
BNHA: Singularity

MC throws himself on a grenade and gets transmigrated to the world of Boku no Hero Academia with a barebones but exceptionally powerful System.

Einlion · Anime und Comics
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230 Chs

Chapter 106

With Nemuri eventually removing Eri from the room, leaving Izuku alone with Nezu, the latter asked, "So, how was she? Though I already have a fairly good idea based on your reaction."

"Her Quirk is even more ridiculous than I expected..." replied Izuku. "It consumes her Vitality, but she can even resurrect the recently deceased. More importantly, she possesses a Title similar to mine, called Telania's Key..."

As he had already informed Nezu of his Telania's Champion Title, Izuku had no qualms about revealing Eri's. Rather, by doing so, he effectively confirmed that Eri was 'special' and that both of them had a role to play in surmounting the MWT phenomenon.

Nodding his head, Nezu responded with a thoughtful, "I see..." before swiveling his chair to the side and asking, "Then what would you like to do, Midoriya-kun? At present, I have delegated little Ms. Chisaki's care to Kayama-san. Shall I have her moved to your residence, entrusting her to you and your mother...?"

Furrowing his brows, Izuku replied, "I'm not sure that's the best course of action. This whole situation strikes me as unethical. However, considering what's at stake, we can't return her to her Grandfather and allow her to be raised by criminals. If they discover the true nature of her power...it would be an unmitigable disaster..."

"Then let's do this..." said Nezu, turning back to Izuku as he added, "We'll leave her in the care of Kayama-san and Chiyo-sensei(Recovery Girl). Ms. Chisaki's power could make her the most extraordinary healer this world has ever known, and depending on the circumstances, she may be able to use it to revitalize Chiyo-sensei. Quirks that influence the healing process of others are exceptionally rare, so we can't afford to lose Recovery Girl at this pivotal moment..."

Since he was reluctant to raise his own children, at least directly, Izuku didn't hesitate to nod in response to Nezu's proposal, answering, "That's probably for the best. I can assist in her training and will give my all to protect her, but I can't be her primary or secondary caretaker..."

Returning a nod of his own, Nezu mused, "Understandable. However, as there is unquestionably a connection between the two of you, expect to spend a fair amount of time with her. If you are the 'Hero' fated to save this world, little Ms. Chisaki may be the 'Saintess' blessed by the Gods to support you..."

Raising his brows, Izuku asked, "Have you been studying RPGs and video game terminology...?"

"With the world veering in a direction where people fight monsters, Level-Up, and track their growth via Status Windows, it would be remiss of me not to..." replied Nezu. "Speaking of which...how's my Bond Level looking? I trust it has improved, at least a little?"

Nodding in affirmation, Izuku revealed, "It's currently sitting at 73. I'm not sure what you're doing to increase it, but it appears to be working."

Adopting a broad smile, Nezu mused, "I'm looking forward to it. I may be one of the most intelligent creatures in the world, but being stuck at Level 8 won't do me any favors in the world to come. When people can quantify their power using Levels, a hierarchy surrounding them is bound to form. In Europe, they're already starting to classify people with grades ranging from F to SSS...."

"That doesn't surprise me..." replied Izuku, shaking his head as he added, "Well, with Toshinori-kun around, we shouldn't have to worry too much about supremacists appearing. Our biggest concern should be our mutual enemy and that man with the Decay Quirk. A power like that makes Levels inconsequential..."

"The same can be said for little Ms. Chisaki," asserted Nezu. "But, like her, there must be a restriction to Tenko-kun's power. Once we figure that out, counteracting his power shouldn't be too difficult. I'm far more concerned with our mutual enemy...if he times his return well and chooses to play the part of a Savior, we may not be able to act against him publically. Humans are quick to rally behind those with power, especially if they believe it will increase their chances of survival..."

Preempting Izuku's response, Nezu shook his head, regaining a smile as he added, "This is a matter for another time. You already have enough on your plate, so allow me to release you so you can relish the remainder of your Summer Break. To that end, I wish you and Usagiyama-san the best of luck..."

Returning a wry smile, Izuku rose to his feet, offering a customary bow before excusing himself from Nezu's office. He was tempted to say he didn't need luck, but with how rapidly things were developing, he wouldn't mind having fate on his side...




Assuming everyone would still be checking out the dorms, Izuku made his way to the hotel-like building allocated to Class 1-A, Heights Alliance. Like the other mass-produced dorms forming a row behind UA's Main Building, it was a large building with five stories separated into two wings. A neatly trimmed hedge circled the entire building, leaving a small gap at the front that led to the entrance, a set of large, heavily fortified double doors. Two park benches and a pair of street lamps adorned the short path, while the building itself had a predominately white base while the upper levels were colored brown, at least from the outside.

Entering the dorm's first floor, Izuku felt as though he was stepping into a fairly high-class hotel as there was a spacious lounge area outfitted with comfortable-looking furniture, a massive television, cafe-style tables, a large kitchen, gender-specific baths, and a large laundry room with state of the art washers and driers. There was also a courtyard roughly the size of a basketball court, complete with a control panel that caused hoops to come down from the ceiling or a tennis net to rise from the floor...

Finding no one on the first floor, Izuku made his way over to the security monitor, placing his handprint on the scanner to pull up a list of the dorm rooms, revealing the location of his designated dorm and allowing him to see which were currently occupied...

Seeing where his room was located, a wry smile developed across Izuku's face as he muttered, "That damned Principal..."

While the other student dorms separated boys and girls between the left and right wings, things were different for Class 1-A. Most of the boys had been consolidated on the second and third floors, leaving the fourth for the girls, while Izuku was the sole person on the fifth. More notably, the floor had been converted into a single contiguous living space, effectively making it a private suite for Izuku's personal use.

Though he certainly appreciated having a large space to himself, Izuku couldn't help feeling that Nezu was being a little too preferential toward him. He understood the diminutive chimera's reasoning and was thankful for Nezu's consideration, but things were bound to get awkward when his male classmates invariably used the Proximity Function to discover one or more of their female classmates in the same location as him...

Unfortunately, while it was possible to disable the Proximity Function in the Party Settings Window, Izuku couldn't conceal individual locations. It was either on or off, so unless he wanted to disable it completely, he had to live with the fact that the people within his Party would know when he was having sex or simply hanging out with other members. The only other option was temporarily kicking people from his Party, but Izuku had tried that in the past, confirming it prevented the expelled member from seeing their Status and benefitting from the Perks they had received as a result of his Digitalization Quirk. It was an effective 'anti-betrayal' measure, so Izuku intended to keep it a secret until he was forced to reveal it...




Though they were originally having fun decorating their rooms with the help of Momo's Creation Quirk, all the girls chose to accompany Izuku when he made his way up to the fifth floor to see the accommodations Nezu had made for him or, more accurately, all of them. The leftmost wing was a fairly ordinary living space, having a lounge area, a kitchen, a dining area, and a bedroom outfitted with a massive, nearly 5x5m bed, but the right wing was, for lack of a better descriptive, ridiculous...

Upon entering the right wing, Izuku and the girls found themselves in a workshop outfitted with borderline sci-fi fabrication facilities provided as a courtesy of David Shield. Beyond that, they needed to pass through a full-body scanner and decontamination chamber before accessing what appeared to be a clean room used for medical procedures. Even further beyond, they found an actual hospital room before reaching the deepest section of the wing, what Izuku initially believed to be a safe room, but, in actuality, turned out to be a fully furnished 'sex dungeon' with a secret hatch connecting to empty rooms on the fourth, third, and second floors...




Though Mina, Toru, and especially Toga were eager to christen Izuku's newly acquired sex dungeon, he managed to talk them out of it as they all needed to head home and prepare for their extended stay at Ōkunoshima. Toga had yet to receive permission, but she was confident she would be able to join them after a few days, using the excuse she wanted to move into her dorm room as soon as possible. She had already been approved as a member of Class 1-A even before the Summer Training Camp began, so she had a room between Momo's and Ochaco's on the fourth floor.

After seeing the girls off in the early afternoon, Izuku made his way home, eager to see his mom and check on Melissa's progress. He wasn't looking forward to apprising Inko of his plans to knock up multiple women, but he knew it would be pretty fucked up to conceal things until she abruptly had a bunch of brats calling her Obaa-chan...

With such thoughts in mind, Izuku initially entered his former workshop, finding it empty. However, as Melissa had been pretty busy upgrading the school's security, he wasn't particularly surprised to find her absent. She was an official employee of UA, so she had obligations other than making his whims a reality...

Entering his house through the reinforced security door separating it from the workshop, Izuku called out, "Kaa-chan, I'm home!" in a loud, booming voice. Shortly after that, Inko appeared at the top of the stairs, wearing a sleeveless tank top that exposed her stomach and what looked like black, form-fitting bike shorts.

Smiling broadly, Inko happily chimed, "Welcome home, sweetie~!" before hurrying down the stairs to give Izuku a firm, lasting, and incredibly warm hug.

Raising his brows, Izuku reciprocated Inko's embrace while asking, "Did you just get back from the gym?"

Looking up to meet Izuku's gaze, Inko's smile became somewhat wry as she replied, "Not exactly...I did go to the gym this morning, but I've been exercising in my room for the past hour or two. Why, do I smell bad...?"

Shaking his head, Izuku replied, "You smell fine. I was just curious since you're sweating a bit, and your body feels incredibly warm. If you hadn't been exercising, I would have been concerned that you were sick..."

Turning her eyes up slightly, Inko, with her arms still linked around Izuku's body, replied, "Thanks to that Healthy Body Perk of yours, I never get sick anymore..." Then, demonstrating her unique form of intuition and the fact she could see through him like a pane of glass, she asked, "So, what's got you in such a serious mood? Am I going to become a Grandmother...?"

With Inko hitting the nail on the head, the smile on Izuku's face visibly cramped. In response, the petite, green-haired woman exhaled a tired sigh, releasing her hold on his body as she said, "Go and take a seat in the living room. I'll prepare tea, and then you can tell me all about it..."

Without waiting for Izuku to respond, Inko sauntered away, taking slow and deliberate steps as she made her way to the kitchen. Izuku's gaze nearly lowered by instinct, but, having resolved himself to take things a little more seriously after the revelation that he 'loved' Rumi, he managed to keep his eyes straight ahead as he followed behind and made his way to the living room...




(A/N: Nezu's playing sixth-dimensional chess...)