
Born in apocalypse

[Alternate Title: Born In Apocalypse With True Fusion] [Alternate Title: Endless Evolution In The Apocalypse] ********** The life where Dhruv had it all – a caring family, loyal friends, and a fulfilling job. Suddenly his life took an unexpected turn for the worse, and he lost everything in his life. His family was raped and then murdered, his friends left him, and he found himself in prison for crimes he wouldn’t have even dreamed of committing. He was falsely accused of stealing from his company and then in the heat of the moment killed all his family members. He couldn’t even die in peace and was constantly getting bullied and tortured… But like everything else even his situation evolved as the ‘COSMIC EVOLUTION’ arrived on his solar system. With COSMIC EVOLUTION comes the power to evolve any and everything. Swords and Magic lays in everyone's hands as they try to clear the quest. But in this contest not everyone was equal... In this new era of evolution, Dhruv became the Chosen One. With his immense magical power, he began his journey to conquer everything there is to conquer… Ahhh! And Yes, how can he forget about getting revenge…. ********** The novel is filled with evolution, and fusion while its worlds are filled with monsters, quests dungeons, and whatnot. Whatever you need to satisfy your addiction is all here.. so be sure to enjoy it. If you are still reading then be sure to check out... the first few chapters might appear as rough but I guarantee you it will only get better and better.

COSMIC04 · Fantasie
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376 Chs

Two new spells

Over the past five days, I have been killing anyone who was unlucky enough to come across me. Initially, things were progressing smoothly. However, after the second day, rumors started spreading within the prison that there was a dangerous monster, known for its insatiable thirst for blood, and was responsible for the recent killings.

These rumors spread rapidly throughout the prison, causing a state of panic among both the guards and the prisoners.

In response, they began to form groups consisting of 20 or more individuals, moving around discreetly and cautiously.

Their aim was to ensure their safety and protect themselves from the perceived threat of this bloodthirsty beast. Consequently, this situation has made my killing spree less successful and fruitful than I had hoped.

In essence, the rumor about the monster roaming the prison has led to increased vigilance and security measures, making it more challenging for me to find potential victims and continue my spree.

Yet it was anything but unsuccessful as in the past five days, a total of five hundred, No maybe... six hundred people have been killed by my hand, which mostly consists of prisoners.

Prisoners for the most part were easy to kill because they were nearly every time locked behind the bars, so just one metal arrow to the head and their life was over.

Talking about metal arrows, even I couldn't believe the extent of my progress with the metal arrow spell. It has reached a level that surpasses my own understanding.

Now, I have honed my skills to the point where I can shoot a metal arrow with remarkable speed. It takes me no more than 2 seconds to prepare and shoot, and astonishingly, there are instances where I can shoot it in less than a second.

The efficiency and speed with which I can cast this spell have vastly improved, making me believe I'm some kind of novel protagonist.

In the field of magic, this wasn't even my biggest achievement as I had recently learned two new spells of metal magic.

One of them was the [Metal shield]. As the name implies, this spell allows me to create a shield made entirely of metal.

Through rigorous practice, I have reached a point where I can create a shield with a diameter of around 1 meter, and its thickness measures between 10 to 12 millimeters, thick enough to stop bullets.

This spell is one of the best I can learn in the defensive department. This spell is also important because I don't want to increase the number of holes in my body.

As for the duration of skill, the shield remains intact for approximately 15 to 20 seconds, either until my mana supply is depleted or I struggle to maintain its shape beyond that duration.

The second spell I've learned is called [Metal Constructs].

While it may seem straightforward, its versatility is truly remarkable. With this spell, I have the ability to shape and form various objects using metal, limited only by the amount of mana I possess and my mental capacity to process the construct.

The most disappointing thing to note is that the constructs I create are not permanent. They typically dissolve within a short span of 10 seconds, and in some cases, they may even disappear immediately after I cast the spell.

Despite this temporal nature, the flexibility and range of possibilities offered by Metal Constructs are fascinating and provide me with a plethora of options for creative applications.

I also have been trying to cast an illusion spell, before you get your hopes high let me tell you, this shit is just soo much harder compared to metal spells. Simply describing it as "harder" doesn't do justice to the sheer difficulty and complexity involved.

To be honest, casting these spells is downright terrifying. It presents a myriad of obstacles and demands a tremendous amount of effort. For now, I have set it aside temporarily.

However, I firmly believe that the rewards will be worth it. Even the most basic form of this spell holds an astonishing power—not in a physical sense, but rather in the realm of the mind.

But you don't have to worry as with dedicated practice, I anticipate being able to cast one of its spells within a day or two.

All this grinding has provided me with many precious levels in my abilities. All my magic-related skills have undergone substantial leveling, some even advancing two or three times over. In particular, my mana manipulation skill is on the cusp of reaching level five—I can practically sense its impending achievement.

However, with all the killing and shit I have already reached level five two days ago, and when I tried to evolve it, it says that further evolution is only possible after reaching the second quest.

It feels frustrating to have earned so much valuable experience only to discover that I must now await an additional opportunity to progress. It seems like a waste, given the considerable effort I have invested.

What I haven't wasted is my skill points, I have been waiting for my skill to reach level five so i can upgrade them further. And wasting my skill point after buying some stupid skill.

One of the remarkable progresses I've made is in improving my stats. With all the kills, I had amassed a substantial sum of approximately sixty thousand CC.

Talk about being rich, but this wealth doesn't sit in my account for too long as I had decided to invest all of it in my stats.

Wisely, I have chosen to distribute this newfound wealth evenly across all of my stats. This balanced approach ensures that each aspect of my abilities receives a proportional boost, maximizing my overall potential.

By investing in the enhancement of my stats, I have fortified myself and further solidified my capabilities in various areas.

So after all those upgrades this is what my status looks like now.


Name: Dhruv

Class: Apprentice mage

Level: 5/5 [Plese evolve as...]

Title: First blood

Magic Affinity: Metal (S), Illusion (D)

Stats: Strength Lv. 35(38), Stamina Lv. 35(38), Agility Lv. 35(38), Magic Power Lv. 62(68),

Abilities: Metal manipulation Lv.4, Illusion manipulation LV.2

Skills: Basic mana manipulation Lv.4, Basic illusion resistance Lv.1, Minor mana absorption Lv.3, Mana bolt Lv.2, Laughing elixir Lv.2

Spell: Metal arrow, Metal shield, Metal Constructs

Cosmic coins: 1530

<Cosmic store>

Skill point: 4


I've significantly improved all my stats, and the effect is just… so much more apparent. I feel like I can take down at least two of my past self without even breaking a sweat, physically of course.

However, I must admit that my progress in the magical realm has not been as significant. Once I have successfully dealt with all the inhabitants of this prison, I plan to shift my focus toward developing my magical abilities in a more dedicated and focused manner.

I recognize the importance of nurturing my magical potential and intend to devote my energy to its advancement.

With all the improvements, I can finally hunt in the open… and that I plan to do...

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