
Flashback Pt. 3

(Hopefully, this will be the last flashback Chapter. Can't make any promises for the future. lol..)

*Chapter 16 - Believe In Me*

After laying my father down to rest and finishing up the funeral, the company held an emergency meeting. My mother was the one who called the meeting into order. She asked that I take over the company since Hyung was blind now and still hospitalized. She managed to convince most of the board of directors and I won with a majority voting for me to take over. I felt horrible, but I will not keep it. I will return the company to the rightful owner when he's ready.

I have been secretly visiting Hyung and Jisoo at the hospital too. She had taken a new identity when caring for Jin. She wasn't too clever to say that she was his private nurse. How was she going to get paid? Was she just planning to work for free? I let out a small laugh at her cuteness. I made a mental note to send her a big check for taking care of Hyung later on. I also paid Hyung's Hospital bills and paid more than enough to keep him there and for the hospital to not question who Jisoo was and let her take care of him. I told the head of the hospital that she was my soon to be Hyungsu-nim. They agreed and have not bother Jisoo since.

I also started my revenge plan against Sunni. She was now working for me since I was CEO and I tempted her into my plan. I first started by flirting with her every day telling her she looked beautiful. She was money hungry and with Jin no longer around her, she soon fell into my trap.

Sunni was a beautiful woman. I'm not going to lie about that, but her heart was ugly. It was so evil and ugly that I felt disgusted with myself whenever I held her in my arms. Once she agreed to be my girlfriend, I showered her with 'fake love' (promoting the song. hehe. Sorry, I just had to. Lol) but I never once kissed her on her lips or slept with her. I just couldn't bring myself to do that with her.

She had asked me to go over to her apartment today and spend the day with her. When I got to her home, she pulls me inside and slams me against the door. She cups my face and moves in for a kiss, but I turned my head and she lands a kiss on my cheeks instead.

"Taehyungie, why can't I kiss you?" She pouts before moving away from me.

"Because baby, I want to take things slow with you. I've loved you for such a long time and I want you to know how precious you are to me."

Her face turned serious and she looked touched by what I had just said.

"I-I'm precious to you?"

"Of course you are baby. You're my sweet baby girl. I've waited so long to finally get you. I want our first kiss to be special."

I pulled her into my arms and hugged her. I held back the urge to push her violently away. She held onto me tightly as I slowly swayed the two of us back and forth.

"No one has ever told me I was precious before..." she silently whispered in my arms.

I smiled as I knew she had been caught. Now I just need her to fall a little deeper.

"You are more precious than diamonds and all the stars in the sky. And you are my mine. I love you Sunni."

She looked up into my eyes and her eyes were moist. I looked down in confusion as to why she started crying but didn't bother to ask any further.

"I think I'm in love with you too Taehyung..."

Got her.

I smiled victoriously to myself as I kissed her wet cheek and wiped away her tears.

"Now baby, I'm hungry. Are you going to cook for me?"

"Cook? I-I don't know how to cook. I usually just order takeout or go out to eat," she stuttered and turned pinked on me.

I smirked and pulled her into the kitchen. I've learned a few simple recipes from Jin Hyung so I decided to use it to lure her even deeper.

"Okay baby, then you sit and watch and I will cook for you then."

She smiled so widely at me and I sat her down in a chair next to the kitchen island. She watched my every move and never took her eyes off of me. After cooking, Sunni helped me set the table and we both ate.

While eating, some of the food fell off my fork and landed on my shirt.

"Aishh.." I cried out. I just bought this shirt too. I grabbed a napkin and tried to wipe it away, but it only smudged bigger.

"Taehyung Oppa..." Sunni called out to me.

"Huh?" I answered her while trying to wipe the now stained white shirt I had.

"Take off your shirt."

I lift up my head and looked at her. She giggled at me.

"I said take off your shirt, not have sex with me Oppa. Let me go wash your shirt for you."


I took off my shirt and she took it to her washing machine. The doorbell rang and seeing that Sunni was still busy, I went to open the door. My eyes widen in shock at Jisoo being at the door. I almost lost control when I saw her but was quick to gain it back.

"Jisoo, what are you doing here?"

I hurt her. Not only me, but Sunni did too. She came to ask Sunni to go see Hyung. Jisoo was right about Sunni ending her relationship with Hyung. She never said anything to him so he was still waiting for her. I felt so much guilt build up in me that I wanted to vomit. Jisoo's tears only made it worse for me too.

Jisoo turned to leave after Sunni told her to tell Hyung everything. Sunni closed the door after she left and she looked zoned out. She actually looked like a human with feelings for once.

"I'm going to go check on your shirt," she quietly spoke before leaving towards the laundry room.

Once she left, I ran out the door after Jisoo. I saw her leaning against the door and she was hitting her head on the elevator door. With every bang that she hit her forehead, my heart ached.


My heart tore apart.


I winched in pain as I proceed towards her.


I couldn't watch her in in misery anymore. She lifted her head to bang it against the door again but I quickly put my hand in between her head to stop her from hurting herself.


She turned to me and she was so broken. Her forehead had a tiny red mark on it from hitting the door and I really hated myself. I couldn't hide it anymore. I had to tell her everything.

"Hyungsu-nim. Nal mideo... jebal."

To Be Continued...

Okay, finally back to the present. Whew. I apologize once again for the long flashback. I really intended to keep it short, but it ended up being too long for just one chapter so yeah. It was over 5000 characters with author's note.

I've spoiled you all and gave you 4 chapters this week. I will probably be gone for a while to organize my thoughts and will update as soon as I can.

If you like this book so far, please vote and leave me comments. Take care until the next update.

Shookieillegirlcreators' thoughts