
Boundless Hunter

This is the story of a hunter with the weakest ability read how he becomes stronger and conquers all his foes

aizen27943 · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Hornes wolves

Thousands of years ago this planet was called "Earth" and it was said to be the most peaceful time of humankind's history.

There were no monsters that attacked innocent civilians.

No gates that suddenly opened and made several people lose their families.

But that was all a long time ago, now it has become a land of war where no one is safe.

It all happened in the year 1806, when all of "Earth" turned pitch black.

The darkness was never ending it looked like space itself had entered earth and taken over it.

But that wasn't the terrifying part, with the appearance of this darkness a bunch of creatures also came onto this planet through portals in space.

These portals were named gates and the creatures coming from it were called monsters.

As millions of monsters entered and created havoc on earth humanity came together to fight against them.

Unfortunately no weapon worked on these monsters, bullets were ignored missiles were deflected and even nukes were absorbed.

Humanity had lost all hopes and were planning on giving up...

But then hope arrived in the form of power as many humans awakened "system"

These systems made the humans stronger and all of them gained the ability to manipulate mana.

A war that almost lasted for several thousand years commenced between these awakened humans and monsters.

In the end they both were forced to accept a draw and they made a pact.

A pact to never harm each other.

But that was all a facade the true pact was to not harm each other until they both were ready and that was how temporary peace coated earth again.

The darkness faded and monsters retreated but still gates were present.

Not only on earth but also on the alien planet called "Nirvana" these gates were to keep each other's power in check.

Due to the war all of the continents had joined to form a single continent called "Pangea" and our planet was renamed from "earth" to yggdrasil.

The ones that had fought against the monsters came together to form the hunter association and now we come back to the present.

It is the year 4038 and humanity is finally able to focus on technology, the war had just ended in the year 4020 and now humanity could actually develop.

Currently it was night time and a boy could be seen who looked to be 16 years old with dark black hair and a lean body.

he had dark black eyes that matched his hair and he had a massive smile plastered on his face.

He was Cain, a young boy from a poor family but his face showed pure happiness.

He had been working day and night to earn enough money to buy a small mana crystal.

In this world in order to awaken as a hunter there are 2 possible ways :-

One is to kill a monster, it could be any rank and any type but the last attack must be ours.

Second is to hire an already awakened hunter and make him forcefully awaken us.

Both the ways were pretty hard but only the first one was the only option for the poor and in order to actually be able to kill a monster you must have some ability.

That's where the mana crystal comes into action, when a mana crystal interacts with a person there is a random chance that the person could awaken an ability.

Just an ability though not a true awakening, it could be called a partial awakening.

However that small ability played a massive role in killing a beast.

Young Cain was happily walking towards his home to try his luck but he decided to take a detour from his normal route.

He wanted to get back as soon as possible and decided to walk through a road that was rarely visited by anyone.

He walked through the road and couldn't help but notice the eerie feeling the place brought to him, He just tried to ignore it and continued forward.


Fear enveloped his entire being as he slowly turned around to see the only sight that he had never wanted to see.

3 horned wolves were standing there with their canines exposed and with their eyes glowing in the dark they looked terrifying.

The bloodlust that the wolves released was enough to make a grown man unconscious but Cain just froze.

His body had completely stopped in its tracks from the fear, The wolves had saliva leaking from their mouths and they looked ready to eat.

One of the wolves pounced onto Cain burying its claws in his chest and biting his shoulder, The force made him fall and Cain felt mind numbing pain.

Tears rolled down his eyes as he couldn't even gather the strength to shout.

Maybe i should just give up

There's no point in trying

I can't win against them

His life flashed in front of his eyes as all the memories made him nostalgic, his body relaxed and he didn't resist. He had completely given up and was enjoying his flashbacks.

But then

A certain memory came in front of his eyes

A certain promise that he made with his mother when he tried to convince her to let him become a hunter.

her voice rang in his ears

I can't stop you from becoming a hunter my son... but promise me one thing. You must never go down alone!