

what's danger without warning signs "you are playing with fire little girl, I can burn you in a second ." he warned with his burning eyes. " I am determined to go to hell with you, if that's what it takes, make me yours." she was also determined to make this work " take my hand then, hold on." he smirked

Ta_Sha_6022 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 10 of 10 NINE MONTHS LATER

The hallway to the labour ward was filled with screams and shouting, Lucian kept pacing back and forth.. he felt like barging inside and just hold his little wife in his arms and tell her everything will be okay, he's never felt so scared and nervous at the same time.. he could feel drops of sweat forming on his forehead, " what a drag" he thought, " can you stop pacing back and forth Lucian.. you're driving me crazy." Zach said lazily, " you will understand when you yourself become a Dad one day." Lucian coldly said, Zach scoffed slightly closing his eyes and laid his head back

" Ahhh..! I can't do it.. I can't take the pain." Lucian heard Leah shout, this made him extremely worried, " you have to push Ms.. you're almost there." the doctor said," No.. I.. I want to see my husband.. plea.. please bring him to me." Leah said, the doctor nodded at the nurse next to him and she went out," Mr Reign!

" is my wife okay?. "

" she wants to see you." the nurse said handing him a blue cloth, a head net and gloves to wear.. he followed her inside and he went to stand next to Leah holding her hand," Lucian.. I can't do it.. I'm sorry. " she apologized crying," hey.. look at me kitty cat.. of course you can do it, you can bring our baby into this world I believe in you.. you're the strongest woman I know who doesn't give up easily, you have to push Leah.. on the count of three.. 1... 2... 3."

" Ahhhhh....!! " Leah pushed a few times when a baby's tiny voice filled the room," congratulations to you two... it's a girl." the doctor said, Lucian kissed Leah's sweating forehead, " you did it wife.. thank you." Leah gave a slight smile stretching her hands for her baby, the doctor gave her the baby before taking it away to be cleaned up, " she's beautiful." Leah kissed her baby's little forehead, her eyes suddenly felt heavy," Wife..!"

" she's losing consciousness doctor." the nurse said," take the baby to the baby care unit.. Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the room."

" what's happening to her?."

" she must be weak from the delivery.. you need to leave so we can check her vitals." the doctor said.. a nurse escorted him out, " what happened?." Sky approached Lucian," she lost consciousness."

" will she be alright?." Anna asked worriedly," yes." Lucian nodded without him being sure himself, Anna felt a sharp pain.. she looked down and saw colorless liquid on the floor," S.. Sky... I think my water just broke."

" What!? but your due date is not until next month." Skylar's eyes were wide open," Sky I'm so much pain." Anna took in deep breaths," Nurse! Sky called out for a nurse.. two male nurses came with a stretcher and rushed her to the delivery room," this is fucking crazy." Sky ruffled his hair," it's good though right.. our kids will share birthdays." Lucian said," Mr Reign.. your wife has regained consciousness.. you may go in and see her." a nurse informed, Lucian went to the recovery room where Leah was resting," Hey."

" Hi ." Leah gave a slight smile," how are you feeling?." Lucian sat beside her bedside holding her hand," exhausted.. where's my baby?."

" the nurse will bring her in any minute from now." he told her, the door cracked open," here's your baby Mrs Reign." the nurse gave a warm smile handing Leah her baby and walked out," she's so beautiful.. she has your eyes and thin cute lips." Leah smiles," not beautiful as you are though." Lucian teased," Lucian... she's your daughter," Leah chuckles," where's Anna and the others?." she added," Anna was rushed into the labour ward and Sky is there."

" Labour?... but her due day isn't till next month."

" I guess it was due to stress." he told her, a knock echoed inside and Zach and Xander walked inside," can I take a look at the most beautiful baby girl who's come to exist?." Xander smiled warmly and Leah simply nodded with a smile

" Congratulations." Zach simply said

" thank you"... may I ask you a favor?. " Leah added .. Zach gave a slight nod waiting to hear what it was," I want you to be my baby's godfather.. always look after her and protect her in times of need." Zach didn't say a word.. he kept quiet for a really long time as if thinking about something, he was reading her face.. trying to see if something was wrong, he could feel as though she was hiding something but he couldn't tell what it was," my wife asked you if you can be my daughter's godfather Zach.. don't keep her waiting." Lucian raised a questioning eyebrow," of course." Zach accepted which made Leah happy.. at least she's rest assured that her daughter will be in good hands of both her husband and Zach

" did you name her yet?. " Xander asked," we were getting to that part." Lucian spoke," I was thinking Hope.."

" Hope? it's beautiful " Lucian smiled kissing his baby's little forehead," I will get the discharge papers."

" I'm coming with you." Xander followed Lucian behind while Zach stayed behind

" is there something you're not telling us.?." Zach spoke, " what do you mean?."

" someone broke into your house a few months ago... I suspect it wasn't a friendly visit."

" I didn't see anyone." Leah said, Zach studied her face for a long time before pushing the subject away," it's for your own safety Leah.. let me know if you suspect anything" he told her, Leah gave a slight nod," I will go ahead now." he said and went to see Sky and Anna



" what do you mean my Dad is alive mom.. you told me he was dead?." Kathryn said with furrowed eyes," I lied to you.. your Dad is still alive and will pretty much like to meet you."

" is this some of joke.. after so many years of my existence and he wants to see me now? after abandoning me." she said with grit teeth," No..no Kathryn.. your Dad didn't abandon you, neither did he know of your existence till a few months ago..I left him when I found out I was pregnant with you..he didn't know anything, in fact he was devastated when I left and disappeared out of the blue with no trace or reason..he isn't to blame." Carol helplessly said," you're right..you are to blame mother, why did you leave? why separate a daughter from her father?."

" I had no other choice..I had to protect you."

" I need some air." Kathryn said walking out," Damn it."Caroline cursed running her fingers through her hair

" welcome home." Sky smiled at his lovely little wife, Anna stepped into their new house..it was very huge and beautiful, the garden and pool area was breath taking.. she was in her dream house finally, her own home finally.. her son will grow up here.. she will grow old here till her last breathe, this thought made her shade tears.. Sky frowned seeing her so sad and emotional, he lifts her chin so she was staring into his eyes," don't you like it? I can find us another house that matches your liking." he said..Anna shook her head with a smile," I'm not crying because I don't like it.. it's beautiful, I just can't believe this is our new home."

" I bought it especially for you and our son.. you two are the most important people in my life right now..thank you." Sky kissed her forehead then his baby's little forehead, workers around the house helped them get their stuff to their room..their baby's room was already ready and waiting to receive the little boy," I will explore the entire house.. especially the kitchen later.. right now I just want to freshen up and get some rest, I'm exhausted." Anna said," that's a good idea..I will help you get little Kai to his room." he took the baby from her arms as they proceeded upstairs

" she's finally asleep and I could use a glass of wine it's been ages." Leah said throwing herself on the couch," what you need is glass of squeezed orange juice." Lucian said," but-...

" no buts.. gain some strength first, you can have as much wine as you want later on..deal?."

" fine.." Leah sighed

" excuse me Lucian..Leah.. do you have a minute? I would like to speak to you two." Zara spoke," of course..is everything okay?." Leah asked," actually I will only feel okay once I get this guilt out of my chest." Lucian raised a curious brow which made Zara's heart race like crazy," go ahead Zara." Leah gave her a reassuring smile which made her calm down a bit," well I.. it's better to show you." she said taking in a deep breathe..her eyes glow a gold color, both Lucian and Leah stood up.. Leah's eyes had her eyes wide open while Lucian remained calm and cold as he glared at Zara," I'm a werewolf..last of my clan, my parents and people died in the war decades ago, I'm the only surviver left of my clan..I wanted to tell you two at the beginning but I was scared that you wouldn't help me..I was scared of dying, I'm so sorry I lied to all of you."

" you can't stay here.. get out." Lucian coldly said, Zara's eyes widened..she wasn't expecting to be kicked out..if her godfather finds out that she was kicked out he will surely make her suffer for it..."NO.. this can't happen" she told herself

" Let's all calm down... Lucian..we can't just throw her out she has nowhere to go." Leah said," she's been hiding this from us for months wife..she might be hiding even bigger things from us." Lucian looked into Leah's pleading eyes," I trust her..so trust me.. please." she pleaded.. how could he say no to that innocent adorable face of hers, with a helpless sigh he agreed to let Zara stay.. although he would have to keep a close eye on her," you should get some rest Zara." Leah said and she left them at once

" Master Lucian.. someone is here." Mr Williams informed..a tall figure walked into the living room holding a banquet of red roses, Leah hasn't seen that charmingly proud face in a really long time..he just vanished into thin air and now he reappears

" Lucian.." the man gave a slight smile," Azrael.." Lucian didn't seem that cheerful towards his younger brother," Leah.. beautiful as always."

" Azrael..." Leah's voice cracked due to the sudden appearance," I'm sorry I wasn't able to attend your wedding..I had a huge mess on my hands.. but I got these flowers.. congratulations on becoming a mother." Azrael handed Leah the rose flowers," thank you.. they're beautiful." she gave a warm generous smile," can I see my niece?."

" well she's asleep now..you can see her as soon as she wakes up.. I'm guessing you're joining us for lunch right?."

" I'm not much of a eater of human food.. but I guess it doesn't hurt to try." Azrael flashes a charming smile," great.. this way." Leah led the way and Azrael followed behind her, Lucian was in a cloudy mood through out," did you inform Zara to join us?." Leah asked the maid," she prefers to have lunch in her room Ms."

" who's Zara?." Azrael spoke," she's a guest." Leah simply replied.. After lunch.. Leah took Azrael to see Hope and he was very happy to see her," Azrael can I ask you something?."

" ask away beautiful."

" it's about the immortal dagger." Azrael paused giving her a curious eye," what about the immortal dagger?."

" do you think someone who's not a Raven can get in and out of the barrier?."

" Like a Vampire? cause a human isn't stupid enough to go in there" Azrael said," why are you asking this.. did someone try to break in?."

" no..I was just curious to know... Lucian's safety is the most important thing to me." Leah said," I know... well I have to be on my way now..I have a plane to catch in ten minutes, I will see you and my niece some other time." he kissed Hope's little forehead and left


" Dante... she's here."

" you can let her in." a woman walked in wearing a red clark that covered her head.. she had a serious unwavering look that stated she was only here for business," athia.. please take seat..wine? Dante offered," it's not a pleasant visit.. you know why I'm here Dante."

" of course I do..our little arrangement deal."

" I helped you get the dagger you wanted and you promised me to get Hazel out of the way so I can rule over the Raven clan." Athia said with a firm tone," and I haven't forgotten my little promise sweet Athia... I'm one step closer to getting what I want most and you will finally get what you've always desired..of course.. after you rebelled against your own kind."

" I will do anything to achieve my goals.. make sure you do your part.. have waited long enough." Athia said getting up and walked away, Dante leaned back in his comfortable couch closing his eyes," time is ticking." he mumbles to himself in a lazy tone


The door bell rang and Anna answered it," hello.. can I help you?."

" hi.. I'm Kathryn, such a beautiful home you have here." Kathryn walked inside looking around," I'm sorry but you can't just walk in here and invading my privacy." Anna frowned," you must be Anna..I see why he fell so hard for a simple human.. you're beautiful."

" am I missing something here? who are you and how do you know me?..are you one of Sky's lovers?." Kathryn chuckles with amusement," correct.. you're smart" Anna squirted her eyes sharply at Kathryn," relax.. let's start over shall we..hello.. I'm Kathryn, Skylar and Caroline's daughter." Kathryn smirks.. Anna's eyes widened.. at the exact moment Sky walks into the living room to find Kathryn and Anna," Kathryn? what are you doing here?."

" you.. you have a daughter.. with Carol?." Anna's voice cracked," Anna I was going to tell you."

" don't touch me.. don't you dare touch me." Anna stepped back.

" ooh.. marriage drama." Kathryn said," can you be elsewhere than here?." Sky said," I will be in the kitchen.. surprisingly I'm starving." she walked away with her head held up high

" Anna.."

" you've been lying to me all this time Sky... you have a daughter who looks to be my age.. definitely older because.. she's a vampire." Anna lowered her tone

" I wanted to tell you but -

" but what huh?."

" I had no idea I had a daughter..I only found out a few months ago when Carol decided to tell me about it."

" oh so you met up with your ex girlfriend without me knowing about it."

" Sunshine.."

" Don't sunshine me Mr Kinn..I need to think..look after Kai will you." Anna said leaving the house

" she left huh..I like her" Kathryn bit onto the apple" so where's my room at?." she added..Sky sighed helplessly throwing himself on the couch


" Lucian can you pass me the towel.. it's on the sofa." Leah shouted from the bathroom, Lucian was lazily lying on the bed reading a book..he tilted his head to where the towel was lying..damn..he was so damn relaxed and didn't want to lose the relaxing position he was sitting in

* I wonder why she didn't take it with her?* he thought to himself," Lucian don't pretend you can't hear me remember I can see you.. the door is transparent." Leah puffed her cheeks," I'm coming." he simply got up grabbing the towel..he slide the door open handing her the towel, Leah grabbed onto his wrist pulling him inside.. the warm water wetted his clothes till he was completely socked.. she pinned him to the marble wall pressing her naked body on him, Lucian raised a questioning eyebrow

" and what's the little kitty cat have in mind now?."

" for example I have this body in my possession to myself." Leah said pressing her wet lips on his neck.. Lucian trembled holding himself back.. she was playing with fire

" I don't want to do anything that I will regret later kitty cat."

" why would you regret it?." whispered Leah..her lips still lingering on his neck

" you recently gave birth.. you need time to heal and recover."

" I don't have time..I want you.. now."

" Wife.."

" Lucian you're forgetting I'm not an ordinary human..I am a Raven.. I heal quickly.. and I'm telling you I want this.. make love to me like it's your last..I.. want.. you..to f*ck me." she whispered in his ear.. Lucian lifted her up from the floor hungrily kissing her, her long legs were wrapped around his waist kissing him back like a vicious tigress..he squeezed her soft ass and did all the unimaginable things that one could think of.. he's been waiting for this day since forever and he wasn't going to hold back.. they made love in the shower..then to the bedroom.. back to the bathroom.. and their bedroom again.. and finally finished it off in the bathroom where they took a shower finally," you're so amazing you know that." Lucian tucked some hair behind her ear," oh yeah?." Leah smiles," I don't ever want to let you go." Lucian kissed her forehead..Leah heard Hope's little voice crying over the baby monitor," she's awake." Leah walked out of the shower putting on the robe going to Hope's room, Lucian wrapped a towel around his waist going to his study.. his thirst for blood this past months has been intense, he poured some blood in a whiskey glass gulping it all down..as Lucian was stepping out he bumped into Zara on the door way making her stumble back..he caught her not to let her fall and hurt herself.. Zara held onto Lucian's strong and hard arms supporting her balance," Ah.. I'm so sorry..I didn't think anyone was in here." Zara apologized.. Lucian let go of her creating some space between them," what are you doing here?." he asked instead," I offered to clean your study."

" that's not your job."

" forgive me.. but I feel embarrassed staying in this house doing nothing..at least let me help around the house.. it's a request." Zara bows her head slightly.. Lucian said nothing, he simply walked passed her and went back to his room

" Leah!

" Anna..are you okay? your eyes are swollen... come in." Leah just finished changing Hope's diaper when Anna appeared out of thin air," oh Leah..I have been living a lie all this time..I feel dumb and stupid not to have realized it." Anna was currently crying her eyes out

" what happened.. did you and Sky have a fight?."

" I wish it was a fight than this horrible case Leah..the fact that he has a grown daughter with Carol pisses me off."

" Sky has a daughter with Carol?." Leah was taken by surprise," hell..I know."

" well they were dating for a really long time.. it's possible they could have a child together." Leah said

" are you rubbing salts to my wounds?" Anna cried even more," Anna listen... Skylar having a daughter with another woman changes nothing..he loves you and not Carol.. what you need to do as a loving wife is accept his daughter.. get to know her.. listen to Skylar and hear him out, you know he loves you very much don't you?."

" yes..I really needed to hear that..thank you." Anna finally stopped her crying

" Kai is too little for you to leave him alone.. what if he needs to feed?."

" Let sky take care of it.. since he missed out on Kathryn's childhood stages..he will enjoy changing Kai's diapers." Anna said," oh Anna."

" I have to go now.. allow me to kiss my little niece before I go... aren't you a little cutie..yes you are..yes you are." Hope giggles cutely lifting her little hands and feet in the air.. Anna returned back home, she took a deep breath before going inside," Anna..Kai has been crying non stop and it's worrying." Skylar said trying to stop the little boy from crying," what's that smell? oh Sky.. you haven't changed his diaper how is he supposed to stop crying goodness." Anna took Kai in her arms going upstairs," how am I supposed to know how to change a baby?." Sky shrugged, Anna glared at him and proceeded walking away

Sky waited for Anna to finish changing Kai and fed him

" can we talk?."

" only if I start first." Anna said.. Sky gave a slight nod leaning on the door, Anna stood up and approached Skylar.. she looked straight into his eyes and said," promise me you will never stop loving me.. and you having Kathryn here doesn't change anything."

" of course it doesn't..I will always love you sunshine" Sky cupped Anna's cheek," does this mean I'm forgiven?."

" yes." Anna giggles kissing his lips," I missed your soft tender lips." she smiles," we can do a lot more." he whispered," unfortunately we can't." Anna whispered back," what a drag." Sky chuckles


The following day... Lucian had received some guests at his house.. unwanted guests apparently, three men in black.. Zach, Sky and Xander were also present..Mr Williams offered the gentlemen's some wine to ease the tension in the living room

" the deaths in Mystic falls that is caused by the rogue vampires keeps increasing everyday.. innocent humans and vulnerable vampires are frightened to walk freely." said one of the gentlemen

" all of you are here.. which makes them to have this advantage of killing about anyone." another one said

" Lucian..I understand you have a family here you need to protect.. same goes for Skylar, but Zach and Xander can surely come back to Mystic falls and assist us."

" No.." Zach simply refused all heads turning towards him

" why not?."

" because it's a petty issue... it's your job to take care of the vampires that goes rogue."

" but they're too many." they said

" you're stronger than them..they are simply turned and created, whilst you are pure breeds..I expect less from you than being cowards." Zach said

The door to the front opened and Leah walked into the house.. she wore a tight strapless black dress that reached her knees.. black leather high heels and a pearl necklace around her neck.. she dyed her hair back to black letting it fall back freely..her beautiful lips were shinning with red lipstick on, All eyes turned to look at her.. Lucian raised an amusing excitement brow seeing this different side of his little wife..she looked badass and damn hot, Leah simply walked passed them with her sexy walk tempting everyone with her body and posture going upstairs, Zach and the other guys simply looked away not wanting to feel Lucian's rough when he catches them staring at his woman, of course as for the other gents..it was difficult to turn away from the temptations

" my eyes are down here." Lucian's voice echoed with a cold tone to it while his eyes flicked red for a second

" Apologies." they apologized.. Xander released a soft chuckle clearing his throat

" well I'm afraid I also can't come with you guys at Falls.. reason why is the same as Zach's." Xander said.. Lucian's phone buzzed

" come upstairs."

he read.." if there's nothing else this meeting is over." he got up going upstairs..he opened the door to the bedroom walking inside, Leah was sitting on the bed wearing a black lace sexy lingerie.. sitting in a sexy posture..her long dark hair was tied into a long ponytail

" have been waiting for you Mr Reign." Leah tilted her head," you've been naughty Mrs Reign.. what shall I do with you?." Lucian took steady steps towards the bed," a little lesson would be nice." she held the side of his strong neck kissing him," punish me." she whispered, Lucian took off his shirt and pants..he pinned her down," you drive me crazy." he whispered kissing her neck..he kissed every part of her skin that was sensitive..her moans filled the room with sensation


" Mr Kinn.. how may I assist you today?." Zach arrived at AA YOUNG CORPORATION

" I'm here to see April."

" give me a minute and I will let her know you're here." the receptionist smiled dialing the telephone," Ms April.. Mr Kinn is here."

" Zach?"

" Yes ma'am."

" you can let him in."

" you can go ahead." she sweetly smiles..Zach went straight to April's office

" hey..I wasn't expecting to see you." April stood up from her seat," should I leave then?."

" No! Uhm please stay." she offered him to sit," I haven't seen you since the last time we... slept together, thought you forgot about me." She forced a smile," have you had lunch yet?." Zach asked instead," Huh? I..no... not yet."

" join me for lunch." April agreed to have lunch with him.. after all she was starving," Gloria.. cancel all my meetings for the rest of the day will you."

" yes Ms April."

Zach drove them to a fancy restaurant downtown and was led to their table

" what would you like to order Ms?" the waiter asked

" I will have your special sushi with green vegetables and a salad... and an orange cocktail."

" and for you Sir?."

" a bottle of wine." Zach simply said

" right away.. excuse me." the waiter took note and left

" drinking during the day?." April raised a brow," I'm not hungry for food." he answered simply

" then what are you hungry for?."

" do you really wanna know?" Zach asked instead.. his eyes on her red lips.. April later regretted blurting out such a question..they were in a public place and it wouldn't be good if she aroused him with her silly words

" here you go.. enjoy." there food and drinks were brought to them

" So.. what have you been up to lately? being it's been a couple of months now." April stated

" was busy with personal work."

" personal work?" April repeated with a dry chuckle," was your personal work that intense that you couldn't even call me and to check how I was doing?."

" yes.." Zach's answer made April put down her fork and knife in a frustrated manner as she stared at him," you know a real gentleman would apologize and accept his mistake.. but you._

" I'm not a gentleman.. I'm not gentle..soft or caring.. don't mistaken those with me or you'll end up getting hurt." Zach calmly said.. April stared at him for a long while processing his hurtful words.. she simply stood up.. Zach also stood up staring down at her," thank you for lunch.. Mr Kinn." April simply said with intension to walk away..her vision became blurry suddenly and fell to the floor.. Zach quickly lifted her up in his arms with a worry face

" April..!"

he quickly rushed her to the car where the driver was waiting in the driver's seat," Hospital." he ordered," drive faster! damn it." Zach yelled resting April on his lap while they made their way to the hospital... April was rushed to the emergency room by the nurses and doctors..a while later April was transferred to the recovery ward to rest.. Zach sat beside her bedside staring at the unconscious girl..he ran his long fingers through his hair," think Zach... wake up April." he murmurs to himself

" Mr Kinn" the doctor walks in.. Zach stood up straight looking at the doctor and asked," what's wrong with her?."

" she passed out due to stress.. with enough rest and meditation..she will be healthy and regain her strength in no time." the doctor said before leaving.. April opened her eyes scanning her surroundings

" umm..where am I?." her voice low and soft," hospital.. you passed out."

" oh... and what did the doctor say?."

" you're stressed.. you need to get enough rest." he told her

" I would like to go back home now." she said looking to the other side other than his eyes," I will get the discharge papers." he said and left.. after collecting the discharge papers, they drove to her apartment and dropped her off safely," thank you." April gave a slight smile getting out of the car and into her house.." drive." Zach told the driver," back home sir?."

" no.. just drive around the city till dawn." Zach simply said..he didn't feel like going home and let his mind flow with thoughts, he rather drive around the city to free his mind.


Dear BOUNDERS 🖤 The New Trailer of BOUNDED TO LUCIFER will soon drop on my YouTube channel @Authoress Tasha so stay tuned 😊

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