
Blue dragon

You cannot withstand the storm, for I am the storm. This is the tale of a blue dragon causing upheaval in another world.

reader_on_world · Fantasy
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42 Chs


Three days later.

Several dragon-human guards strode into the courtyard, their steel spears cold and sharp, their small, cruel eyes searching around.

Unexpected visitors indeed. The dragonets ceased their chasing and noise, stretching their necks to gaze at these half-dragons. True dragons always looked down on dragonborn, considering them an inferior and contemptible breed. However, these dragon-human guards were formidable warriors, each serving as Barne's guards and possessing strength not inferior to that of young dragons.

The dragonets were not yet in a position to scorn them.

Fortunately, the courtyard was under the supervision of the dragonet feeder. While the dragon-human guards moved around the castle, they had never entered here, respecting the authority of the young dragons. This was the first time they had intruded into the dragonets' "territory."

"Who is Yongrong?"

The guard's gaze swept over each dragonet, his tone devoid of respect. To these guards, loyal to Barne and not Dragon Fort, the thoughts of the dragonets were of no consequence.

"I am here."

Yongrong greeted, emerging from a group of dragons.

The guard stepped closer, scrutinizing him. Although these guards had humanoid bodies, their heads resembled true dragons, their muscles bulging under rough skin, exuding strength. Each stood nearly three meters tall, forcing Yongrong to crane his neck to meet their gaze.

"We caught several trolls trespassing in Dragon Fort, set for execution. They claimed to be your kin."

The guard's voice was heavy. "I need your confirmation."

"They speak the truth."

Yongrong nodded, realizing the Bloodtooth clan had decided and come to notify him. "I hope no one was injured. Can I see them?"

"When we captured them, the trolls didn't resist, otherwise they wouldn't have had the chance to speak."

The guard frowned slightly. "You don't seem to be a young dragon, and your name isn't on the passage list. You're not allowed to leave the courtyard. I'll bring the trolls here."

Yongrong nodded in thanks.


"Boss, I've found out. Dragon Fort has one adult dragon, three young dragons, and numerous small dragons."

Under the strict supervision of the dragon-human guards, Tike was conversing with Holey Krutton in troll language. "If we have to swear fealty, why not to the adult or young dragons instead of following a small dragon?"

"The result is the same, whether we swear to a young or a big dragon. We gain the right to live in the Dragon Fort area. Didn't you say it before? Dragons treat their kin like slaves, but that young dragon is different. Remember what it said after asking for our loyalty?"

Holey eyed the guards outside their cell, idly rubbing a scar on his leg, his words unceasing.

"It said a lot, like not to think about escaping, that we can't run away," Tike muttered.

"Although it disguised it well, those threatening words actually show its importance to us. If I'm not wrong, the Bloodtooth clan is the first clan that dragon tried to subdue."

Holey smiled. "So, it won't overexploit us, and might even protect us."

"Technically, all clans loyal to dragons should join the war against the stone giants. But our master is a young dragon, and the big dragons won't even send it to battle. How could they force us?"

"That makes sense."

Tike nodded, admiration in his eyes, then turned to worry. "Boss, have you decided what to do about Chief Harli?"

"I've sent a reliable person to Harli, saying I need to discuss something important face-to-face. Harli has provided a meeting place. He doesn't know we've contacted dragons, so he shouldn't be suspicious."

Holey said, "Next, we just need to persuade the dragon to help us kill Harli. Then we chop up his body, take it back, and tell the clan it was the stone giants who killed their leader. I'll take over as chief and seek revenge for Harli."

At that moment, a dragon-human guard approached, spoke briefly with a companion, then opened the cell and grabbed Holey's foot, dragging him out. "Lucky for you, scum. The young dragon knows you and wants to meet in the courtyard."

Holey was displeased with the guard's roughness but showed no emotion, using eye contact to caution Tike against rash actions.

The trolls were escorted to the courtyard and dumped in front of Yongrong.

"I thought you'd send a decoy."

Yongrong glanced at Holey and Tike, surprised. "Dragon Fort is not a place to enter or leave at will, especially for outsiders. A slight misstep can be fatal. You dared to come yourself; such courage is commendable."

"I planned to send warriors from the clan."

Holey got up, bowing to Yongrong. "But some things must be explained by me to avoid angering the true dragons."

"Any changes?" Yongrong asked.

"Swearing to dragons should be an honor for the Bloodtooth clan, but some trolls are ignorant and stubborn."

Holey spoke softly. "The oblivious Harli has been negotiating with the stone giants in the south, wanting to ally with them. Many in the clan are his loyal followers. Without removing Harli, the Bloodtooth clan will tread the wrong path."

"So you're not the chief of the troll clan," Yongrong scoffed.

"Not currently," Holey replied earnestly.

"Why come to me with your internal conflicts?"

"Harli is guarded by two powerful ancestral warriors. I'm not strong enough to kill him alone. I seek the dragon's help. With Harli dead, no one can stop me from taking over the Bloodtooth clan."

"You want to use me for your ambition?"

Yongrong's voice turned cold. "You wish to use a dragon?"

"Not use, but exchange. Lord, you help me kill Harli, and I offer the loyalty of the Bloodtooth clan."

Holey spoke calmly. "For a dragon, it's a simple task."

Yongrong's gaze flickered, silent for a moment. Holey looked up at him, the atmosphere growing tense. After a long pause, the blue dragon spoke again, exhaling. "How strong are Harli and his guards?"

"Harli is old, weaker than me in combat. The key is his ancestral warriors, baptized and as strong as the dragon-humans of Dragon Fort."

Holey answered quickly.

"So, roughly equivalent to a young dragon."

Yongrong nodded. "When and where do you plan to act?"

"In two days, at Rhino Horn Isle. It's a plain with open visibility, not easy to ambush, suitable for a meeting."

"That place..."

Yongrong pondered. "It's outside Dragon Fort's jurisdiction."

"Yes. Harli is negotiating with the stone giants, so he can't meet in dragon territory. Rhino Horn Isle was the best I could negotiate; he wanted me to go directly to the giant's territory," Holey said gravely.

"How can I be sure it's not a trap?" Yongrong suddenly asked.

Holey paused, seemingly unprepared for this. After a moment, he said, "I will also be at Rhino Horn Isle, my life as assurance. If you have doubts, you can bring an elder with you."

"I know what to do, no need for your reminder. Go ahead, leave for now."

Yongrong thought for a while, then nodded for the trolls to depart. "Rhino Horn Isle, see you then."