "You never said such, very kind things to me."

"Until now?", he softly said.

The girls' still watched the stage and they didn't notice what was going on behind them. Lisa and Anthony got closer and...

. . .

When the concert ends, some of the people took photos with their cameras, while the others already went to the exit.

Steff and Rose took a photo with their camera infront of the stage and bought some souvenirs.

Lisa and Anth leaned themselves on the wall near the exit gate as they ended up in a predicament.

"I-I'm... I'm sorry for earlier.", he silently spoke.

Lisa glanced at him then she stuttered, "T-that's okay. I-I'm sure it w-was an accident."

Both of them went silent for awhile as they looked from their surroundings.

She slightly smiled as she spoke, "But, it was kinda nice though."

"Really?", Anthony looked at her from his right.

Lisa nodded in reply.

"So, we're still okay right?", he asked in a hushed tone.

"Yep. To be honest, I never tried it before.", she clearly spoke as she took a glimpse at him.

"Not even to the girls?"

"Ew no.", Lisa laughed due to his question. "You're crazy bro."

"Well I guess we both gone crazy huh?", he smiled as he placed his hands in his pocket.

She giggled, "Yeah."

They both stared on the ground until Lisa faced at Anthony again and she spoke silently, "But it's okay, I didn't stop you. I just went along. It felt quite strange though."

"For real?", he asked in an anxious expression.

Lisa nodded once again as she said, "You know Anth, I've been wanting to say something to you for a long time, but I'm at least one and a half months close to eighteen years." She looked at him, then towards the ground again in a pensive expression. "But, I can't tell you, it would be too much."

Then Anthony smiled toward her as he said, "Oh Lisa, I already got a clue."ㅤㅤ

"Wait what?", she looked at him in a slight shock.

"I mean, every time we spent together, I noticed that your cheeks have gone rosy."

"Oh, well...", she slightly felt uneasy.

"Lisa, come on let's go! We got some shopping to catch up!", Steff called her.

Lisa giggled as she slowly walked backwards away from him, "Oh well, I guess I should get going my friend."

"Okay Lisa."

While she was about to leave, Anthony hastily said, "Oh by the way Lisa."

She turned her back and said, "Yes?"

"Well, that kiss was no accident. My feelings for you was actually stronger than you think.", he smiled at her in a sincere way.

She was slightly surprised, then she smiled back to him as she said, "Thanks Anth, but I'm not quite ready for a relationship yet."

"I know Lisa, me neither.", he replied calmly as he slightly nodded.

Then she waved goodbye to him. She left along with her girl bestfriends.

"Bye Anthony!", Lisa waved her right hand.

He waved back as a reply.

The flashback scene of Lisa's past has ended.

. . .

"Wow!", Lenn replied in shock.

Mrs. White giggled, as they were still on the dining table, which is now clear. The time passed by at least 3 hours, and Mr. White already went to his afternoon work.

"What happened after that night mom?", Lenn was thrilled.

"Well, let's just say, we instantly healed from that awkward moment. After a year, we did went on a relationship. Yet, oh boy it happened so fast.", Lenn's mom bubbly spoke.

"Then what?"

"Well, then I started having you for like, after several months." she smiled.

"What? Y-you didn't finish college?", Lenn asked as if he was shocked.

"Why yes, I continued studying after you were born sweetie. Of course with the help of your Dad.", she smiled then asked, "Why do you look surprised? Shouldn't you notice it right about now?"

"Well, yes.. But I always thought that- I thought that you both have me after you got married."

His mom giggled, "Then why are you 18? You should've been younger then. I'm living for almost 37 years right now."

"How? But, what did your parents say?", he asked.

"Well they got angry of course, but we've gone through amounts of struggles. We just think positive, and worked together you know.", she smiled towards to her son as she spoke. "Yet, at least my parents were relieved that I got your dad on my side, especially when I needed him."

"What did your friends say when you got...", he paused as he thins his lips.

"Oh they supported me. Yet, after I knew it, we heard that Rose has gone preggers as well. I felt bad due to the fact that the boy fooled her.", his mom then sighed. "Steff stayed strong for the both of us."

"That's terrible.", Lenn looked sincere.

"But, she got lots of help, and she went through.", she smiled.

"Oh, that's good.", Lenn sighed in relief.

"You know, she was my childhood friend. And then, our sons were bestfriends aswell!", his mom giggled.ㅤ

"Huh? What do you mean mom?", Lenn asked in confusion.

"Do you remember how you and Enzo met? When you met auntie Rose and Steff at their house.", she asked as she smiled and held Lenn's hand.

"Oh, that house that has a large grassy area, and the baby? That was your bestfriend's home?", Lenn tried to remember.

"I guess you were too young to remember sweetie."

"Oh... But I still remembered the time I went out with him, and then we saw an exhibition of a giant snake.", he said.

"Aww, you still remembered that giant snake?", Mrs. White smiled.

"Yes, and also when we climbed up the mountains with Enzo, you, dad, and others.", Lenn spoke happily.

"Yep, you also went out along with my bestfriends, and Steff's baby alright.", she said.

"And I remembered when I got bullied last kinder, and Enzo stood up for me."

"Why yes, Wow! I'm glad you still remembered some of your memories when you were 5-6."

"Yes mom, and I'm glad I got to hear your story with dad."

"And what did you learn from it?", Mrs. White asked.

"Erm- Never play a girl's heart? Be kind to them?", Lenn smiled nervously.

She giggled then she said, "You got the point, but that's not what I meant." Then she explained, "You see sweetie, when you feel heartsick, it's important to share your feelings to your friends. You might not know whether they react, but I'm sure they will support you in anything they could.", she spoke as she stroke Lenn's hair. "Of course, you felt something that you never knew, but you will feel better once you talked about it."

"But what if they teased or judge me mom?", he seems worried as he spoke.

The his mom replied, "Well you three are pretty close right?", Lenn nodded. Then she continued to ask, "And there's no sudden changes nor bad situations between you and your friends?"

He said, "Seldomly mom, then we turned out okay in the end."

The she smiled as she placed her arms on her lap and spoke, "Then what's the excuse for you to not speak up to them?"

Lenn thought about it, then he said, "Well, they were worried about me, and kept asking me if I was okay. So-"

"Then there's less or no trouble at all.", she smiled.

"Oh... S-so it's all in my head?", he glanced at his mom.

"Precisely my boy.", she said as she held her son's left shoulder. Then she sighed with delight. "You're so much like me Lenn."

Lenn slightly smiled.

"You're sweet, energetic, and your heart is always placed to your friends first. You didn't want your friends to worry about you yourself, when you're feeling sick, so you tried to hide it from the people you cared and loved.", his mom spoke then she held his hands. "Then of course you have most of your father's looks, his knowledge, and his attitude sometimes."

"What kind of attitude?", Lenn asked.

"Probably his serious side?", she giggled. Then Lenn giggled along.

"Well you're also very talkative, enthusiastic, and adventurous. Like me.", Mrs. White spoke as sat up straight and smiled.

Lenn stopped giggling and said, "Thanks mom.", he smiled then he stood up and hugged with his mom.

"You know, you'd better approach to your friends sooner or later, before they felt quite worse.", she said, before she lets go of her son.

"I will!" He ran to the telephone, and called his two bestfriends each, Penelope and Enzo.

"Hey Enzo, bro, could you come by to the park around 3pm? I wanted to say something important."

"Hello Penelope, there's something I need to say to you. Can you please come by to the park around 3pm?"

Luckily, they both accepted his invite. He was nervous yet excited, because he knew what he was about to do.

. . .

Later at 3pm, Lenn rushed outside to see his friends at the park.

He saw his two bestfriends. Penelope, who wore a light blue cap, her hair was in her usual blonde hair in bunches and her bright blue eyes. She wore a white long-sleeved sweat shirt with dark blue pants, and her white snickers. Enzo, who has a messy brown hair and brown eyes. He wore his black and yellow varsity jacket with his black shirt, his denim pants, and his dark rubber shoes.

Lenn saw the both of them at the bench. Penelope sat at the left position of the bench in a crossed leg. She leaned her right elbow on her leg with her hand to face gestures in evaluation. She seemed quite distressed. Enzo sat beside her, on her right. He stroked her hair gently with his left hand while his right arm was on his lap. He seemed quite worried as well.

Lenn took a deep breath, and walked forward towards to his friends. And he said, "Hi guys."

The two of them seemed quite unwell, as Lenn tried to smile for them. Then Enzo said, "Hi bud. How are you?"

"We need to talk my friend.", Lenn walked towards them and sat beside Enzo on his right.

"Okay, what is it? It's not about that topic that could make you sad again does it?", he anxiously crossed his arms.

"W-well, I-I'm not fully okay yet. B-but, I need you guys.", Lenn stuttered as he spoke. He sighed, "A-and I know you guys needed me too."

Enzo and Penelope starred at each other when he said that sentence.

Then they both glared right at him as Lenn said, "I'm sorry."

He spoke in a remorseful expression. "I wasn't being fair with you guys. You were right though Penny. As a friend, they should know what's going on. Especially if we are very close. I wasn't really prepared to tell you guys. It turns out, I was thinking about my feelings, instead of how you guys felt..."

"Lenn, it's okay. I'm the one who should be sorry about yesterday, that I gave you so much pressure.", Penelope spoke as she sat up straight and glanced towards him. "I should've just gave you some time."

"It's okay Penny, but you wouldn't yell at me if I wasn't dramatic.", he spoke sincerely.

"Believe me, I never screamed towards my friends in my life.", she spoke as if she was about to cry.

"Yeah, no wonder why I was afraid of you last night.", Enzo said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry.", she wiped her tears with her right hand.

Lenn took out his handkerchief and handed it to Enzo. "Give her to her.", he whispered. Enzo nodded, then passed it to Penelope.

"Oh, thanks you guys.", she spoke as she picked it up from Enzo's hand. Then she dried her face.

"Erm- Enzo."

"Yeah?", he replied in a hushed tone as he looked at Lenn again.

"Buddy, listen to me.", Lenn sighed. Then he asked sincerely, "Didn't you once told me that you were a mistake when we were in 4th grade?"

"Well, yeah... I can't believe you still remembered that."

"Well, I can't believe I forgotten who your mother is."

"And why would you remember my mom, huh?", Enzo asked as he seemed slightly enraged.

"Because she was a childhood friend of my mom.", Lenn said calmly.

His expression rapidly changed to a more pleasant reaction. "Really?"

"Yes, she told me that hours ago. She persuaded me to approach to you guys, because that's what she did to your mom and to your aunt.", Lenn slightly smiled.

"My auntie Steff?"

"Yes bro."

"Wow, I-I sort of forgotten about that..."

"We were too young. We couldn't remember much in that time. But, I know one thing. Which is that I spent my entire life with you.", Lenn replied as he on Enzo's right shoulder. Lenn took a deep breath then he said, "And, I could imagine how you felt about your existence. Your mom and my mom were at the same grade, so they're probably on the same age. Technically, my mom got pregger with me, weeks before your mom got you. So we're litterally in the same situation."

Then Lenn looked at the ground in a remorseful way. "However, you have no father to be with you. You probably felt like a burden to your mother. Yet, you stayed positive, you seemed so happy because you have us to support you. Not because of your looks, but because of your personality."

"Even if it is true, what is your point?", Enzo asked as he kept a straight face.

Lenn gripped both of his friend's shoulders as he said, "Well, it's that I should've been there for you when you needed me. Instead of trying to empathize with you, I tried to make you laugh or forgot about those negative thoughts without knowing how you felt."

He let go of Enzo's shoulders, placed his arm on his lap, then looked onto the ground as he said, "I'm sorry."

"Brother. I never seen you acting like a grown-up before.", he was slightly surprised as he smiled. "I mean, acting like a kid is cool. But it doesn't always help us to solve our sensitive spot or whatever."

Lenn and Penelope both giggled.


"Oh, it's just... I'm absolutely surprised that I got to hear a deeper evaluation of friendship about you boys.", Penelope said as she slightly covered her mouth. "Also, sensitive spot?"

Enzo suddenly realized what she just said, and was shocked. He stood up as he face palmed, then he said, "I'm out."

He slowly walked away, then Lenn stood up and rushed towards him. He yelled, "No way! You're not gonna escape from me!", Lenn spoke as he gripped and hugged tightly from Enzo's back to his chest.

"And me too!", Penelope ran towards them and joined in.

The three bestfriends hugged each other as they were delighted that they're at peace again. Just like a healthy relationship towards one another. No matter what their struggle is, just like what Mrs. White told to Lenn. He was very grateful for that advice.