
Blood Wolf in Twilight

After death he has two choices, since one is better then the other he goes for it. Lets follow him along in his knew life. I own nothing but OC and Own Ideas

Pink_Ghosty · Filme
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8 Chs

004- End of First Day, Bedtime

Liam could feel them staring at him all through class but he was still planning if he should get involved with them or not, first he wanted to see how the story changed with Bella being the one he Imprinted on. By the end of the class though he was a little annoyed from the staring, looking back at them he glared a little before picking up his backpack and leaving.

He made his way over to Bella's class, when he got there she was already waiting at the door, seeing that he smiled and slung an arm over her shoulders, "Waiting on me beautiful." He was feeling physically and emotionally better when he was holding her, this Imprint stuff was crazy.

"Nope, but still your presence doesn't make me want to puke so I guess it is okay if you follow me." she said with a cheeky smile hip checking them as they walked to History.

"Oh how you wound me Bells, what if I suddenly just stop talking to you because you hurt me so." He said clutching his chest and looking at her with puppy dog eyes.

"Then I know you aren't the strong silent sexy type you are trying to be."

"Oh so you think I am sexy then huh?" He said that being the only thing he got out of everything she just said to him, he threw her a playful grin as they walked into the class. She didn't answer but blushed and walked to the teacher making sure to get her attendance sheet signed.

When she was done he took her by the hand and dragged her over to the desk next to his, since no one ever sat next to him it was fine for her to take the seat. The whole class it was clear that he was a distraction though, she sort of paid attention but him he was throwing notes onto her desk.

By the way their teachers eye was twitching he noticed to but said nothing about it just standing there and kept going, Liam was bored by it anyway so he didn't care, history wasn't his favorite. The way that Bella's lips were twitching it seemed as though she was trying to stop herself from laughing though, seeing his chance though he took it.

'Will you go on a date with me this Friday?!' That was the next note he had thrown it was your standard on along with the boxes to check yes or no. This one was open though so she couldn't ignore it, his smile widened seeing her blush some, she moved it out his sight before checking a box.

She handed it right back, at that moment the teacher could only pinch between his brows and sigh, Liam laughed but still opened the note he was a straight A student anyway.

Seeing the check for yes he almost jumped out his seat, he didn't want to leave anything to chance with her, since he Imprinted he knew he needed to start dating her soon. He didn't know that since he was sent was their fate still going to be the same or would things changed, but at the moment all he cared about was the date.

He already had something planned out in his head, it was simple but it was fun, knowing her personality he was going to take her to do something tame she wasn't really an extreme sport junkie.

He was brought out of his thoughts with Bella tapping on his desk, looking around others were leaving, he smiled at her and stood putting his things away. Her desk was clean of the notes and looking to the side he saw them all neatly in the trash can, he laughed brushing it off.

Like always she walked a little closer to him and he put an arm around her, moving through the halls some people stared but they weren't really saying much about them. When he dropped her off at Biology he stayed to see how Edward would react, as she walked in that is when the fan hit her.... and there he goes covering his nose.

Well that answered that question, so it seemed she was still his singer but other then that it was still a shot in the dark, though he wouldn't be getting in her window. Turning Liam headed to his last class of the day, sighing he was tired he didn't even know if he could drive himself home.

Through out the day even if it was subtle he was messing with people's blood, he found out that he could give a lot of teens erections at the wrong times, it was kind of funny. A downside though looking into women he could tell who was on their period, though with his increased sense of smell he could already do that.

Going into his last class he put his head down and slept, it was a language class anyway not like he needed to pay attention, he already spent most his time growing up learning plenty thanks to work.

End of the Day...

"Do I smell???" Bella asked as we walked to the office so she could turn in her attendance sheet.

Liam leaned over taking a big sniff out of her which made her hit his chest, "Nope you smell good to me, though coconut isn't my favorite smell."

"Well it was all the shampoo I had, I will change it to something else." she said rolling her eyes as they came into the office, they could see Edward trying to change his schedule but he couldn't. Rolling her eyes Bella went and turned in her paper, she didn't care what he thought after hearing Liam's words.

"Nah keep the shampoo, if it is one you like then you shouldn't change it just cause I don't" Liam said when she came back over while throwing his arm in it rightful place at this point.

"Well if we are going to be spending a lot of time together I might as well change it." She said patting his chest as they went out into the parking lot, the Cullen's were already gone, no doubt to deal with Edward.

Liam shrugged while walking her to her truck, the two stood there for a moment, Liam smirked leaning in and hugging her close he really didn't want to leave her. Bella also didn't miss the chance and hugged his waist, even if people were staring at them they didn't mind, finally they released each other and Liam couldn't control his grin.

"I will see you later then Bells. I need to go plan our first date." he said to her while opening her truck door, she smiled getting inside.

Liam didn't leave the parking lot until she was gone, getting into his car he went home, since he already knew what he was doing for the date he went home to practice more. No one was home when he got there, it was quiet like always, Liam frowned at the thought though since he had never felt this way before.

It didn't take him long to figure out that it was the cause of the imprint though, he was yearning to be with Bella at the moment but he didn't want to go there to soon. Throwing himself into his work he tried to get his head out of it but it really wasn't working, after four hours and making dinner he couldn't take it anymore.

At the moment as a wolf he was running though the woods until he made it to her house, going behind the tree with a set of clothes for himself he changed before walking towards her window. He took some pebbles from the ground and threw them at her window seeing the light on.

She walked to the window while fixing her shirt, he could see that her hair was damp some so she must have been changing from getting out the shower. She was surprised at first seeing him before a big smile took over her face, opening the window she looked down and whispered.

"What are you doing here??"

"Sorry, I know you saw me basically all today but I wanted to see you again. Do you mind if I come up?" He said with a smile.

"Sure but how do you plan to get past my dad?" She said with a raised brow.

"Move back some." Was all he said.

Seeing her do just that he climbed the tree right next to the house before jumping into her room, his feet made no sound as he landed right in front of the startled Bella. Seeing her stare wide eyed he smiled, before she could say anything he moved to close her door, after it was closed he gave her a wolfish grin.

Seeing his smile she was on alert but before she could react he was already scooping her up, he let out a small laugh before he took them both down to the bed. She let out a cute squeal but then giggled when they landed on the bed, "Bella??? Are you okay in there???" They both heard Charlie say.

"Yeah I am fine just saw something funny." she said covering and lightly hitting Liam in the chest.

"Alright well I am going to bed, don't stay up to late. Goodnight." He said.

"Goodnight, sleep tight." she said while Liam just relaxed back into her bed smiling at her, he already took off his shoes and was looking comfortable.

Bella sent him a glare but didn't say anything, "How about a sleep over tonight Bells? My parents already think I am in bed so it is fine, cool if I stay here?"

She looked him over trying to be mincing but to him she just looked super cute at the moment, "No going under the covers!"

"Yay! I get to stay!" Liam said in a silent shout, he scooped her into his arms and took the hair dryer that she was about to use, "Mhmm Mint, I told you that you didn't need to change your shampoo it is just a small thing."

"Well I didn't do it for you, I just wanted to have a new smell is all." she said stubbornly.

She was sitting between his legs as he combed and dried her hair, he smiled lightly hearing that, he knew she was lying but didn't call her out on it. Plus he didn't want her to change her mind and kick him out, seeing her outfit he wanted to stay and stare at her all night.

At the moment she was in a white tank top where he could see her pink bra, along with some small cotton shorts that hardly went past her butt, it was just such a great view. Fresh out the shower her skin was pink and shinning, he was really testing his resolve her, luckily he could control his blood or she would be feeling a boner on her cheeks.

While finishing up her hair he happened to feel his pocket vibrate, his phone was at home so the only other thing that could alert that was his map. He didn't need to look at it because the next second there was the sound of a thud, although Bella couldn't hear it he did.

"Alright all done Bells." He said picking her up and putting her to the side while standing to put the dryer away, looking out the window he just managed to see Edward running away. Shaking his head he knew it was a good idea to put up those enchantments.

"So what is the real reason you are here?" Bella asked for the first time since they met again she actually looked a little unsure and insecure.

Liam was stunned but smiled crawling in bed, he went in between her legs and put his chin down on her stomach looking up at her, "I meant what I said I wanted to see you again, I didn't get enough of you today and was hoping you would let me stay with you tonight. If you find it weird I can leave though."

She sat there biting her lip looking in his red wine eyes, seeing no lies she smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, "No it is okay, I was just having weird thoughts."

"Well I can understand. A handsome guy in your bed such as me of course you would have urges, sorry to say though that my virginity is protected by a chastity belt and I threw the key in the sea." Liam smile at her kissing her stomach.

She rolled her eyes, "Yeah right, I am the one in danger here. Who knows if that ego will rub off on me, I could end up just like you and that makes me shudder."

"Har Har" He said giving her a mock glare, smiling lightly suddenly he moved his hands. She tensed since they were going lower on her body but she wasn't ready for him to tickle her sides, she had to throw her head in a pillow to stop the laughs from getting out.

Liam was just content to see her smile, since she was wiggling a lot her shirt rode up some he took that chance to kiss her stomach before stopping, "Alright time to sleep, we still have school tomorrow."

She mock glared/smiled at him, he found it adorable and pulled her into his chest, closing his eyes he had to try his hardest to sleep because the thoughts in his head at the moment were not pure.

Sorry if it wasn't good I am still deciding how I am taking this, it is after all just a filler book for me

Pink_Ghostycreators' thoughts