
Blue dragon

You cannot withstand the storm, for I am the storm. This is the tale of a blue dragon causing upheaval in another world.

reader_on_world · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Dragon Fort

"Your hunt seems to have been less than smooth."

In the garden of the Dragon Fort's backyard, Yongrong encountered the dragonet feeder. Though called a garden, there were no flowers here. The dragons had no interest in such trivial and tedious tasks, leaving the place long neglected. The dark brown earth was overrun with withered branches and weeds, scattered with stark white bones, giving it an eerie feel, almost indistinguishable from a graveyard.

"It's alright."

Yongrong smiled. "If it were truly unsuccessful, we would all be bearing wounds."

"After my kin brought Oser back, he seemed very despondent, calling himself a failure. He said the journey ended without even sighting a griffin, but I believe a single failure proves nothing. He will have a second chance."

Quis turned his head, glancing at Yongrong. "What was the final outcome?"

"Two griffins. We only caught one; the other was killed by a local clan beforehand."

Yongrong took out the griffin feathers and handed them to Quis. "But we brought back what you wanted."

"This is a rare magical item, useful in spellcasting material. Though not commonly known how to use, in our hands, it will show its true value."

Quis examined the griffin feathers closely, sensing the magic within them before putting them away.

Yongrong mentioned the local clan, but Quis seemed uninterested, not caring to ask how the dragonets managed to retrieve the feathers. Whether it was through intimidation, arson, or looting, Quis was indifferent. To the dragons, the local clans were no different from reptiles.

"Hmm, that said..."

Quis seemed to recall something, pausing before continuing, "Since you've obtained the griffin feathers, your trial is considered passed. Do you plan to meet with the leader? There might be rewards."

"The leader is busy; we'd better not disturb him."

Yongrong shook his head. He was familiar with the dragonet feeder, having interacted for many years, allowing for a more relaxed conversation. However, this didn't mean he could be as casual with other dragons.

The young dragons were reluctant to stay with larger dragons, needing to be constantly respectful and cautious—a difficult task for these malevolent creatures. Yongrong knew nothing about the family ruler's preferences, fearing any mistake might prove costly.

In such a situation, missing out on so-called rewards was preferable to an audience.

"That's fine. Barne isn't very fond of you whelps, oh, my mistake, he dislikes everyone. Only Galadan somewhat meets his approval."

Quis hummed, lying down on his side. "How did the whelps perform during the hunt? Any issues?"

"All normal."

Yongrong's expression remained calm, not revealing Aisaria's attempt to persuade him to flee. If he did, aside from imprisonment, the green dragon might face severe punishment.

"Let's hope so. A storm is coming. Galadan has been dispatched to join the war against the stone giants, and I'll be taking over his routine pillaging. This means I'll mostly be away from Dragon Fort, unable to keep an eye on the courtyard's dragonets."

Quis flicked out his tongue, catching a beetle crawling on the ground. "The leader wants my kin to oversee the dragonets, but I'm worried they might fear them in my absence, failing the task. So, I'm thinking of assigning this job to you. Any issues?"

Yongrong shook his head. "It shouldn't be difficult."

"You'll get your due rewards for helping me, a fair exchange."

Quis said, "I'll grant you the freedom to roam the courtyard. You've completed the trial and deserve the same treatment as the young dragons. Remember, you're only allowed within the family's territory. The wilderness is full of monsters beyond young dragons' capabilities."

Yongrong grinned, although he wouldn't be able to do much even if he went out. "Alright."

"Also, be cautious when sneaking out. Go through my kin, don't get spotted by the dragon-human guards in the fort. Barne values his authority. If he finds out someone is moving without permission, he will be furious, and I won't speak for you."


Yongrong agreed, then after a pause, seeing Quis silent, he asked, "When we were at Severed Palm Cliff, Aisaria mentioned that to the east lies the Withered Wastes, and at the end of the Withered Wastes, in the Colton Mountains, resides an evil and powerful being."

"A kin of ours, a rare Catastrophe Dragon."

Quis smirked. "If it's still alive, it must be nearing its prime. It hid its corpse well; Kayar and I checked a few times but never found its tomb. The Colton Mountains and the Withered Wastes are like this due to its lingering magical influence."

"That Catastrophe Dragon... is dead?"

"Dead for many years. Saraphus Kiral, a pure mad dragon, was always engaged in mad and evil research. When we first settled in the wilderness, we planned to ally with it, but then we found it dabbling in taboos..."

Quis shook his head. "You little one, why ask so much?"

Yongrong listened intently, noticing the feeder's sudden pause and then smiling. "You know of a young dragon's curiosity, Lord Quis."

"Curiosity is fine, but don't touch the forbidden. That Catastrophe Dragon was researching evil necromancy, trying to transform itself into an immortal dragon lich. Yet, it was too young to worry about lifespan."

Quis sighed. "Blinded by power."

Yongrong remained silent, remembering this information. The wilderness and the ice plains were the birthplaces of the future Undead Lord Sos. Any news related to necromancy must be treated with caution.


When Yongrong returned from the dragonet feeder, Belron and Hel were whispering together.

"Did you charm Aisaria?"

Seeing Yongrong approach, Belron immediately looked up, winking. "That green dragon came looking for you several times. Hearing you were called away by the feeder, she seemed very anxious, as if worried about you."

"She's worried about herself."

Yongrong chuckled, knowing the reason Aisaria came looking for him without asking. She was merely reminding him to keep his promise not to tell the feeder.

Not dwelling on Aisaria, Yongrong found a spot to lie down, asking the two, "How's everything lately?"

"How could it be? The same as before."

Belron flicked his claws. The powerful ones in the dragon group had been away for a week, but the dragonets' life remained unchanged, nothing exciting happening. Although the weather was always good, they couldn't go out, and the idleness made them feel as if they could grow grass on their bodies.

"It won't be so boring from now on."

Yongrong patted him. "The feeder just revealed that all dragonets will be participating in trials in batches."

"They're not going to make us hunt griffins, are they?" Belron looked worried.

"That's unlikely. The trials seem to be arranged by Lord Kayar, with different objectives each time. It shouldn't be as difficult as ours," Yongrong replied.

"It sounds troublesome. Why not just go straight to the battlefield?" Hel also complained.

"It's because the leader is dissatisfied with the young dragons' performance on the battlefield. Only dragonets who pass the trials can participate in family affairs and go to the battlefield," Yongrong swayed his tail.

"Speaking of young dragons."

Belron smacked his head. "They came back once while you were away. They're different now, able to freely enter the courtyard and having been to the frontlines. Each one is strutting around. If Kazan sees them, he'll probably pick a fight again."

"I guess so," Yongrong smiled.