
Boundless: I will not stop

I moved to the city for a better life, and only found a worse one. A few months after moving, I found myself dead, in an alleyway, victim to my debts and naivety. But a final hope came. Reincarnation. I was sent to another world, where here, I start again, as an outsider.

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9 Chs

A forest

Our ascent didn't last very long. We soon found ourselves at the top of the ravine. I scrambled onto the main land, to be met by a group of 4 or so villagers searching the area. I stood up abruptly, and took no time analysing to see whether they were friends, or foes.

"Guys look, Its Ganno!" A small kid called. The boy came running towards me, despite being told not to by the others. He threw himself at my legs.

"Look!Look! I found him! I found him!" the boy yelped.

His eyes were full of joy, his face was beaming with happiness. He continuously grabbed at my leg and dragged me towards the other villagers. 'A search party?' I thought.

The villagers whipped around, and stared at me. Their weapons were ready, spears pointed, bows drawn and swords in place. "What are you doing here, where did you come from boy." A deep voice bellowed from the middle.

It came from an aged man, his voice matching his demeanour. His size was incredible, and the muscle that surrounded him was quite the spectacle.

"The ravine. I came from the ravine" I spoke hesitantly. I didn't want to seem to, I don't know, confident. They could always take that in the wrong way and result in me being seen as a threat.

I already had their child by my side. Any wrong moves and they'd see him as a hostage. "Where is Roma?" the man asked. They began to close in on me. "What happened to her?" more questions began flying out.

"What did you do to Roma!" the old man became frustrated. He was throwing out questions too fast for me to answer, and it made it seem as though I was guilty of something.

"Release the young boy!" the man ordered. 'For fucks sake, now they think I'm holding him captive.' It was going down hill too fast.

"Jarko, come here." a young lady called to the little boy. She had her arms open, with a welcoming smile.

"But it's Ganno, why are you scared of him?" the boy asked.

"Jarko, it's not good to question your elders. Come to us, leave the orphaned devil alone." the lady gave a menacing stare in my direction. Her once kind face was riddled with anger and cruelty. It was clear. They despised me.

'Orphaned devil huh?' I thought. My heart was racing with anger, though I didn't really care. I could tell by their reaction towards me, that they had prejudice against me for some reason. A new mystery, waiting to be solved. Why exactly do they hate me?

"Roma fell down with me and we climbed up together. She should be here soon." I spoke wearily. I didn't want to anger them at all. Even though they knew me, they still had their weapons pointed at me, waiting for an excuse to kill me.

"I do not want to hear any lies come out of your mouth, What did you do to my Granddaughter?" the elder man questioned again. He wouldn't believe me, even if I swore on it. My best bet was to wait for Roma to come and tell the story herself, if I was still alive by the time she did arrive. What exactly was taking her so long?

The villagers came bounding forward, ready to assault at all times. The boy, Jarko ,had already waddled back to the young woman, clueless as he was. "I'm not lying, she's climbing up the ravine as we speak." I began to step backwards while trying to convince them.

My feet soon reached the edge of the ravine, and moving back would mean falling all the way back down. I felt a finger rub my heel. "Move out the way, you'll step on my hand and I'll loose my grip."

It was Roma. Just in time to stop this madness and confess the truth. Roma lifted herself onto the land and pushed me out the way. "Didn't you see me, you could have made me drop!" she screamed. She began lecturing me about how I should be mindful of others but took a stop to look at the villagers.

"Oh hey guys, why are your weapons out?" she questioned. It took a few seconds but the dots connected and she burst out with rage.

"Seriously, you're trying to kill him. I know you don't like him, but I told you to stop this delusion. You too grandpa, of all people you? I thought you were better than this." her screams echoed through the forest.

Slowly, the villagers lowered their weapons, and their heads in shame. 'I still don't get why they hate me.' Just when I thought it was over, an arrow flew in my direction from afar. It was moving fast, and there was only little time to do anything.

My body was still, and I had only one thought. 'Move body. Come on, its life or death, move, NOW!' My thoughts were loud and hasty, but they all wanted the same thing, the body to move.

My hand twitched, and so did the rest of my body soon after. My head tilted slightly, allowing the arrow to fly past my ear. I was starstruck, not only did the blood bats try to kill me, but I had enemies that were human too?

"What the hell?" I asked. I was angry, confused, infuriated. My eyebrows pulled closer together, and my eyes widened. All I could see was revenge.

I began walking towards the elder, and when he drew his sword, I pushed past him and ran away.

"GANNO COME BACK!" Roma called from the distance, but in my infinite rage, I ignored her completely.

I began running, without looking back. Dashing through the trees and lush green that covered the thick forest.

'The arrow came from this direction, so if I keep running, eventually I'll find someone, right?' I thought. I hadn't realised it , but I was running fast. Abnormally fast. I had already cleared at least half the forest.

I kept going for a bit, until I heard the rustling of leaves. Another arrow came flying in my direction, from the left side. I dived downwards, avoiding it narrowly, but it tore through the skin on my arm. It was but a scratch, but it still bled.

'It burns, this feeling hurts but now is not the time to shy away from the task at hand. I'll hunt him down.'