
Bonds Of Life

"Bonds are not bounds to lovers that is a thing some people tend not to understand, bonds can come in many form friendship,family,jobs,hobby and many more" Follow the story of Narukami Shin and his friends in their everyday life together and separate as they established bonds with their loved ones. *DISCLAIMER* The arts that are used for the cover of this story is not mine all rights goes to the original creator if by any chance you are the creator and want this to be taken down let me know. Discord:FaKie_KitSuKo#4546

FaKie_KitSuKo · realistisch
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33 Chs

The school trip part 1

Shin's POV

After accompanying the girls to buy their swimsuits, me and the boys decided to spend the time playing at Naoto's house.

"So when will we go to the beach again?" Ryuji asked.

"Just a couple of days from now" I replied.

"Soooo.... Anyone down for a sleepover?" Naoto asked and we replied with a nod.

We played the whole day, when the sun started to set me and Ryuji went home to grab our clothes and other stuff and went back to Naoto's house.

A few days later spent with nothing but lazing around and playing games it's now beach day.

The three of us are waiting outside for the girls and it has been over 30 minutes yet they are nowhere to be seen.

"Where the hell are they?" Ryuji asked, slightly irritated, "Let's just wait inside, it's scorching hot out here" He said.

"Be patient a little will ya they could be stuck in traffic for all we know, let's wait for another 15 minutes or so" Naoto suggested.

"Ugh fine" Ryuji replied.

15 minutes later the girls finally arrived.

"Hey guys sorry we took so lo-" Makoto stopped talking when she saw us collapsed on the ground.

"Oh.... kay..... All in favor of carrying them to the car raise your hand" None of the girls raised their hand but Mio

"Great! Good luck Mio" Makoto said as she got back in Mr. Stephan's car.

"Eeeehhhhhhh?!" Mio looked at Shihiro with puppy eyes.

"Sorry Mio but it's scorching hot and I can't stand the heat sooooo-" Shishiro replied as she slowly went back in the car.

"...." Mio let out a sigh.

In the end Mio only carried me into the car and we made our way to the beach.

When I regained my consciousness because of the blessed breeze of the air conditioned car.

"Sh-Shin you're finally awake umm how's your head? Here's a cold drink" Mio said, worrying about me.

"Thanks" I said while taking the drink she offered.

"Sorry we took so long Shin we were waiting for Mr.Stephan to pick us up but he had to drive the other students to the station first because apparently our transport was busted" Makoto said.

"That's right, I'm sorry for taking too long" Mr.Stephan apologized.

"No no it's okay as long as we end up on the beach I'm fine with waiting forever" I replied.

"By the way, isn't our group smaller than usual?" I asked, noticing that something was missing.

"It's probably just your imagination, we are all here" Makoto said.

"Oh wait, Ai is already at the beach, that's why our group is smaller than usual," Shishiro said.

"Oh yeah you're right she is not here okay then" I replied.

"Say how far is this beach Mr.Stephan?" Mio asked.

"Hmm? Well from Tokyo all the way to Sapporo should be about 19 hours by car" He replied.

"Wait sapporo?!" I was surprised "Why so far?"

"What do you mean? It's a school trip right? So it's only fair if we treat it like a vacation. We are going to stay there for a few days" He replied.

I was surprised and the other seems surprised as well but it's not that i'm against it in fact i am super excited i've never been to sapporo before so i know this trip is going to be fun.

After a few hours Mr.Stephan stopped by a nearby restaurant to eat.

"Alright kids, let's take a break, it's my treat," He said.

All of us jumped out of the car and headed inside the restaurant and grabbed a seat.

A waitress went over to our table "May i take your orders?" She asked with a notebook in hand.

We took a look at the menu and they serve all kinds of different dishes that we are confused on what to order.

"Are there any recommendations?" Mr. Stephan asked.

"Ah I'm glad you asked sir, here in our restaurant we are quite confident in our unagis (Grilled Eel) . I'll say it's the best one you can find around here" She said.

"How about it everyone?" Mr.Stephan asked towards us.

"If it's the best they can offer then I am more than intrigued to try" Shishiro replied and we followed with a nod.

"Coming right away sir please wait for a few moments" She said as she wrote our orders and left.

Whilst waiting for our orders we decided to chat for a bit.

"Say Mr.Stephan I was wondering if you said that you dropped the other students at the station right?" Makoto asked.

"Yes exactly is there a problem?" He asked back.

"Why are we the only one using the car?" She asked again.

"It's Shishiro's request. She always wanted to go on a road trip so I couldn't resist my daughter's request. Don't worry i already instructed an escort when they arrive so everything will be just fine" He replied.

"Ohh i see well i don't mind it fun going on a road trip once in a while anyway" She replied back.

"Oh that reminds me let's take a picture!" Shishiro said while taking out her phone for a selfie.

We all posed for the camera as it took our picture and short after that our orders arrived.

"Thank you for waiting here is your order, our pride and joy unagi and a free tempura with special sauce please enjoy" The waitress says as she serves our order on the table.

"Alright! Let's dig in!!!" Makoto started to chow down and we followed not too far behind.

As we are enjoying our time meanwhile back in tokyo.

"They just left us didn't they?" Ryuji asked Naoto and he nodded silently.

they both let out a sigh as they walk slowly towards the station.

(Back to the group)

After we finished eating we all left the restaurant with nothing but satisfaction.

"Fwaaa that unagi really hit the spot" Makoto said satisfied while rubbing her stomach.

*Burp* "Ah! I'm sorry" Mio covered her face embarrassed.

"So adorable" I said and her face got even more red.

"Alright everyone let's get back on the road" Mr. Stephan called us and we all got back in the car.

It's another hour of driving towards Sapporo along the way. We stopped to take pictures of the view, stop by for a snack (Of course it's Mr.Stephan's treat), and rested because apparently Makoto gets carsick.

And after a short while we arrived at sapporo.

We got out of the car and stretched our body.

"Maaan that took longer than it should have" I said.

"But that was so much fun," Mio said.

"Yeah it would have been more fun if i don't get car sick everytime" Makoto said with a pale expression.

"Alright alright it seems the others are already enjoying the beach so how about all of you get your swimsuits ready and make your way to the beach i'll be waiting there" Mr.Stephan said.

"Wait you are not gonna drive us there dad?" Shishiro asked

"No I need to go there to prepare the villa you guys will be staying in, I'm sure you guys would want to explore Sapporo right? So take your time bye bye" He replied and took off.

"Where is the beach again?" I asked.

"Ranshima" Shishiro replied.

"Sigh.... Another 2 hour drive huh?"

"Say let's do what Mr.Stephan said and take our time. There should be lots of fun stuff here in Sapporo. Let's explore first" Makoto suggested.

"Agreed" We all replied.


"So this is sapporo huh?" Ryuji said while looking around.

"Wanna head straight to the beach?" Naoto asked.

*Rumble rumble*

"Okay let's grab a bite first"

The adventure of the two in sapporo has now started