
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasie
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57 Chs

Chapter 7: Forever by My Side

Her hand trembled slightly but never let go, tightly gripping his neck, blood splattering, wetting the operating table, flowing to the floor, saturating their clothes with crimson.

A gruesome scene, extremely glaring.

The smell of blood filled the entire space, sweet to vampires, a great temptation.

On Daisy's frosty face, a lot of crimson blood splattered, and the madness in her eyes gradually subsided, replaced by an eager desire for blood.

However, her consciousness remained clear. She knew that this human's blood might still contain components of anesthetic, and even if it attracted her, she couldn't possibly drink his blood.

From start to finish, Situ Mu lying on the operating table didn't make any attempt to stop her actions, not even a hint of change in his expression.

He wasn't without pain; he could just endure it.

If he hadn't blinked lightly, Daisy would have thought he was already dead.

But this blink genuinely surprised her.

Wasn't he human? Shouldn't he have died from excessive blood loss by now? Why was he still alive?

In disbelief, she released her tightly gripped hand from his neck, only to witness—

The wound on his neck healed at an incredibly fast speed, completely restoring to its original state.

How was this possible?!

Without hesitation, she once again cut off his carotid arteries on both sides.

Blood gushed out again, even more than before. Along the edge of the operating table, blood dripped onto the floor and also splashed directly onto it.

Looking around, blood formed a river, covering half of the operating room's floor.

The craving for blood made Daisy's body extremely restless, her pupils turning as red as burning charcoal, emitting a eerie gleam. Her fangs on the sides lengthened slightly, revealing a more sinister and seductive charm.

This time, she took a long time before letting go.

When she released her grip again, she fervently hoped that he was dead.

However, the five blood holes pierced by her fingers once again visibly healed at an eye-catching speed, leaving only the residual blood with no other traces.

"How is this possible?"

The breathtakingly beautiful vampire looked down at him, uttering these words with a chilling and terrifying tone.

"No need to try. You can't kill me," he suddenly smiled at her, as if comforting her, "Even I can't kill myself."

In the end, he seemed unwilling to let her worry and whispered softly, "Don't worry, I won't reveal that matter."

"Heh, why should I believe you?"

Daisy sneered, her right hand suddenly thrusting into his heart, tearing the surrounding blood vessels, taking out his entire beating, hot heart intact, and then thoroughly crushing it in her palm.

Blood and flesh, sprayed onto her paper-like white face.

Situ Mu also followed her gaze, looking at his crushed heart, with a calm and indifferent gaze, as if observing something utterly ordinary.

Then, a new heart grew within the large hole in his chest, all blood vessels automatically connected, the wound healed, leaving no trace.

Facing Daisy's somewhat desperate expression, Situ Mu casually responded to her previous question, "No need to rely on anything. If I say I won't, then I won't."

However, she paid no attention to this and, for her, no one could be trusted; the only one she could trust was herself.

Using fingers stained with blood, she viciously pinched his chin, and a voice without any fluctuations echoed in his ear.

"Are you really human?"

"Yes," he replied gently.

"Heh... I will always find a way to kill you." Looking at her expression, it was evident she didn't believe his words.

Human? How could that be?

After saying that, she continued to experiment on him, trying to find a breakthrough that could make him die. The scene was extremely bloody.

In fact, he hadn't lied; he was indeed human. It was just that, at the age of twenty-three, due to some special reasons, he became different from ordinary people.

His body's recovery ability was exceptionally powerful, with cell division, growth, and differentiation occurring at a rate many times that of normal humans.

And, that special thing, parasitic in all his cells, makes his body's energy seem inexhaustible, immune to death even in the face of hunger.

His cells keep renewing, unlike the widespread cell death in normal human cells. Therefore, for over two hundred years, he has maintained the appearance of a twenty-three-year-old, showing no signs of aging.

Due to his exceptionally powerful body's recovery ability, the high-concentration custom anesthesia intended for Daisy did work on him initially. However, it only lasted for a moment, and his body returned to normal.

The reason he could still converse with her was that the anesthesia had already worn off in his system, even when the explosion occurred, rupturing his eardrums, but they instantly healed.

He also experienced pain like ordinary humans, but he could endure it and never displayed his pain. So, from his surface, it seemed as if nothing had happened.

For example, now, Daisy couldn't help but wonder if he had no pain sensation at all.

The bloody scene in the operating room continued for several hours. Daisy's eyes no longer showed any signs of despair; all that remained was an endless darkness and silence.

Situ Mu, who had long been numb from pain, let her do as she pleased from start to finish. In the end, he just reached out somewhat affectionately, gently stroking her cheek, and his comforting voice was very gentle.

"I know you don't believe me, but I truly won't disclose this. As long as you stay with me forever, I can spend my lifetime proving the truth of this statement."

He was sincere, like making a solemn promise. However, his gaze, no matter how you looked at it, seemed more like towards an object.

Forever by his side? Preserved in a glass jar, with organs and skin soaked in chemicals similar to the environment inside a vampire's body, of course, could forever stay by his side.

His blood flowed along the smooth floor, out of the operating room's door. Two people passing by outside noticed something was wrong.

"What's going on? Why is there so much blood flowing from the operating room?"

"This time, Dr. Situ's experimental subject is the Queen of the Blood Clan. She even crashed two fighter jets. It's terrifying. Dr. Situ's surgery might be...," one of them hesitated, not daring to speculate further.

The other person didn't catch everything he said, but also felt that something was wrong with this surgery. Dr. Situ has never needed so much time to dissect monsters in all these years.

Another person noticed the situation and three of them pointed to their respective HTI wristbands. They quickly assigned tasks and began to act simultaneously.

They didn't dare to rush in recklessly. One person prepared to press the HTI wristband at any time, sending information about the location and opponent to the weapons department; one person prepared to press the light screen and red light alarm on the HTI wristband; the third person anxiously knocked on the door from outside, shouting loudly into the operating room, "Dr. Situ? Dr. Situ! Are you okay?"

Situ Mu heard the voices, frowned, didn't answer, but prepared to pick up the HTI wristband that Daisy had torn off earlier.

However, Daisy stopped him. She grabbed his wrist, sneering, "What, are you asking for help now?"

He actually didn't like explaining things. In that situation just now, Daisy, who was usually calm, lost control of her emotions, so he explained a few words.

So now, his other hand seemed to casually place it down, and Daisy didn't pay much attention. After all, in these few hours, he hadn't struggled at all.

But unexpectedly, his hand happened to press on a very concealed invisible button on the operating table.

Several invisible needles flew out from an unknown direction, swiftly piercing into Daisy's forehead, catching her completely off guard.

The invisible needles were coated with an ultra-high concentration custom anesthesia, causing her to collapse instantly with a clear consciousness.

Situ Mu easily freed himself from her grip, picked up the HTI wristband, said a few words, and sent them to the people outside the operating room.

He: "I'm fine. No need to worry about this."

The people outside the operating room immediately received this information. Without knocking again, although still worried, they didn't dare to disturb him further.

Everywhere were severed limbs and organs on the operating table. Daisy's eyes, glowing red due to blood addiction, and elongated fangs hadn't diminished. She stared coldly at Situ Mu, her gaze containing sharp ice blades, piercing straight towards him.

He, with a gentle expression, continued to caress her silver hair, soothingly saying, "Don't be angry. If I don't do this, they will keep making noise."

After saying that, he took off both his and her clothes, casually tossing them on the ground, already soaked with blood. Then, he horizontally carried the naked Daisy and walked towards an invisible door in the operating room.

The door opened automatically, revealing a luxurious large bathroom.

After he entered, the invisible door closed automatically. In the empty operating room, an AI installed in the wall scanned everything through pinhole cameras, analyzed the owner's habits, and as usual, automatically activated the cleaning mode.

The wall suddenly opened a storage compartment, and a circular machine rotated out from it.

From the center under this machine, a cone-shaped blue flame jetted downward, spraying every corner of the operating room. The extremely high temperature instantly vaporized all the flesh, bones, fabrics, and other materials in the operating room, leaving no trace.

Then, the circular machine closed the flame holes, flying back into the storage compartment. Dozens of air conditioning windows opened on the walls, and the moist cold air quickly adjusted the indoor temperature back to normal, returning to the most suitable range of air humidity.

After completing all this, the air conditioning windows closed. Four flying machines flew out of the storage compartment, holding clean bedding, sheets, pillows, and quickly arranged the operating table.

Meanwhile, in the luxurious bathroom, Situ Mu took a pair of gloves and carried Daisy into the bathtub.