
Blood Clan Feast

The fierce and furious werewolf roared in anger, but Dr. Situ showed no fear: "Drag him to the operating table." The dignified and resolute mage, facing death, remained unbowed, and Dr. Situ, expressionless, ordered: "Drag him to the operating table." The elegant and alluring vampire queen, seductively biting her lip, found herself pressed against the operating table by Dr. Situ, who gently smirked, "Trying to escape again, my... wife?" Many years ago, a beautiful red-eyed bat had escaped from his laboratory, causing him to yearn and obsess over her for many years. However, it was the kind of yearning to... keep her all to himself.

ningchen · Fantasy
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57 Chs

Chapter 8: Where is Your Home?

Daisy couldn't speak, couldn't move, and stared at him with indifference throughout the process. She watched as the water in the bathtub changed three times, and it wasn't until Situ Mu felt he had cleaned the blood off himself and her that she finally showed a hint of satisfaction.

Daisy felt that if she weren't a vampire with tougher skin than humans, he would have scrubbed her skin off.

One can imagine how serious his cleanliness obsession was.


At an advanced veterinary hospital in City A.

The nurse cleaned the cat thoroughly, the veterinarian conducted a comprehensive examination, stitched up the wounds, applied medication, and then returned him to Tanyin Yin. She was given some advice on caring for the cat's wounds.

Tanyin Yin finally got her cat back, informed that the cat had no other diseases, and she was overjoyed. She walked home with the cat in her arms, practically floating on air.

In fact, when the veterinarian was stitching up the cat's abdominal wound, Danny had already awakened. Opening his eyes, he saw a human in a white coat, holding surgical instruments, wearing a mask, methodically performing abdominal surgery on him. For a moment, he thought he had been captured back to the M.R. laboratory.

He was startled, almost interrupting the veterinarian's stitching.

Fortunately, he quickly realized that this was not the M.R. laboratory, and the doctor was simply stitching him up. Although he didn't know what had happened, he didn't struggle anymore, and the stitching was successful.

But for some reason, since the sudden outbreak of power in his body, Danny found that he couldn't transform into his fox form anymore.

And that power had re-entered his body, just more suppressed than before.

In some technologically advanced veterinary hospitals for humans, it's possible to determine if an animal is a fox, but for some reason, the vet here seemed completely unaware that he was a fox.

Had he completely turned into a cat now?

When the vet handed him over to a girl in a pink JK uniform with a bright smile, he knew it was this girl who had saved him.

The girl's smile was sweet, with big, bright eyes, shiny black hair, full and long eyelashes, a delicate and elegant nose, lips like plump jelly, two fresh and natural braids, and a petite figure.

She's really pretty, Danny thought somewhat shyly.

Tanyin Yin held the clean cat in her arms and saw his eyes. They were crystal blue, deep and dazzling, like precious and rare gemstones. She was immediately captivated.

His fur was pure white, like flawless clouds, mysterious and elegant, resembling a noble prince.

So handsome, her cat! Tanyin Yin thought excitedly.

As she walked, she rubbed her cat's fluffy head against her fair face.

Danny became even shyer. If he were in his fox form now, he would surely see his cheeks turning crimson.

The girl held him close to her chest, and his body pressed against hers...

Moreover, he could smell the pleasant fragrance on her, a scent exclusive to the girl.

The last time a girl treated him like this, he was still very young, and his sister often held him like that.

But he had grown up now!

And this human girl doesn't... This is what his body felt, and he also felt that he shouldn't allow it.

However, the girl's face and height were like a tiny dot.

Yet, the girl seemed completely unaware that something was wrong. She continued to hold him and rubbed against him, speaking in a cheerful tone, "Blue, from now on, you're my kitty, okay? Happy or not?"

Blue? Danny thought. He wasn't called Blue; his sister named him Danny. But if this tiny dot liked to call him Blue, then let it be Blue.

Anyway, he couldn't speak.

Moreover, even if he could speak now, he shouldn't, or he would definitely scare this tiny dot.

"In the future, we'll live together, and you'll never be homeless again," the girl chattered above his head, "I'll take you to buy food now. You have to tell me what you like to eat, okay..."

Danny was very happy, his eyes shining like crystal blue lanterns.

He had never been to a human supermarket before. He had heard that among all the races, human technology was the most advanced. So, he had always been curious about what the human world was like.

However, his sister seemed very worried about him encountering danger. She never allowed him to leave the vampire clan and even sent a few vampire guards to protect him.

But yesterday, the vampires who were supposed to protect him were all drained of blood and brutally killed by Princess Fiona. She even ordered her accomplices to throw him outside the M.R. laboratory, where he was captured by the humans in the lab.

He didn't understand why Fiona did this. Was it because she had ulterior motives for him and was rejected?

Not thinking for long, Danny's attention was successfully diverted by the array of dried fish, fish slices, pork jerky, freeze-dried, and more in the supermarket.

His round eyes rolled around as he scanned the snacks around him. Then, with a hungry lick of his mouth, he pointed with his soft paws at this can of fish slices and that bag of dried fish.

Tanyin Yin was amazed. She gently tugged at his fluffy ears after he seemed to hesitate for a moment. Using his meaty paw, he pointed here at the fish slices and there at the dried fish.

Tanyin Yin was astonished, her big watery eyes slightly widened in uncertainty. She pointed at the fish slices and dried fish he had indicated and asked, "Do you mean you want me to buy these two?"

Danny thought about it. If he showed too much human-like behavior, would he be recognized as a beastman? But looking at the clear and bright eyes of this tiny dot in front of him, he felt that even if she knew he was a beastman, she wouldn't hand him over to scientists.

So, he nodded slightly.

"Wow!" Tanyin Yin exclaimed, then looked around. Fortunately, no one noticed the cat's unusual behavior. "You can actually understand me?"

Danny nodded again.

Tanyin Yin blinked her big watery eyes, somewhat unbelieving. "Did I hit the jackpot?"

Unable to resist his craving eyes, Danny looked down at the fish slices and dried fish, licking his mouth in hunger.

Lost in her own thoughts, Tanyin Yin wondered how a cat could be so good-looking and smart. Why did he look so miserable before? So, she asked him, "Do you have a home?"

Danny was fixated on the snacks, his mind filled with thoughts of eating. He didn't hear what she said.

Seeing that he didn't answer, Tanyin Yin could only shake him gently and asked tentatively, "Blue, where is your home?"

Danny's attention was finally brought back, but he didn't know the direction of the castle. He had never been to the human world.

So, he felt a bit down, lowering his head slowly.

How could he go back? How could he see his sister again?

Oh right, his sister went to attack the M.R. laboratory. When he was suddenly taken to the forest by the power in his body, he didn't know the location of the M.R. laboratory or how his sister was doing now.

He could only comfort himself; his sister was so powerful, she must be fine.

Seeing the cat's melancholy expression, Tanyin Yin knew that at least for this period, the cat couldn't leave her. She secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She wasn't completely selfless; who wouldn't want to own such a beautiful and intelligent cat?

She pretended to be very friendly and comforted him, "It's okay, from now on, my room will be your home."

Her room, not her home.

But Danny, being innocent, didn't sense any problem. He just felt that this tiny dot was so good. Even though they were strangers, she was so kind to him. She must be a kind and good person.

After buying the fish slices and dried fish that Linyin coveted, Tanyin Yin called a taxi and returned to her villa.

When they reached the entrance of the villa, she touched Danny's head and said to him, "In a while, I'll put you and the food in my backpack. Just stay quiet for a while, okay?"

Danny didn't know why she did this, but he obediently nodded.

Her backpack was a bit small, and Tanyin Yin was afraid of squeezing the cat's wound, so she took out the water bottle and phone from the backpack.

Pushing open the front door, seeing that there was no one inside, Tanyin Yin was afraid of making the cat uncomfortable. She quickly ran towards her room on the second floor.

Her room was on the far right of the second floor, passing by her stepsister Lin Churan's room.

She used to think that this room was very good—quiet and rarely disturbed. But now, she felt that she had chosen this room poorly.

Because as she passed Lin Churan's room, the door suddenly opened. Lin Churan walked out, and when she saw Tanyin Yin in a hurry, she deliberately playfully blocked Tanyin Yin's way.

Although Tanyin Yin was anxious, she couldn't show it. She could only smile and joke, "Churan, have you finished your homework?"

Lin Churan instantly lowered her face, complaining impatiently, "Sister, you only care about my homework."

Tanyin Yin thought, if she didn't ask about this, how could she make her leave right away?

Even though she thought so in her heart, she still maintained a friendly demeanor on the surface. "Of course, you're going to college soon. Homework is a top priority."

"Then aren't you going to college too? Why are you playing in the countryside?" Lin Churan asked impatiently.

Tanyin Yin, with a good temper, explained, "That's because I've already finished my homework yesterday and previewed all the courses for next week."

You know, Tanyin Yin's grades have always been among the top in the key class of Class One, while Lin Churan was paid to get into Class One. Even in the worst class, she was still one of the last.

Lin Churan pouted, rolled her eyes, suddenly noticed the water bottle in Tanyin Yin's hand, and immediately changed the subject, asking suspiciously, "Hey, sister, why isn't your water bottle in your bag? Why is it bulging?"

It's really a troublesome girl, Tanyin Yin thought.

She casually opened the lid and took a sip of water, saying, "Because I want to drink it."

"Then what's in your bag? Why does it look so full?" Lin Churan insisted and was about to unzip Tanyin Yin's backpack, acting very familiar.

Tanyin Yin, who never liked others touching her things casually, couldn't help but frown. She quickly avoided and explained, "It's something my grandma gave me."

"Why are you avoiding? Let me see!" Lin Churan shouted, even more suspicious. She quickly reached for Tanyin Yin's backpack, "Show me!"

"There's nothing interesting to see." Tanyin Yin tried to sound gentle.

But Lin Churan had already started snatching. One was pulling, the other was dodging. Tanyin Yin inadvertently retreated towards the stairs, and she caught sight of the edge of the stairs. So, she slowly moved towards it, ready to take advantage of the opportunity to push Lin Churan down...