This is just something I am writing to fulfill my boredom and to maybe make my writing better?? Anyways, read it, have fun, and please don't be too harsh when you comment.
When I woke up again, I saw a bright blue sky, dotted with white wispy clouds and framed by the vivid green leaves of many trees. It looked so peaceful and clean. Untouched by humans. Then and there, I decided I would try to keep the planets I conquered as natural as possible. It was quite a sight really. There was something just so soothing about this place.
Time to get to work. I had things to do, but first I need to look at my stats and go through my memories.
[Name: ***** Naberrie
Age: 4 years old
Titles: Reincarnated One, One with the Force, Wound in the Force, The Cute Young Master
Affiliation: Young Master of the House of Naberrie
System Rank: 0
(Stats) (Average adult has 10 in each)
Force Level: Senior Padawan (Force level is the ability to channel the force. While he might be one with the force, he still cannot channel great amounts of force as that has to be built up. He has the potential, but not a large amount of strength, for now.)
Strength: 10 (Strength will be how much power he can muster without damaging himself)
Stamina: 50 (Energy reserves for physical activities)
Agility: 10 (Raw speed.)
Derexity: MAX (Derexity is the ability to manipulate the body. Since he has absolute control, it is maxed out.)
Intelligence: 30 (Raw Processing Power. Meaning the ability to find answers to problems and think of ideas and strategies. They might not work, but he can think of a lot of them. 30 is the equivalent of the human calculator. It can do a lot, but it's not truly a computer.)
Wisdom: 25 (Wisdom is the ability to take his ideas and make them a reality or the ability to find the best solution to a problem. Wisdom and Intelligence work together. You can't have a really high amount of wisdom and low intelligence and expect to be able to efficiently do everything. You need a certain amount of intelligence. The MC has less wisdom than intelligence because he has yet to experience a lot of problems.)
Comprehension: 15 (While the MC did wish for Sharingan levels of comprehension, he didn't specify and he is only 4 so the brain can only do so much. So while above average, it's not a lot.)
Charisma: MAX (Charism is both your looks and the ability to influence others. MC has maxed out charisma because he looks amazing, has high levels of EQ, and because the force loves him.)
(AN/: I am not really good at keeping track of stats and coming up with increases, so I won't really show the numerical part of stats a lot. I am just doing this to kinda give you a perspective on how strong the MC currently is.)
Body Perks:
Absolute control: This allows the holder of the skill to control every part of their body. (Meaning they can control how much strength they use without any training. They can also shut off blood flow to wounds, decide how fast they want to heal, breathe, or any process in the body really. As a result, they always know the state of their own body, meaning they can't be poisoned and not notice.) Maxes out Derexity.
Limb Regeneration: This allows the user to instantly heal small wounds. Medium and fatal wounds will take time depending on the size. Skill can be overcharged using stamina to speed up healing. When healing passively, no stamina or energy is used. Limbs can also be regenerated but will take time.
One with the Force: The force loves the holder of this skill. The force will guide the holder and will follow the will of the user. But the holder must train on how much they can channel as using too much force with an unprepared body can lead to severe consequences. The holder of this skill will have a very long lifespan. (Yoda levels of lifespan) Gives the title, One with the Force.
Wound in the Force: The force is unable to affect the holder of this skill. Any skills that use pure force cannot affect the holder unless the holder does it themselves. (By pure force, I mean things like choking, force lightning, telekineses, etc.) Skills that do not purely force have less of an effect depending on the situation. (This means things like throwing a force-enhanced blow. While the blow will still hit, the force will not affect the user, meaning the blow will be like a normal one.)
Eidetic Memory: Able to remember anything no matter how long ago it was or if the skill holder only got a glimpse.
Calm Headed: Able to keep calm in any situation. Allows the skill holder to still feel emotion, but when it negatively affects the holder, the emotion will be suppressed. Also prevents the holder from being affected by any negative mental ability.
Nano Factory: This allows the skill holder to produce Nanomachines. The amount of nanomachines created depends on the stamina of the skill holder.
Nano Vessel: This allows the skill holder to hold nanomachines. The amount depends on the size of the body.
Human Nanomachine: This allows the skill holder to utilize nanomachines as if they were a part of themself. It also allows the skill holder to use all the abilities of a nanomachine to a certain extent. Also allows the holder to regenerate themself using nanomachines. (Like a nanomachine, the MC can devour materials to create more nanomachines, which is where the Nano Factory skill comes from. Nanomachines created from certain materials will have different qualities while the ones created from the skill will have the same quality unless more stamina is inputted.)
Force Skills:
Production Skills:
Combat Skills:
Looking at my status, it seems that I am already overpowered. I already have so many ideas on how to use all these different skills. But right now I need to look at my memories.
But I wonder why my name is *****? System do you know?
[The Author is terrible at naming so it left it up to the readers]
I see. Readers please help the author and recommend a gender-neutral name.
(AN/: Yes I suck at naming. I couldn't find any good gender-neutral names that went with the surname Amidala. Yes, I know it says Narberrie right now, but it's because he has yet to reunite with his family. As Padme took up the title of Queen, she switched her surname to Amidala, so MC will do the same.)
Looking back at my 4 years of life, nothing really happened until a few days ago. Just your normal young master treatment. Extensive spoiling. Lots of Kyaaaaaing. I guess this is what happens when you have MAX in your charisma stats. Thankfully I can control the amount of 'charm' I produce. Meaning I can prevent people from turning into drooling idiots from my charm. It would be quite bad if everyone became an idiot. Life would not be fun.
Anyways the big event that caused me to crash into this planet is because of terrorists. Apparently, Naboo used to be a warrior society, but as time went on, the people became weary of such a life and decided to become more peaceful. But some families didn't like that, especially some of the Noble Houses. Because of that, on the day that the Naboo people were about to transition into a new era of peace and prosperity, they struck trying to overthrow the current monarchy. The House of Narberrie was one of the leaders of peace, which meant I was a priority target. So on the day where everyone was preparing for celebration and security was lax, they made chaos throughout Theed and attacked my house with a group of elite warriors. They killed everyone, kidnapped me, and tried to flee on a spaceship in order to secure the hostage, which was me.
A group of Narberrie soldiers managed to get on board the ship and were on their way to free me. I was held in the engine room, where most of the guards were located. The Narberrie soldiers managed to kill most of the guards and were on their way out when reinforcements arrived from other terrorist ships. They pushed back the soldiers to the engine room where they fought from behind cover. All the blaster fire heavily damaged the hyperdrive, which caused it to implode. The implosion caused the people near it to be transported to hyperspace, which killed everyone but me. As I am one with the force, the force saved me and took me to a planet in the unknown regions to keep me safe.
Quite a story if I do say so myself. Anyways I need to plan out my future. It's currently 36 BBY, which means I have 3 years to prepare before heading out to Naboo. I want to get there 1 year before the Battle of Naboo to see if I can change anything. I'm not quite sure how my sister would be, as she is quite attached to me, but who knows.
So what to do. Hmm, first let's get some information about Star Wars. System, how can I get the technology of Star Wars?
[The Reward for the Next Rank is 2 Different Star War's Civilization's Knowledge as well as some Knowledge about Force Abilities]
I see. So I need achievement points. Achievement points (AP) are earned from doing something special so... Ah I know. I probably have some points from being reincarnated, being one with the force, and being a wound in the force at the same time.
[Achievement: One who has Touched Death + 1 Point
Achievement: Rebirth + 1 Point
Achievement: One With the Force + 1 Point
Achievement: Wound in the Force + 1 Point
Achievement: Contradictory Existence + 1 Point]
That was more than I was expecting. 5 points. System how many points do I need for the next rank?
[Host Needs 5 Points for Rank 1]
I see. Is there a starter pack?
[Achievment: Found the Starter Pack + 1 Point
Achievement: Discovered Hidden Elements of the System + 1 Point
Starter Pack added to Host's Inventory]
I opened up my inventory and was greeted by a 5 by 5 grid inventory with the starter pack inside.
Clicking on the starter pack, I opened it up and received a bunch of items.
[Host has Opened the Starter Pack:
The host has Received the following items:
+ 5 AP Voucher, 2 Lightsaber kits, 1 Clothing Voucher, 3 years worth of Food pills]
Taking out the items, I immediately use the + 5 AP Voucher and my AP points become 12.
[Host is able to Rank Up]
[Does Host wish to Rank Up now?]
[Ranking Up]
[Host is now Rank 1]
[Host's inventory has expanded to a 10 by 10]
[Host needs 10 points for the next Rank]
[Host has 7/10 AP]
[Host can Choose 2 Star War's Civilizations]
[Host will receive Basic Force User Manual]
[Please Choose 2 Civilizations:
I will choose Naboo and Neimodian. I need to know everything about the Naboo people as I am technically a prince, therefore I will need to be aware of our culture and technology. And seeing as we were a warrior society, there should be some good weapons and tactics. Even if it's not as good as Mandalorian weapons and tactics, I still have the tactics from the Covenant, UNSC, and Earth, so I think I got this covered.
The reason I choose the Neimodian's is that they are part of the Trade Federation, which is one of my enemies. They also specialize in using droids, which I will have to do, seeing as I do not have any other people with me. Even if they are not the ones who made them, seeing as I have the whole entire civilization knowledge about them, I am pretty sure I can make a decent droid.
Now let's use that clothing voucher. Looking at the voucher, I can see a set of instructions on it. It seems that it works by using your imagination. It seems like anything I choose will have an auto repair function, temperature control, and will always be clean and crisp. Another thing is that the clothing will be light, breathable, stretchy, and be as durable as phase 2 clone gear. Which is pretty nice.
I always loved Japanese traditional clothing, seeing as I have this clothing voucher, I might as well get a kimono. (AN/: The Kimono looks like this)
Next are my two lightsabers. Seeing as I am already going for Japanese aesthetics, I will go with a katana-style lightsaber. It will use a permafrost crystal, meaning it can only be turned on by me, as I am tuned with it. It will also be able to slowly drain away other's energy as a result of its nature. I will make sure that the focus lens used to make it a single blade can be changed into a normal round blade to allow me to defend myself from other lightsabers and blaster bolts easily.
The katana will also come with a sheath and it will be able to block blaster bolts and lightsaber strikes. The reason I have the sheath is so I can perform Iaido. I have the knowledge of how to do it from Earth, and no one knows the technique here, so it can be my own unique skill. And most importantly, it's cool as heck.
(AN/: I know that the permafrost crystal can't drain away other people's energy, but this is fanfiction and it makes more sense if it could. I will also be changing the color of the blade from a blue to a white blade. Here is a picture of the hilt, it is the blue-colored one.)
(AN/: The sheath will be made of phrik with a slight coating of Beskar so it can deflect blaster bolts. The sheath looks like this, except the gold is replaced with a gray steel color.)
For the other lightsaber, I really have no idea yet. I'll just keep it for now, as I do want a really unique lightsaber, which is why I am going for a katana.
(AN/: Comment on some unique lightsaber designs here. I want to see what you guys can come up with.)
Using the clothing voucher and the lightsaber kit, a small icon of a kimono and a katana hilt appears in my inventory. Clicking on the image, the kimono appears on my body and the lightsaber appears with its sheath, tucked into the obi of the kimono.
The kimono was pretty big, dropping loosely of my small frame. I was at a loss on what to when it started to shrink down to my size. I hope my kimono grows along with me. It is pretty nice clothing with decent protection. Ahh, whatever if it doesn't I can always turn the kimono into normal clothes, kimonos do use a ton of material. Anyways it's not like I'm gonna grow any boobs or anything, so everything should work out.
(AN/: MC doesn't know how much he fucked himself over. He was in a bit of a rush when he was making his body, and since he came up with the idea of being a trap to cause chaos, he really didn't look too closely at his body, so the things that his perverted mind added, well he totally missed it.)
Anyways, now that I think about it, aren't I missing some appendages? Patting my head and but, I don't feel any fox ears or tail. What happened? Are they going to grow later or are they something I can put in and out of my body? As I was thinking about my ears and tails, they suddenly popped out of my body.
I see, so it's something I can hide, convenient. Until I can reunite with my family and find some sort of explanation about these extra appendages, I think it would be safer to keep them hidden when I meet others.
Looking down back at my katana lightsaber, I pull it out and turn on the blade. The blade turns on with a thrum, softly vibrating in my hands. The pure white blade appears in the shape of a katana blade, slightly flickering on the edges as the air around it gains a slight chill to it.
So this is how it takes the energy from its opponents, it makes it colder, sapping their strength the longer they fight. A pretty nifty trick if I do say so. Turning a nob on the side of the hilt right under the guard, the blade rounds out into the standard lightsaber blade. Waving it around, I realize this thing is really light, which means it really doesn't have any cutting power.
Kriff, did I mess up on my choice already? Wait, no calm down. I have the knowledge of the energy swords from the covenant. Those things were super sharp even though it was made of plasma. Lightsabers also use plasma, so if I take the technology from the blade, that means the lightsaber will be able to cut through steel and flesh pretty easily and still be able to burn things. Haha, I didn't mess up, I'm a kriffing genius!
Pulling up the information from my mind, I take apart the energy sword design and rip out all the pieces except the magnetic field generators. These things are what made the blade super sharp, even though it was made of superheated plasma. As I only need a single edge, all I need to do is take one of the generators and redesign it to fit into my hilt. Since I can build nanomachines, I think I may be able to use the nanomachines to build my lightsaber components in smaller sizes so I can fit this magnetic field generator in.
Using the force for the first time to pull apart my lightsaber, I use my nano factory skill to create some nanomachines to build the different components. Letting the nanomachines devour inside components, I have them scan the designs and rebuild them in smaller sizes. Taking the rebuilt pieces and the redesigned magnetic field generator, I put them into place with the force and fit all the components back into the phrik hilt and close the shell around it.
Taking hold of my lightsaber again, I turn it on and feel the blade thrum to life. Although it still is basically weightless, I can feel a defined sharpness to it as I swing it in the air. Walking towards one of the trees surrounding the clearing, I cut horizontally with my blade and it instantly cuts through the trunk.
[Achievement: Fuse Two Technologies + 1 Point]
My lightsaber is now one of the best lightsabers out there. It can actually cut, meaning no more taking time burning through ship hulls and blast doors, I can just cut right through them. Haha, this is pretty nice.
I wonder can I cut through lightsaber blades? That's an interesting idea. I think it might, but it probably depends on how strong the force is around the blade. Who knows, I should probably start building up a base.
Pulling up my inventory once again, I click on the star forge and it appears out in orbit around the planet. It's time to start my journey into space.