
BLUE HOUR: The Primes

The story of ten magnificent beings. Merged and living in the same world. Despite their big differences and history. Samuel took the initiative to lead their team for a common purpose. And they are the first ever unity that came from both sides, either from evil or good. In this story, you will find how they will relate to and learn each other's culture. ᴅᴀᴛᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ: 09/03/22

SuitorofHell_v2 · Fantasy
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71 Chs

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 68: ᴄᴏʟᴇᴇɴ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇʀ ғᴇᴀʀ

Coleen quickly whipped her head. Searching for a much reliable path.

It's pretty dark so it was kind of hard for her to see. Especially that she is weak in the dark. A common weakness for every white sorcerers.

"Shall we go?" Coleen immediately looked behind upon hearing Trevor's voice.

"Dear Lord! Thank God you're here!" The sorceress praised and tapped the boy on his shoulder. The frown on his face didn't go unnoticed by the girl despite being in the dark.

But she didn't ponder much about it assuming that it's a natural reaction from a black sorcerer.

"Come on. We can't stay here." He said and started walking as he whistles.

Coleen furrowed her brows and hesitantly followed Trevor from behind.

It was eerily quiet aside from his whistles and Coleen felt very unusual.

Ever since she and Trevor had become friends. Trevor is either awkward or playful around her.

He's usually showing off his card tricks. Or he would ask even about little things just to get to know even the tiniest information about her. And Coleen would just find him so cute whenever he stutters thinking he's asking about a sensitive thing.

But this time. He's whistling and Coleen never heard him do that before.

He looked obviously chill when she clearly remember that Trevor is very uncomfortable in the place.

You're flirting with Yalex behind my back!

She deliberately thought.

Intentionally thinking about it and waiting for a snarky reaction.

Trevor is very defensive when being teased with his mate. That if anyone in their group thinks of them being together, he reacts immediately.

But this time. Trevor didn't seem like he heard her mind.

And it's not going well for her.

"Stop thinking anything to piss me off. This is a dangerous place to play." Trevor spoke sternly without even sparing her a glance.

Coleen could only hope she'll be relieved. But the response is also misplaced. And this is the first time Trevor spoke to her with a stern voice and not even looking at her.

Coleen decided to stop walking. And it also made Trevor stop but he still didn't turn to look at her.

One thing that Coleen is very proud to have.

She's smart and quick-witted. She can read anyone like a book.

Also one of the reasons why she's still alive after the massacre of her people.

"Trevor... What's the name of my best friend?" She suddenly asked out of the blue while glaring at him.

Trevor slowly turned around. A blank facade perfectly hugs his face.

"What is it again? You're just wasting our time with insensible queries." He spoke bluntly and was about to continue walking.

"You're not Trevor! If you are Trevor you'll know who my best friend is!" Coleen growled at him and the way how Trevor became annoyed kind of scared her.

"And so fu**ng what!? What are you implying!? That Yvel should be the one here and not me!?" The boy suddenly snapped and Coleen felt like a string was cut loose in her. Something felt like shoot a hole to her heart.

"T-Trevor. T-that's not what I meant! I-I was just checking if it's really you! I'm sorry if I offended you. But you don't have to be angry!" Coleen said. A bit convinced that he is indeed Trevor. But something in him still doesn't sit well with her.

She fears that Trevor might be showing his true colors now that he is in a place where evil is natural in him.

It's no different of being back to his home.

She didn't wanna think it out loud. Afraid that the sorcerer might figure it out and get more mad.

"Don't sugarcoat everything! Just because you're a white creature, it doesn't mean you can get away with a sorry!" Trevor aggresively scowled and even raised his voice. It made Coleen flinch visibly and she mentally cursed herself for that.

"I get it! You don't have to be so mad! What's your problem!?" Coleen fired back. Testing the waters this time.

"You are my godda*n problem!!! I've been dealing with you for as long as I could but you're just a complete pain in the ass! You burden everyone around you because of your petty reason to survive!"

Coleen's eyes went wide and teary at his harsh statement. Was Trevor really this harsh when speaking his mind.

But he didn't seem usually like that from what she can see on him.

Is the place really just making him like this?

Or is he really like this?

"I said I fu**ing get it! You don't need to go that far!" She warned as she glares deeply towards the boy.

"Or what? What would a selfish and weak sorceress like you do? In this place! What can you do now that you have no one else to rely on but me!" Treovr sounded boastful and Coleen hates how every word he says just pierce right through the painful parts.

"I don't need anyone to survive! And even more! I don't need you!" Coleen said. "I thought we're okay... But I guess this is really you..." she mumbled as the tears finally betrayed her and started brimming her soft cheeks.

"We'll never be okay. The only reason that my people kept you alive is because to keep the race going. And it sucks that it has to be me to be here with you!"

Coleen squinted her eyes close as she lowers her gaze down the dark ground. The darkness didn't even hide the disappointed expression on his face and she can't help but feel very sad at what he said.

Is this really real?

The feeling is so overwhelming and Coleen didn't realize so soon that every word he had said seemed to make sense now and it hurts her.

But why?

She was expecting for the worse and very close to something like this?

But why does it hurts her?

Especially because she heard it loud and clear coming from his own mouth.

"It's real! Everything here is real. You're weak and pathetic so don't act all tough and brave because you won't last a minute without me!" Trevor said to her and started walking.

Coleen's feet seems to have a mind of their own as they started walking after Trevor. She wanted to stop but she didn't feel like she have the strength to do it.

The disappointment was too much to even do anything else than following him.

I always fall for the wrong person...


The following chapters will have a lesser or more word counts. So you might find some of the chapters short and some are long.

The chapters for Yalex hometown might took a while and there would be lots of them. Including with Gammon being involved.

SuitorofHell_v2creators' thoughts