
BLUE HOUR: The Primes

The story of ten magnificent beings. Merged and living in the same world. Despite their big differences and history. Samuel took the initiative to lead their team for a common purpose. And they are the first ever unity that came from both sides, either from evil or good. In this story, you will find how they will relate to and learn each other's culture. ᴅᴀᴛᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ: 09/03/22

SuitorofHell_v2 · Fantasie
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ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 67: ʏᴠᴇʟ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇʀ ғᴇᴀʀ

Yvel was unhelplessly glowing in the dark. One of her natural traits whenever she is in a place filled with pure evil and darkness.

The moon goddess dashed and bolted as fast as she could. She did not think of her own safety but instead, she decided to prioritize the little being on her arms.

"Great! A fu**ing dead end!!!" She scowled in annoyance and immediately turned around to find another path.

However, Yvel seems to really suck at directions and she kept finding herself in a dead end.

"I can't believe this is happening!!!" She complained and continued running.

As she was about to make another turn. Yvel heard a quiet rustles just behind the tall wall of bushes. Her heart started beating rapidly and she could feel her breath quickening. The hairs on her skin made a standing ovasion and a gust of wind breeze flew towards her.

The dragon sensed a heavy presence just behind that wall and he quickly hid his face behind his wings as instinct.

Yvel slowly stepped back. Hearing inaudible footsteps and continious rustles.

Whatever that is. I wish to dear mother to not let me see it.

She prayed in her mind whilst her wide eyes stared at that direction.

A few seconds more. Yvel saw a weird figure slowly walking from that direction.

It didn't look a human figure, but instead. It looked like one of their hunting hounds back at the moon.

They were dogs that her people experimented to cast out to the vastness of space to see how they will manage to survive.

There are various kinds of them and Yvel can still vividly remember how terrified she was when one of those creatures nearly killed her when it accidentally came to her chamber.

From that day forth, the experiment was stopped and every hounds were executed and burnt into ash.

Great! Of all beings!

She thought in disappointment.

Her legs trembled as quick as it did earlier. The hairs of her skin seems to have frozen and her goosebumps felt too terrifying to be real.

Yvel bellowed a loud scream that made even the dragon to panic. The sooner she was done screaming, she started bolting away just as the tailed-creature chased after her.

The poor lady terribly cried while hugging the baby dragon on her arms.

"Heeeeelp!!!! Somebody help me!!!!" Yvel screamed the same words repeatedly as if she was chanting.

Her voice had started going shaky and she didn't know how long until she find herself cornered in a dead end.

But the sooner she had started thinking about it. The paths are getting narrow and lesser as she fear. Every turn she makes are now being counted in her fingers and she feels like she's going in circles.


Yvel groaned in pain the sooner she felt her back hit the ground. It was so dark and she kept running that she didn't noticed the wall in front of her.

The dragon started nudging her to sit up. His eyes kept looking at the same direction, morphing them into his beautiful viper eyes.

Yvel slowly sat up. Groaning as she tries to regain her footing. But the sooner she did, the same goosebumps controlled her body and the presence of that creature felt so close like it was just behind her.

Kitsch immediately squealed and started biting the creature. He became very aggressive and he was now covered with warm smoke coming from goodness where.

But poor creature. He was just a baby and he's not even strong enough to pick a fight nor lift a small tendon. The creature effortlessly kicked him away and the dragon was thrown passed the wall of bush.

Yvel panicked and tried to rescue her dragon, but before she can try and escape. The creature blocked her way and immediately choked her.

Yvel was having a mixture of fear and anger. She was afraid of the creature in front of her. And at the same time, she was angry at herself for not being able to go after Kitsch.

The moon goddess started feeling the shortness of air. And the way how those blood red eyes was staring at her only made her mind worse.

She couldn't think properly. She could only cry and whimper in both pain and fear.

And it only gets worse.

When the voice of her own dragon started ringing in her ears.

She could easily tell that the dragon was feeling a tremendous pain. The way he cries made her feel terrible. And the wails of his small voice made her blood boil in anger.

Her dragon is suffering. And it hurts her to hear him in that state.

Especially that she knows that it is because of her.

Because she was being hurt by the creature. It wants her dead. And as she dies, she will hear the screams of her dragon. Dying along with her.

She doesn't want that.

Kitsch means so much to her. He's not just her dragon nor her friend. They are bonded to each other and she knows that they are meant to be more than that.

She wants her dragon to see the world like how she had the privileged to see it. She wants him to be able to communicate with her once he's grown enough to be able to do so.

But none of that will happen if they both die. Not only will the entire mission will fail. But everyone who's counting on them will lose their hope.

They will die because Yvel was too afraid to face her fear. Because she's afraid of a mere creature when she is much powerful.

But then one thing occured to her. In the middle of the pain and the fear that was taking control of her. The only thing left that she hears was the voice of her own dragon.

Yvel came to realized.

The maze is only using her fear against her. Like Yalex warned, they will be tested by their fears.

And that is why a hound that was created by her people appeared in that place. Because that is the one thing that she remembered she had feared in her entire existence.

However. Not until she met Kitsch.

From that day when she started getting that call-like in her mind. The strange whispers calling out to her and eventually brought her to that cave. That day when she made the bond with the dragon and they became one.

Her life seemed to have found its purpose as she felt that there is that very very long wait that has now come to an end.

And that was Kitsch. Her dragon.

A droplet of moonlit tear escaped her eyes as the realization finally slapped her hard. The last time she cried moonlight was when she heard the news of her mother's death. And a moonlight brings life to any dull ground.

I'm not afraid of this thing...

Now that we found each other...

Iam more afraid to lose him...

Yvel screamed and her glow only grew brighter. So bright that the creature was blinded and turned into ash before he can crawl away in fear. Yvel was dropped down the ground breathless.

The darkness on the walls of bushes looked like they were painted by brightness.

Yvel immediately rose her head when the squeals had stopped. And instead, she was hearing her dragon whining.

Yvel immediately stood up and dashed to where the dragon was. Everything she touched with her hands or everywhere she steps at are being painted with bright light.

Soon, she found the poor baby dragon beside the wall. He was thrown past five walls and Yvel could barely imagine how much it probably hurts for him.

Yvel carefully cradled the dragon to her arms. But the sooner he recognized her touch, he quickly hopped to her arms and nudged his small head on her chin.

Yvel stroked his head. A gesture that she knows Kitsch is terribly obssessed. She gently lifted the creature and brushed their foreheads together.

Smiling in relief as she finds a bubble of peace with just her dragon and the small brightness around them.

"If something starts. Then it will end too."

"Like your life. It started with me.... so it will end with me."

"So I promise I will protect you better."