

what's danger without warning signs "you are playing with fire little girl, I can burn you in a second ." he warned with his burning eyes. " I am determined to go to hell with you, if that's what it takes, make me yours." she was also determined to make this work " take my hand then, hold on." he smirked

Ta_Sha_6022 · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Chapter 9 of 9 IMMORTAL DAGGER

Both Lucian and Xander sighed with relief staring at the room," beautiful." Xander exclaimed, Lucian thought the entire room should be painted purple, the lights and lumps has a purple light brightening the room, he had a few stuffs delivered to the house, a white baby cradle, an aquarium with blue jellyfish swimming, a music box, teddy bears and other beautiful toys... Xander helped him set everything in their rightful place," I could use a drink." Xander said walking out with his hands in his pocket, Lucian closed the door going downstairs to the living room, Mr Williams poured some red wine in their glasses, a while later... Leah and Zara arrived with shopping bags and a fat burger in her hand," Xander, you're here." Leah giggles happily seeing Xander, " at least someone is thrilled to see me," Xander smirked," I heard the good news, congratulations Leah." Xander smiled," thank you very much." Leah gave a slight nod," and who must you be beautiful?." Xander leaned in on Zara," Zara, my Lord." she said facing down," no need to be too formal, call me Xander." he flashes a charming smile that made her blush," Hubby, I miss placed my credit card and I had to use yours to get Zara some clothes and necessary stuff." Leah said," I will get you another." he simply told her wiping the corner of her mouth that was stained with cheese sauce," you need to freshen up and get some rest." he told her," I am pretty tired." she admitted.. Lucian walked her upstairs to their room," it was a pleasure meeting you Zara, would love to keep you company but I have stuff to take care of." Xander took her hand and placed a light kiss on the back of her hand," pleasure is all mine my -...., Xander." she corrected


in one of the hidden caves, Dante was twirling a glass of blood taking a sip bit by bit, the fancy lobby was glimmering with light, leather couches and a glass table, one would think it is a luxurious hotel, it has everything... a woman walked in approaching him, her long ponytail breaded, she was in her usual style of leather pants, a black crop top and a leather jacket with leather high boots," any news? I'm not able to get through to Rosa." he said in a dark shallow tone," she was thrown in prison by her brother, Zach." Sonya said," Zach imprisoned his sister? for what reason?." Dante was confused," she tried to kill Lucian's wife." Dante gave a dry chuckle sipping on his drink," I don't know what to do with this woman, she knows better not to lay a finger on Luna..I will teach her a lesson not to dare betray me," Dante coldly said," what else have you found out?."

" Lucian's right hand girl.. Louise is on your trail, and her new partner Caroline."

" and what are you doing about it?." Dante raised a brow," making sure they find nothing, if they continue permit me to take care of them Sir." Sonya calmly said," you can do whatever Sonya." he told her," I will take my leave now." she turned around and left

" may I come in?." Elriel knocked on Hazel's door," sure, what brings you here?."

" Mother..I, I have something to tell you." Elriel said lowering her voice," is it about that Vampire friend of yours?." Hazel calmly said shocking Elriel," Huh? Uhm, Xa..Xander, yes."

" don't tell me like your Sister you've also fallen for a Vampire Elriel." Hazel frowned," I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disappoint you." Elriel could only apologize.. her head hanging down, tears threatening to roll down, Hazel sighed holding Elriel's chin and making her face her," don't ever apologize for falling in love, well are you guys dating?."

" not quite, but with your permission I would like to leave Mystic falls and go to Europe, close to Leah and the others." Elriel said," No, you can't leave Mystic falls." Hazel furrowed her brows," why not? I can take care of myself plus Leah will be there she's family, she's my sister." Elriel argued," I know Leah is there, I know you can protect yourself but I can't let you go, I can't risk losing another daughter."

" you will eventually have to let me go mother, like Leah I will also get married and leave."

" until that day comes you won't leave Mystic falls Elriel that's final." Hazel said turning her back, angry and annoyed... Elriel stormed out of the room..a few minutes later Elena walked in," you do know she'll still decide to leave Mystic falls right."

" she's all grown up, I can't lock her up in the cage anymore," Hazel calmly said," Any updates about the missing dagger?." she added," still searching." Elena spoke," we need to find that dagger before it gets into the wrong hands, I must warn Leah." Hazel said with a straight serious face

Anna sat on the edge of the bed in her apartment, her face looking anxious and nervous at the same time, her forehead was sweating as she stared at the small tool in her hands. she heard the door to the living room open and figured Sky was home, she wanted to get up but felt heavy, it was like her entire body was dragging her back down," Anna." Sky called out when he couldn't spot her anywhere, he approached the bedroom and saw her sitting on the bed, a smile made it's way to his thin pick lips as he approached her," are you okay? you look pale," he touched her forehead and she was burning up," you're burning up Anna, come I will take you to the hospital." he was about to carry her in his arms but she stopped him," no need for that."

" what do you mean no need for it, you're unwell we need to go to the -

" I'm pregnant Sky," Anna blurted out," I am pregnant," she repeated more clearly, Sky froze staring at her in utter shock, no words came out of his mouth for a very long time," say something." Anna lowered her head and tone, she was afraid, afraid of losing him, afraid he would not accept the baby and her, these were the only two things that was running inside her head, Sky held her chin so she was facing him, he looked deep into her ocean eyes and said," what do you want?."

" Huh?." Anna looked at him with confusion in her eyes," I will give you whatever you ask for, just name it."

" I, I do not understand." she lowered her voice," you've given me the best news any man would like to hear from the woman he loves, I'm going to be a Dad because of you.. whatever gift your heart desires I will give it to you." he told, Anna touched the side of his cheek gently caressing it," I want you to love me as long as I exist, forever.. never forget me." that was the only thing she so desired from him, Sky reached for the pocket of his jacket and brought out a black velvet box, he opened it up revealing a diamond ring, Anna's eyes watered seeing this," will you marry me.. Anastasia Young?."

" Y..yes, yes..yes.. yes I will marry you Skylar Kinn, I love you." she jumped on him and he caught her in his arms," I love you more." he chuckles



Lucian threw himself down on the couch in a tired position, same goes for Skylar sitting next to him as they watched their wives devouring every single meal on the table," I don't remember the last time I got a proper nap, she's always hungry." Skylar complained," at least she's always hungry, Leah is always hungry and moody at the same time, she's always getting emotional that I have to choose my words carefully before I say something." Lucian sighed," Wine." Zara brought two glasses of wine to them," this isn't your job Zara, we have servants for that." Lucian said," it's no big of a deal, I want to help." she gave a slight smile, Lucian and Skylar took the glasses taking a sip


Meanwhile at Zach's Villa upstairs to his room, he was in some kind of staring contest with April," go to sleep you're drunk." he calmly said," No! and.. don't you dare...say I'm drunk, I..I am c.. completely sober Mr, poker face." April pointed her finger at him," first you drink, get completely drunk, and then you show up at my house." he was really up to his neck with this little girl, April got up from the bed and approached him to where he sat on the couch, she split her long legs and sat on his laps surprising him, Zach's eyes widened slightly before going back to his ordinary poker face expression," what do you think you're doing?." he said, his face calm and straight, but his voice was dark and hoarse, April bit her lower lip staring at his red thin sexy lips," don't I really attract you a little bit? am I really ugly not to be seen by you?." her words caught him a little off guard, Ugly was an understatement, in fact she was really beautiful for an ordinary human, yes he has seen more beautiful and attractive women with hot bodies, but her, she was different..there was something about her that he couldn't quite put his hands on, the way she talked, walked, dresses, smells and thinks drove him crazy, but he didn't want to get involved with a human or anybody for that matter, he rather stays as the lonely wolf he is, women are a distraction, weakness and can be used as a weapon to destroy you, he wasn't going to let that happen.. but something about her touch weakens him, it's something he can't resist up to now," Zach." she whispered his name touching the sides of his strong neck, she slowly leaned in aiming for his lips, he could feel her warm breath that smells like red wine with strawberries, his hands reached for her waist holding it tightly, April closed her eyes getting closer and closer when the next thing she felt was her being dropped on the bed and Zach standing a few inches away," they were just on the couch just now.. how did she find herself on the bed?." she looked at Zach who was now walking away," Zach! April called out," I will have someone to bring you lime water and coffee." he said without looking back and left the room, he went to the other room shutting the door," fuck." he cursed staring down at his pants, he was so hard when she barely did nothing to arouse him, he went to the bathroom turning on the cold water letting it splash over his body to calm himself down



" finally I'm out of that prison hell, I could literally hear the walls speaking to me." Rosa said," well maybe this time you will think with your brain and not your emotions sister."

" shut up." Rosa said going out of the dungeon, she went straight to her room to freshen up, got changed into clean clothes and headed out," and where do you think you're going?." she heard her mother's voice from behind, she came to a stop facing her," I have been in that prison for 7 months, I need to refresh my mind dear mother." she simply said and left, soon she arrived at one of Dante's hideout spot," this way." Sonya who was waiting outside led her to Dante," Well..well..well, Rapazel finally left her castle cell." my brother didn't give me much of a choice." Rosa said," I don't blame him cause you're yet to be punished little girl."

" what do you -

before she could even finish her last sentence, her neck was held in a tight grip pinning her to the wall, she found herself in a difficult position to breathe," D..Dante, I..I can't breathe."she struggled to free herself, he was so strong," you tried to kill Luna, I don't forgive such carelessness." he said with grit teeth," Dante.. please."

" Dante! Sonya's voice echoed across the room," it won't be wise to kill her, she still need to serve." Sonya's last words made him loosen his grip around Rosa's neck, Rosa gasped for air sliding down on the floor," repeat this and I won't think twice snapping your head off." he warned turning to Sonya," I have somewhere to be, make sure you take care of things here." he added before leaving

The day went by as the sun hid in the clouds, Leah was in her baby's room admiring the place, she couldn't wait to bring her baby into this world, raise her and pamper her. she touched the cradle with a smile," beautiful isn't it?." she heard an unfamiliar voice, Leah turned around to see who it was, her eyes widened with shock and anger burning inside them," y..you..wha...what are you doing here? how did you get in?." Leah took a step back touching her stomach," Shhhh, I come in peace I'm not here to hurt you Luna." Dante gave a sideways smile," get out or I'll kill you." Leah threatened," like I said earlier, I come in peace..in fact I have a proposal for you."

" whatever it is I'm not interested, leave."

" oh but you might just want to hear it before you say no, and regret later." he said lazily reaching out to his jacket pocket, he brought out a silver dagger made from dragons scales, Leah's eyes widened seeing the dagger," the scale dagger? how.. how do you have it? it was sealed away." Leah stuttered," I have my ways, after decades of searching and searching.. and searching, I finally found it.. the only thing that can kill an immortal being, it looks useless doesn't it? but with one, two stabs.. he's gone forever." he gave a devilish smile," No.. what the hell do you want? Leah grit her teeth making a crashing sound," now we're getting somewhere, here's the thing..in order to save Lucian's life, you will have to come with me back to Mystic falls."

" what?." Leah blinked a few times in utter shock," of course I'm not such a bad person to take you while you're this heavily pregnant, I will give you a few months to give birth and an extra one month to spend with your baby and family to say your silent goodbye. but remember, Lucian shouldn't suspect anything, you should make it like you were willing leaving him, leave no clues behind to where you're going, just disappear."

" and you think he'll just sit around and do nothing?." Leah gave a sarcastic grin" of course not, he will go crazy and go on a rampage, destroying anything and everyone he comes across with, but that's not my concern cause we will be far away as possible." he calmly said," you're crazy, I won't do it." Leah firmly said," if you really love your dear husband you will come with me, remember Luna.. Lucian's life is in the palm of my hand, I will be expecting you." he said and jumped out the window and just like that he disappeared with no trace.

" Leah! Lucian barged into the room, he looked worried and scared while looking at her unmoving figure near the cradle, he instantly pulls her into his embrace patting her head gently," are you okay? are you hurt?." his voice was hoarse with a bit of coldness to it, Leah nodded as if all is well and said in a flat tone," I'm okay, what's wrong?." she asked instead," I think someone was here, are you sure you didn't see anyone?." Lucian stared into her eyes closely participating her facial expressions," I didn't see anything." she calmly said, after collecting herself," you should get some rest, you look tired." he told her taking her to their room.

Zach was patiently waiting downstairs for April to come down so he can drop her off at her house, the door bell rang and he went ahead to open it, he was actually astonished to see who it was

" Zach"

" Elriel." he gave a slight nod

" is Xander home?."

" he's in his room upstairs." he simply stepped aside making her way in, just then April descended from the staircase, Elriel and April's eyes met, they seem to remember one another at Leah's wedding, what bothered April the most was why these two were standing so close to one another, when he doesn't even want to be in the same room with her instead, this bothered April to no end," Gale! Zach called out at a low tone but loud enough for his worker to hear," you called for me Sir."

" show Elriel to Xander's room."

" yes Sir, this way miss." he led the way and Elriel quietly follows, April finally understood everything, her cheeks flushed a bright red with embarrassment," are you ready?." Zach's voice made her turn back her attention to him, she nodded walking out while he walked behind her, they got into the car and drove off. there was an awkward silence through out the drive, April took a deep breathe in and out for a few seconds, Zach glanced at her before focusing back to the road," are you okay?." he simply asked still focused on the road, April didn't say a word and kept pouting, the next thing that happened almost caused them to crash, Zach was quick enough to pull the breaks avoiding hitting the thick tree that was aside the road, his eyes were wide open noticing April's lips on his," please don't push me away Zach, I'm going crazy each second that passes by." April said against his lips," fuck." Zach cursed beneath his breathe, that was the last self restrain he was hanging onto, he pulled her waist and made her sit on his laps, he devoured her soft lips like a hungry beast, April kissed him back with the same intensity and hunger, he ripped off her red dress exposing her upper body, he nipped and sucked on her chest, breast and stomach," Ahh." April moaned aching her back for more, more pleasure, more heat and sucking. they moved to the back seat without letting go of each other, he pinned her down kissing each part of her naked body," Ah yes, I want more Zach..more of you Ahh.. yeah." she moaned clinging onto him, he took off his shirt and unbuckled the belt to his pants, he positioned himself on her center.. she was so wet and flowing with desire down there, he didn't realize when an amused smirk made it's way to his lips, without wasting any time he thrust into her cherry, he remained still for a few seconds so she could adjust to his size before he began moving, she demanded to go faster and faster and he delivered, thrusting in and out, squeezing her boobs and biting her neck teasingly, their moans and groans filled up the entire car, it was a crazy ride in there and they both enjoyed it. they went through it over and over again for the third time till she explored and cum, April laid breathless on Zach's chest. she instantly fell asleep

" Godfather! Dante heard a young woman's voice call out to him, he paused in his tracks turning back," godfather." Zara whispered beneath her breathe," goddaughter, how have you been?." he gave a slight smile," are you seriously asking me how have been? I haven't heard from you for five years, I only get through to you through your Adviser.. you don't ask about me to find out how I'm doing, you're here but you can't see me why?."

" you know I can't meet up with you Zara, especially here... remember you're on a mission." Dante said," a mission I do not understand godfather, why am I staying with these people, if Lucian suspects anything he will kill me." Zara said," then don't let him suspect anything or you will have to answer to me, now be a good goddaughter and keep an eye on everyone.. understood? I have to go now." he placed a kiss on her forehead and disappeared from the place, Zara's eyes glow a gold color before they went back to their normal color, Zara was just a new born baby when Dante found her in a burning village in Mystic falls, her werewolf clan was wiped out and killed during the war decades ago, he took her in and raised her as he's own, he took care of her and treated her like a daughter even though she's a werewolf. she was the only one left in her clan and Dante was the only family she has left with.

April opened fluttered her eyes open, she scanned her surroundings, she was in a room. Zach's room, she turned to the side and saw him lying next to her in bed, his arm was wrapped around her waist pinning her down like he never wants to let her go, April stretched her arms to remove some strains of hair covering part of his face, she smiled admiring his facial handsome features, her hand trailed to his bare strong arms to his broad hard chest. Zach held her wrist stopping her from going any further," are you trying to arouse me?." he spoke in a hoarse husky voice without opening his eyes," I..I thought you were asleep."

" your touch woke me up." Zach simply said," sorry..I will let you sleep now." April lowered her voice," don't you think it's too late for that, you've already woken him up.. you will have to tame him." he gave a sly smile capturing her lips, she got on top of him, she took off the shirt exposing her smooth boobs and body. Zach couldn't simply get enough of her and seeing her naked, they made love and entangled in bed in each other's arms

Elriel never thought love making would be so magical and painful at the same time since it was her first time, but the second round was as pleasurable as people say, Xander was so considerate to go slow and careful the first round, but the second round he was like a beast thrusting deep into her flesh till she was breathless. they laid back in bed catching some breathe," you're damn sweet like I imagined cupcake." he smiled at her," did I do good?." Elriel asked lowering her voice," you did great.. you're amazing in everyway." Xander cupped her cheek kissing her forehead," are you hungry? I can make you something to eat." he added," Hmm I'm starving." she giggles," I will be back in five minutes." he said getting out of bed, he put on a robe and walked out shutting the door," I wonder if there are any groceries in the kitchen, better ask Zach." Xander approached Zach's room and went inside without knocking," hey Zach are they _...

" Damn it Xander.. what the fuck." Zach cursed grabbing the sheet and covered April with it who was fast asleep not minding himself who was completely naked, Xander looked away giving an inside chuckle," forgive me.. forgive me, I thought she left, I was definitely not expecting this." he said, Zach frowned putting on his boxers and pants," I will only ask you this...did you see her?." his voice was dark and cold when he asked the question, Xander knew how his answer would determine the cost of his life, he needs to be practical," the only thing I saw was your ass burning my eyes before I could see anything else." Zach took his word for it," do we have groceries in the house? I want to make Elriel something to eat."

" I guess we do, make extra." Zach said," congratulations by the way, you two look great together." Xander teased," just get out." Zach calmly said walking to the bathroom.


" don't you think you're being unfair to Skylar, he has the right to know after so many years Caroline." Louise spoke," no..I..I can't tell him, it's not fair for him and Anna." Carol said," and it's fair for your daughter not to know her father? Kathryn has the right to know who her father is."

" Louise_

" don't Louise me Caroline, Kathryn is my goddaughter, I kept this secret from Sky and everyone for many years because you asked me, but enough is enough. either you tell Sky or I will... Kathryn is a grown up now, she needs to know..talk to her first, today." Louise said and left the coffee shop, Carol helplessly sighed, her and Kai broke up decades ago, she was pregnant by then when she decided to leave him and go far away, she raised Kathryn on her own.. when she was a teenager, Kathryn demanded to know who her Dad was. and like a coward she lied to her daughter that he died before she was born to clear all doubts in Kathryn's head. Kai is finally happy after so long of pain and hurt, he found someone who makes him smile and they're having a baby together so how can she just come in and say he has a daughter who's grown up into a young lady? this will break him, not only him but Anna as well.. this will break everyone and she hates the thought of being the cause of it," Damn it! she slammed on the table with her hands, with a deep breath she dialed Sky's number and it was answered immediately," hey."

" I need to speak to you, I'm by Rio Cafe downtown."

" I'll be there in five." Sky said before hanging up, he wondered what she wants to talk to him about. her voice sounded bothered which strangely bothered him to, he grabbed his car keys heading out, luckily Anna was at her father's house for the day, Sky drove to the location and went inside, he saw Carol seated in a corner staring through the transparent window," hey."

" thanks for coming." she smiled slightly," anything wrong?." Sky spoke in his calm cold tone, Carol shook her head and said," I really hope you forgive me for hiding this from you for so many years Kai." Sky furrowed his brows to her statement," I don't quite understand what you're trying to say." Carol slide her smart phone over to Sky, he looked down to see a girl's picture, she's a young beautiful lady with dark chocolate eyes with curly brown hair. Sky was confused to why she was showing him this girl's picture," who is she?." he simply asked," her name is Kathryn, she is my daughter...our daughter." Sky's eyes widened like he's seen a ghost, his vision began blurring up and the sounds around him," was she toying with him? how can they have daughter when she never once mentioned she was pregnant? she just left without a word to him years ago." Sky thought, he looked at Carol who had a sorry helpless look on her face," do you hear yourself Carol, you're saying this girl here is my daughter.. how? why didn't you say anything before..why wait till now? what's your motive?." he glared at her," I have no motive, I left you in order to save my unborn baby's life, Dante threatened me..he threatened to kill me along with my baby if I chose to stay with you, I left Mystic falls for the sake of my baby.. you thought I left you for my selfish ambition to become powerful, but that's not the case Kai..I loved you and it hunted me for a lifetime knowing I had to raise my baby alone without it's Dad around, I didn't run I was saving our baby."

" and you thought I wouldn't be capable of protecting you both, Caroline I'm married.. Anna is pregnant, how the hell do you think she'll take the news if I tell her I have a daughter who looks to be in her age huh?."

" I have no intension of breaking your family, Louise thought it would be best you know you have a daughter." she firmly said," Louise knows?." Sky spoke," she's the only one who knows, it will be more hard telling Kathryn about you because she knows to say you're not alive.. she wouldn't stop asking about you when she was little so I told her you're dead." Carol broke into tears, Sky released a helpless sigh, this was indeed a difficult situation. he reached for her hand gently squeezing it to comfort her," everything will be alright." he assured her, at dawn..Sky went to pick up Anna with a bag of fries and a hamburger with a fruity drink, he rang the doorbell and one of the workers opened the door," welcome Mr Kinn, Mrs Kinn is the living room" Sky nodded heading to the living room," Sir, before you go through that door I must warn you, Mrs Kinn has been in a cloudy mood since you dropped her off, she hates everything we prepare for her.. she gets emotional and burst into tears"

" thank you..I will handle it" he said approaching the room, Anna had a frown on her little face that instantly disappeared after seeing her dear husband, her face brightened up running into his embrace," what took you so long? I'm starving." she pouted," Ouch.. not even a I missed you Mrs Kinn?." Sky touched his chest as though heartbroken," I missed you.. did you bring what I asked for?."

" of course.. enjoy." Anna took the bag sitting on the couch, she was smiling while enjoying her favorite meal, after finishing up and rubbing her stomach..Sky drove them back to their apartment, he helped her freshen up and into her nightwear putting her to sleep.


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