
Bonds Of Life

"Bonds are not bounds to lovers that is a thing some people tend not to understand, bonds can come in many form friendship,family,jobs,hobby and many more" Follow the story of Narukami Shin and his friends in their everyday life together and separate as they established bonds with their loved ones. *DISCLAIMER* The arts that are used for the cover of this story is not mine all rights goes to the original creator if by any chance you are the creator and want this to be taken down let me know. Discord:FaKie_KitSuKo#4546

FaKie_KitSuKo · realistisch
Zu wenig Bewertungen
33 Chs

Amusement park

Makoto's POV.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

The sound of my alarm clock woke me up from my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes. My vision was blurry at first but when it got clear I looked at the clock and it said 9am.

"OH MY GOD I'M LATE!!" I immediately got up from bed but before I rushed to the bathroom I realized.

"Oh wait it's sunday" I then fell back on the bed.

"Haaaa~" I stretched. "Yesterday was so much fun" I stayed on my bed for a few moments and then I got up and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast.

When I got out of my room I was surprised my sister wasn't sitting down in the living room working. Usually she would be sitting there wrapped in blankets accompanied by 2 glasses of coffee.

But then i remembered "Oh right this is sunday" I let out a sigh.

I decided to make breakfast, I set up a simple fried rice on top of the dining table and went over to my sister's room.

I opened the door to her room and she was laying on top of her bed "Sis! Wake up!!!" I shake her back and forth.

She woke up and smacked the top of my head "What's wrong with you? it's so early in the morning Makoto" She asked, still half asleep.

"First of all it's 9am, second what are you doing sleeping?" I asked.

"Can I not sleep?" She asked back.

"I thought you would never sleep" I asked again.

"Wha- okay listen Makoto i may be a workaholic due to my work demands but i'm still human plus today is sunday" She replied.

"Then what about today's work? I asked.

"Oh right, I haven't told you i am allowed to take a break for a few days and i never work on sunday to begin with" She said.

"Then let's have breakfast. I already set it up" I said.

"Ugh 10 more minutes" She covered herself back with a blanket.

"No you come and eat breakfast now!" I tried pulling her out of bed but she holds onto the bed.

"No~!!" She screamed "Oh wait Makoto here" She took a paper from under her pillow.

I took it "What is this?" I asked.

"It's a ticket for an amusement park my editor gave me a few days ago. I don't have any intention of going outside so you take it and go with your friends or whatever" She said.

"Oh really? Thanks sis!" I said "But you're still going out of bed, Cmon rise and shine!" I pull her out of bed.


After a few minutes of trying to get my Sister out of bed she finally gave up and got out of her room and sat down on the dining table.

She ate the fried rice I prepared and immediately headed back to her room "Sis?" I called "No let me sleep" She locked the door to her room.

I laughed and headed to the shower.

After I took a bath I entered my room and called my friends. The first one I called is Ai and Shin.

"Hello? Shin?" I called.

"Yo what is it?" He answered.

"So I got this ticket to an amusement park from my sister do you want to come with? Ask Ai as well" I said.

"Sure we'll come with" He replied.

"Great let's meet up at the park at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, don't be late" I said.

"Yeah sure thanks for the invite"

I close the call and proceed to call Shishiro "Shishi! Wanna go to the Amusement park with me? Great! See you at 1 o'clock in the afternoon okay? Don't be Late! and bring Ryuji with you!"

"Wha-wait!!" I hung up the call before she could say anything.

Lastly, I call Naoto "Hello?" He answered the call.

"Uh uh umm ahh the umm Hello!" I answered.

"Makoto? Are you okay? He asked.

"Who? Me? Ahahahah! Of course i'm fine hmm yep totally" I replied.

"Ohh kay?" Then why do you call?" He asked again.

"Oh right! I-i uh do you want to go to the amusement park with me?" I asked.

"I would love to!" He replied.

"Great see you at 1 o'clock in the afternoon" I said then closed the call.

"Okay all set now time for bed!" I lay down on my bed and quickly fell to my dream world.

"Makoto!!! Wake up!" I can feel my body shaking back and forth.

I slowly open my eyes "Nngh~ Sis! What is it?" I asked, still feeling sleepy.

"I'm hungry, is lunch ready?" She asked.

"My gods sis can't you cook yourself? I'm sleepy" I said.

"Oh no you don't" She dragged me out from my bed "Sis what the hell!?" I yelled and she showed her tongue "This is revenge not so fun isn't it?,Cmon those food ain't gonna cook themselves"

I gave up resisting and made lunch for both of us. "Here you go" I served some udon and let out a yawn "Thanks lil sis love you!" She said.

"Whatever, let's eat" I replied .

We both enjoyed our lunch together in peace after we were done I took the dishes and washed them.

"So when are you going to go to the park Makoto?" She asked.

"Of course today" I replied whilst washing the dishes.

"Are you going with all your friends?" She asked again.

"Yep" I replied short.

"So when will you guys meet up?" She asked once again.

"1 o'clock in the afternoon" I answered.

"Are you sure?" She asked then I replied with a nod "But it's 1.30 already?" She said.

Hearing what my sister said, I looked straight to the clock and she was right. I rushed to the bathroom and changed, then rushed to the door "Bye sis!!!"

I ran as fast as I could towards the amusement park, after I arrived I saw the group stand near the entrance waiting for me.

"guys heeh heeh heeh" I called them.

"Makoto are you okay?" Shishi asked.

I just replied with a thumbs up signaling I'm fine.

"Were you asleep or something?" Shin asked.

"huh? no heehh totally not" I said.

"So what were you doing then?" Ryuji asked.

"Oh Ryuji umm i was making lunch for my sister" I replied.

"But still you made us wait for 30 minutes you better make it up for it" Shin said crossing his arms.

"I'm! heeh heeeh heeeh okay fine! heeeh heeeh" I said still tired

"Maybe we should grab her a drink first" Naoto suggests.

A few moments later they bought me a drink and I drank it immediately in one go "haaaa!!! Thanks guys and i'm sorry!" I bowed down apologizing.

"Hey hey it's okay" Shishiro said.

"Yeah we have time to get to know each other" Ryuji said.

"No getting to know each other is the second reason I brought you all here" I said.

"Then what's the main reason?" Ai asked.

"Because my sister got a free ticket, that's all" I replied.

They all stared at me silently "Of course i'm joking we are here to have fun! let's go!!" I said excitedly.

"Yeah!!!" They all shouted.

We all entered the park using the tickets that my sister gave me.

"So what ride should we try first?" Shishiro asked excitedly.

"It has to be opened by a roller coaster right?" Ryuji said.

"That's a great idea but it's too intense for an opening, how about the fall tower first?" Naoto said.

"Oh Oh then i want to try the intense boat ride one!" Shishi said.

"So which one do you suggest?" Shin asked towards me.

"We just arrived so if we take the most fun ones first it won't be fun anymore so haunted house anyone?" I suggest.

"Hmm i'm down" Ai replied.

"How about the others?" I asked.

The others responded with a nod "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

We all went to the Haunted house together after we arrived and we all stood in front of the entrance.

"Ooh looks scary" Ryuji said.

"Are you scared or something Ryuji?" Shin teased.

"Tch you're the one shaking Shin" Naoto said.

The boys started arguing with each other "Wow they get along fast" I said.

"They're boys, what do you expect?" Ai said.

"So who's going in first?" Shishiro asked.

"..." We all went silent.

"Makoto you brought us here you go first!" Ai forced me.

"Oh no you don't you're going first!" I forced Ai back.

"Nope you were late take it as a punishment!" She said.

"Hey you three wanna come with or not?" Shin yelled.

"Yeah sure totally" We entered the haunted house together while hiding our fear.

"Wow, it's darker than I thought" Shishiro said.

"A-are you not scared?" I asked.

"Hmm? Why should i? This is so fascinating!" Shishiro replied excited.

"B-brother" Ai walked closer and closer to Shin grabbing his sleeve from behind.

"Wow i haven't seen this side of you before, i didn't know you are scared of ghosts" Shin said.

"S-scared no i'm not" She tries to avoid it.

"Yeah yeah sure" He replied.

"Hwaaaa!!!" A ghost jumped at me and I accidentally hugged Naoto.

"Wow wow calm down it's alright" He calmed me down.

I released Naoto and proceeded to move forward.

The rest of the haunted house went like that; it was filled with screams and laughter and Shishiro observing each and every one of the ghosts.

After a few minutes that felt like eternity we finally got out.

"That was quite enjoyable, what's next?" Shishiro asked.

"Next is rest!" I said exhausted mentally.