
Boruto: The Strongest Shinobi

So, I'll say this now, the story might be found awkward at the beginning and maybe you'll hate the main character, all I have to say is. Give it a chance. The story is about the event preluding to the 5th Ninja War, it's a situation story and will switch between characters to develop as expected. I obviously only own my character, Kurou. All characters do not belong to me and all rights reserved. __________________________________________________________________________________ So, I thought of this situational story of Boruto while sleeping. Chapters will be posted whenever I feel like it. So, most likely 1/Week.

Seth_Eden_5432 · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Prologue P.1

Chapter 1: Clash in the Ruins

In the desolate ruins of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki's palace, where the shadows of ancient history lingered like ghosts, Sasuke Uchiha faced off against a mysterious shinobi shrouded in darkness. The air crackled with tension as their chakra clashed, echoing through the crumbling corridors of a forgotten era.

With swift precision, Sasuke deftly dodged a barrage of attacks, his Sharingan ablaze with the intensity of battle. Each movement was a dance of deadly grace, a testament to his prowess as one of the last survivors of the Uchiha clan.

But his opponent was no ordinary foe. Clad in the shadows of, his face concealed beneath a veil of mystery, the shinobi wielded powers beyond comprehension. With a flicker of movement, he unleashed a devastating onslaught, each strike resonating with the echoes of a bygone era.

As the battle raged on, Sasuke's resolve never wavered. With every strike and parry, he drew upon the depths of his strength and skill, determined to unlock the secrets hidden within the scroll he had recovered from Kaguya's ancient vault.

And then, in a moment of fleeting clarity, another figure emerged from the shadows.

A shinobi with a visage eerily similar to Sasuke's own, his gaze fixed upon the unfolding spectacle with an intensity born of curiosity and intrigue. "A rinnegan..?"

Sasuke's eye caught a small look at him before blocking another strike, his red weapons seemed to be made of pure chakra, he guessed before, his hair moved to show a purple flash.


Back in the bustling streets of modern Konoha Village, the sun beat down upon the vibrant marketplace, casting dappled shadows on the cobblestone paths below.

Amidst the lively throng of villagers and shinobi, Boruto Uzumaki and Sarada Uchiha embarked on their latest mission: to capture a panda—or was it a bear?

With a mischievous glint in his eye, Boruto summoned forth a cadre of shadow clones, each one a perfect replica of himself, as he demonstrated his newly mastered Shadow Clone Technique to the awe of onlookers.

As if, there we were actually real, he could hear, "Boruto, you're amazing!" as imaginary villagers exclaimed, eyes wide with admiration. 

"Of course I am!" Boruto grinned, his chest puffing out with pride. "Watch closely, Sarada. This is how a real ninja gets things done!"

Sarada rolled her eyes, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "We'll see about that, Boruto," she replied, her voice tinged with playful challenge.

The clones sprang into action, weaving through the crowd with uncanny speed and agility, their laughter echoing through the air like a chorus of mischievous sprites.

But as Boruto's shadow clones darted this way and that in pursuit of their elusive quarry, a spirited debate ensued between Boruto and Sarada over the true identity of the creature they sought.

"It's definitely a panda," Boruto insisted, pointing to the creature's distinctive black-and-white fur. "See? It's practically wearing panda pajamas!"

Sarada shook her head, a look of exasperation crossing her features. "Boruto, you can't be serious," she retorted. "That's clearly a bear. Look at its size and shape—it's unmistakable!"

Their playful banter echoed through the forest, earning a sigh from their Jonin teacher, Konoharmeru Sarutobi.

For Boruto and Sarada, the debate was more than just a matter of semantics—it was a reflection of their longstanding rivalry and friendship, forged in the fires of childhood camaraderie and shared dreams of greatness.

With each passing moment, Boruto felt the weight of Sarada's watchful gaze upon him, a constant reminder of the expectations heaped upon him as the son of the Seventh Hokage.

And so, with a twinkle of determination in his eye, Boruto redoubled his efforts to capture the elusive panda—er, bear—whatever it may be.

For in the heart of the village, amidst the laughter and chatter of friends and rivals alike, Boruto Uzumaki vowed to seize his moment of glory and prove once and for all that he was worthy of the legacy he carried on his shoulders.

[Auther: ...]

Deep within the dense foliage of the forest, Boruto and Sarada stalked their elusive prey, the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy above casting shifting patterns of light and shadow upon the forest floor.

Sarada moved with the grace of a seasoned hunter, her Sharingan ablaze with determination as she tracked the panda—or was it a bear?—with single-minded focus.

"This way, Boruto," Sarada called out, her voice echoing through the verdant canopy. "We're close."

Boruto, however, was preoccupied with a mischievous glint in his eye, his attention divided between their mission and the desire to one-up his rival.

As Sarada moved to capture the creature, Boruto darted in front of her, his shadow clones springing into action with lightning speed to subdue the elusive panda/bear.

"What are you doing, Boruto?!" Sarada exclaimed, her voice tinged with frustration as she watched Boruto's shadow clones wrestle with the creature.

Boruto flashed her a cocky grin, his confidence unwavering in the face of Sarada's anger. "Relax, Sarada. I've got this under control," he replied, his voice dripping with bravado.

But Sarada's patience wore thin, her frustration boiling over as she confronted Boruto. "You're unbelievable, Boruto! Always showing off and getting in the way," she snapped, her emerald eyes flashing with anger.

Mitsuki, ever the voice of reason, stepped forward to intervene, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to the brewing tension between Boruto and Sarada.

"Perhaps it's best to leave everything to Boruto," Mitsuki suggested, his tone measured and diplomatic. "After all, as the son of the Seventh Hokage and the grandson of the Fourth Hokage, Boruto might just become the next Hokage."

Sarada's response was swift and unequivocal, her voice ringing out with determination. "I'll be Hokage, Mitsuki. Just you wait and see," she declared, her gaze fixed upon the horizon with unwavering resolve.

As the forest echoed with the fading echoes of their confrontation, Konohamaru Sarutobi emerged from the shadows, his presence a beacon of authority amidst the swirling chaos.

"Looks like you kids could use a hand," Konohamaru quipped, a wry smile playing at the corners of his lips as he unveiled the Kote—a scientific ninja tool that had become his trademark.

"With this, I can borrow any jutsu and use it as my own," Konohamaru explained, his tone tinged with pride as he activated the Shadow Imitation Technique, ensnaring the elusive panda/bear in a web of darkness that left the children in awe.

"Wow, Konohamaru-sensei, that's incredible!" Boruto exclaimed, his eyes wide with wonder as he watched the captured creature thrash against its invisible bonds.

But Konohamaru was far from finished. With a flourish of dramatic flair, he summoned forth the legendary Rasengan—a swirling vortex of chakra that crackled with untold power.

"Check this out, kids," Konohamaru announced, his voice tinged with excitement as he unleashed the full force of the Rasengan, its brilliant energy illuminating the forest with a blinding light.

However, tragedy struck in the aftermath of the demonstration as the Rasengan veered off course, its destructive force inadvertently laying waste to a nearby farm.

The children recoiled in horror as the full extent of the damage became apparent, their hearts heavy with guilt and remorse for the unintended consequences of their actions.

Determined to make amends, Boruto and his friends wasted no time in reporting to Naruto Uzumaki—the Seventh Hokage and Boruto's father—who awaited them in his office with a stern expression etched upon his face.

"Dad, we have something to report," Boruto began, his voice tinged with urgency as he addressed his father with a mixture of respect and frustration.

Naruto's gaze softened with concern as he listened to Boruto's account of the mission gone awry, his heart heavy with the weight of responsibility that came with his role as both father and Hokage.

However, no matter what, to be as fair as possible, Naruto must not allow any concessions to Boruto, "Boruto, it's Lord 7th or Hokage..." his voice was the same friendly Naruto.

But Boruto's frustration boiled over, his words laced with bitterness as he argued that Naruto's Hokage duties took precedence over their family.

"Again!? Has being Hokage made it impossible to even call my Dad, Dad!?"

"Boruto, being Hokage means than-," Naruto explained, his voice tinged with sadness as he reached out to his son with understanding and compassion.

"Well, I'm tired of this...and of Hokage!" Boruto stormed out, getting a sad look from Naruto and disappointment from his team.


[Auther: Chill, this isn't some rewrite of Boruto, the MC will be introduced soon. But sadly, my MC is rather indifferent and I can't see him doing anything at this point.] Give me power stones. Now.

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