
Bonds Of Life

"Bonds are not bounds to lovers that is a thing some people tend not to understand, bonds can come in many form friendship,family,jobs,hobby and many more" Follow the story of Narukami Shin and his friends in their everyday life together and separate as they established bonds with their loved ones. *DISCLAIMER* The arts that are used for the cover of this story is not mine all rights goes to the original creator if by any chance you are the creator and want this to be taken down let me know. Discord:FaKie_KitSuKo#4546

FaKie_KitSuKo · Realistic
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33 Chs

Ferris Wheel

Shishiro's POV.

Everyone seems to be exhausted after the haunted house adventure and Makoto suggested us to take a rest for a while.

"Fuaaah!" I stretched my arms up in the air "That was soooo much fun I've never been this excited before my heart is pounding!" I said.

"Right, why are you so excited about this? It's just an amusement park you go to these kinds of places all the time right? Wait.... This is your first time isn't it?" Ai asked.

"Yep this is my first time, i was never able to go to places like this my parents are all busy remember?" I replied.

"Don't worry you are about to have the best time in your life, But seriously back at the haunted house, How are you not scared of the ghosts? I know they are fake but they look very freaky even i got scared" Makoto said sitting down on a bench tired.

"I'm surprised as well some of the ghosts are surprisingly scary and they came out of nowhere" Ryuji said.

"He got that right, that last ghost made me jumped" Shin said and followed by a nod from Naoto.

"I don't quite understand what's so scary about it. It's so fascinating looking at the different kinds of ghosts and seeing them up close i'm so excited!" I explained.

"You really are interesting Shishiro" Naoto said.

"Thank you!" I replied, taking it as a complement.

"Alright so what's next?" Makoto stood up.

"I think we need a chill ride for now how about a carousel?" Naoto suggests.

"Did you really just suggest a girl ride?" Shin asked.

"Well we have girls with us we can't just follow what we want" Ryuji said.

"I suppose you're right that's the most chill one here let's go" Shin said.

"What's a carousel?" I asked.

"It's a ride that is shaped like a horse and spun around in a circle" Makoto explained.

"Sounds interesting let's go there now!" I held Makoto's hand and dragged her there.

"Hey Shishi slow down!" She said and I was too excited to listen.

"Those two are really close huh?" Naoto said.

"You have no idea" Shin replied.

"Hey c'mon you guys coming or not" Ai said.

"Coming" We answered.

We arrived at the carousel and I was mesmerized by it "Oh cmon Shishi it's not that impressive" Makoto said.

"It's okay Makoto let her live her dreams" Naoto said while patting her shoulder.

"Heh i supposed you're right just look at her face she looks just like a kid" Makoto said.

I grabbed Makoto's hand and said, "Can we ride together?" I asked.

"I mean that's why we are all here right? uwaah!" I dragged Makoto and hopped on one of the carousels together with Makoto.

"Huaaaah!!! So much fun!" I said.

"Hahaha! C'mon guys!" Makoto said.

"Now they both look like kids" Ryuji said.

Eventually we all got on the carousel together in pairs. "Hahaha this is more fun than i expected" Shin Said.

"Brings back old memories doesn't it brother? Hahahaha" Shin and Ai paired together they look really close.


"Nope shut up we are not going to talk about it" Naoto and Ryuji paired together.

After a short while we got off the carousel "Hwaaa that was fun!" I said.

"Let's go ride this again together next time!" Makoto said.

"My pleasure" I replied.

"It's been a while since we do this together ain't it brother?" Ai asked Shin.

"Hahaha it feels really nostalgic" Shin replied.


"Nope not talking about it" Ryuji and Naoto felt awkward.

"Okay next!!" I say that then suddenly my stomach growls.

"Ahhaha well said c'mon i'm starving" Ryuji said.

"I'm sorry heheh" I apologized with an embarrassed expression.

We went to the nearest food store. It was pretty crowded but luckily we managed to get a seat.

We ordered a hamburger one for each person.

"Man this burger tastes really good" Shin said.

"The meat is really juicy" Makoto said

"Hey Makoto, there is tomato sauce on your face." I took a napkin and wiped Makoto's cheek.

"Aaaah i can do it myself" Makoto tried to refuse.

"No, I insist" I proceed to wipe Makoto's Face.

"Now they look like mother and daughter" Shin said while taking a bite out of his burger.

We talked to each other while enjoying our burgers.

After we finished we left and were ready for another ride.

"Next is the moment we have been waiting for! Roller coaster!!!" Makoto shouted.

We all got excited and immediately went over there.

We left standing because of the overwhelming amount of people waiting to get on the ride.

While waiting we can hear the screams of the people that got on it and it makes me get more excited the closer we are to the entrance.

My body is shaking while waiting for the line to move "Shishiro are you scared?" Makoto asked.

"Scared? I'm terrified! What if the ride closed before we get on it! This line is so long!" I said.

"Hahaaha Shishi calm down" Ryuji said holding my shoulder.

"Ryuji are you excited too?" I asked.

"Ahh haha of course I can't wait" He replied.

"Then let's sit together!" I said.

"Oh umm okay" He replied.

After a few moments we finally arrived at the entrance.

We got onto the roller coaster cart.

I sat with Ryuji, Makoto with Naoto and Shin with Ai.

the moment the safety belt is attached i felt adrenaline flowing through my body as the cart started moving "Hehehehehe"

"Shishi you okay?" Ryuji asked worried.

"Im perfectly fine" I replied.

Suddenly the cart started building up speed as it goes around the course "Hwaaaa!!!!!" Makoto screamed "Wohoooo!!! Naoto screamed"

Makoto grabbed Naoto and held on to his shoulder tight "I shouldn't have got on to this ride!!!" Makoto said scared.

"Yeaaaaa!!!!" Shin screamed. "Buhaaaaa!!! This is so much fun!!" Ai also screamed.

The cart started going faster and faster until it reached the point where it goes up to a very high point.

"Hoho this is it guys!" Naoto shouted.

"Brace yourselves," Shin said.

"Be sure not to swallow a fly" Ai said

"Hehehhe" I was at the point of losing my mind from all the excitement.

The cart slows down at the top "God please forgive me" Makoto prayed.

The cart is now on the edge ready to go hyper speed down like a ticking time bomb. The cart then falls down and went faster than ever before.

"YEAAAAAA!!!!" Our screams can be heard as the cart goes around the course before eventually stopping.

We got out of the cart jumping with satisfaction "That was fun let's go again!"

"Hahh haaah hold on hehehe i need to go to the bathroom" Makoto said as she walked toward the restroom .

"What's wrong Naoto?" Shin asked, noticing that Naoto was spacing out.

"I need to go to the doctor after this" Naoto said while holding his shoulder.

"Hahaha hang in there buddy" Shin said patting his shoulder.

We decided to sit at a bench surrounded by a sakura tree.

There are a lot of people there taking pictures together with the view. We sat there waiting for Makoto and then she finally came back.

"Going on a roller coaster right after eating a burger was not a great idea" Makoto said while holding her stomach.

"Makoto you okay? please sit down"

Naoto got up from his seat and offered Makoto a seat.

Makoto sat down looking exhausted.

"Makoto you brought a camera right? let's take a picture!" I said.

"Yeah sure why not" Makoto took a camera from her bag and set it up.

We all stand in front of the sakura tree posing together "Alright ready?" Makoto turned on the timer for the camera and quickly ran towards us.

The camera flashes as it captures the moment.

The sun is starting to set but there is still time for at least one more ride.

"Okay guys, let's finish the day off with a relaxing ride on a ferris wheel" Makoto said.

We all nodded and headed towards the ferris wheel.

There are not many people there so we didn't have to wait in line to get on.

We enter the ferris wheel in pairs like always.

I sat inside with Ryuji as the ferris wheel went up.

"Did you have fun today Ryuji?" I asked.

"Yep this is the most fun moment i have ever experienced, how about you? You looked like the one that enjoyed this whole trip the most" He said.

I giggled "Haha you might be right, i never managed to do anything like this with my parents due to their work so I'm always in my room ever since i was a kid just me and my big old piano" I explained.

"Same goes for me, actually I never got along with my parents so I'm really happy I get to do this with all of you" He said.

"Say Ryuji, I have made the lyrics for the song that we both made. Do you want to listen?" I asked.

"I would love to," He replied.

I sang the lyrics that I made a few days back with all my heart. I can see the tears in Ryuji's eyes.

When I finished singing Ryuji was clapping his hands giving me applause.

"Say Ryuji do you want to know a secret?" I asked.

"Yeah what is it?" He asked.

I moved closer to him and proceeded to kiss his cheek.

"Wha! Shishi?" He asked.

"I like you Ryuji" without hesitation I kissed Ryuji as the ferris wheel went around.

When the ferris wheel stopped we all got out the ferris wheel and it looked like something happened to everyone.

I held Ryuji's hand, Makoto was asleep on Naoto's shoulder and Shin looked a lot closer with Ai.

We decided to go home after a day full of memories.