
Blessing System

What would a Vigilante who got a second chance do? The Lone Wolf Vigilante. Kyle Jaeger just wants to stay away from the messy life this time. He will take the opportunity to correct the wrongs, and wash off his hands. Comes the Blessing System Hunt villains of the society to get rich. But Kyle rejects. He just wants to enjoy life in leisure, restoring cars as his hobby. [Voluptuous vigilante elder sister from corrupted world] was gifted as start up assist. The more you level up, the more stronger goddess will be gifted. Kyle said, "Let us not rot in leisure and help the society from time to time." 4 chapters a week. please stay tuned. Classic Cars & garage ladies will be coming soon.

Hack_Proof · Urban
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2 Chs

The Wolf

Kyle looked at the ceiling he could hardly remember, but felt a vague sense of familiarity at the same time. He looked at the transparent screen hovering there.

"Buddy, do you want a ticket." A man on the other bed in the small room said. It was a good looking short man.

Kyle immediately jumped and stood up on the bed as he was startled by the sudden sound. He couldn't stand up properly and fell down on his back.

"Hey, Kyle, you alive buddy? Did the heat get to your head? did you die from the curses of jealous men? Drowned from there spit of jealousy from your popularity." The short man sat up and said.

"You're the one cursing me." Kyle responded at last. His memories about Ryan came to him like a tide and Kyle felt his nose and eyes heat up from emotions.

He had just gone through the legendary second chance reincarnation. Though it felt unbelievable to him, he felt that he deserved it. He had done enough good karma and suffered much more than he should have.

"I Ryan am a righteous man; I have never cursed anyone in my life. Only at handsome man making my crushes go astray. And only at lascivious gay man who lust after my body and ignore my crushes." Said Ryan while gritting his teeth.

Kyle looked at his roommate and good buddy making jokes and being carefree. Kyle didn't want to make himself distant from his friends like in his last life. He also got into character.

"Your mother is gay. Who would lust after your body. Even a toad would run away and give up its chance at ascending to manhood.

As for taking your crushes away..." Kyle stood up from the bed and spread his arms.

"I have never chased after a woman in my 22 years of Life." Kyle said while striking a pose, protecting his precious virgin body. It was still virgin even after adding the 8 years he had come back from.

"So, you are admitting you have been lusting after men." Ryan said as he pulled up the sheets to cover his naked upper body.

Kyle directly sent a Kick his way. Ryan ran away and avoided it.

If he gets kicked by Kyles 8 packed muscle toned body he would see stars from the impact. But the chase he was excepting did not come.

'Did he get mesmerized by my naked figure? How perverted' Ryan thought as he turned around. Only to see Kyle staring at him with burning eyes.

He was scared. This guy will not really swing that way right.

"But no more." Kyle said as he clenched his fist.

"the time has come for me to take the field. The wolf to get out of its den." Kyle put one leg up on his chair, took a deep breath "and, Hoooooowwwwl." Kyle howled like a wolf loudly.

It resounded through the entire hostel block. Kyle howled in a familiar way like he had done in his past life, loud, long and clear.

This was his howl to tell the world of The Wolf's debut. The future Lone Wolf Vigilante that hunted its prey's till they were trapped into a corner. The young fangless virgin wolf that never got out of its den.

Many idle students who have not gone back home yet also responded with howls from their rooms. The entire block was filled with beastly sounds of men filled with vigorous blood, in search of excitement of youth.

The howl made Kyles throat hurt but frustration and depression getting swept away like a fowl breath made Kyle's flushed face have a satisfied smile.

He had slowly accepted the fact of rebirth when he was made aware of it by the goddess. He didn't want to live his life again in depression and pressure like the last one.

He wanted to live this life in leisure, and reliving his hobbies he had stashed away. He wanted the Vigilante Lone Wolf to retire and let the Fangless Virgin Wolf to go hunting. Live the youth it was supposed to have.

But the screen hovering on his vision with the words "System" written that Ryan ignored completely, bothered Kyle. He wanted to check it out. Also prepare for things about to happen tomorrow that initiated him into the path of a vigilante.

Ryan looked at the scene dumbstruck. What happened to the buddy today? He seems to be burning. Burning with some kind of loss making ambition to get rich again. He comes up with one every month. But this time he was more vigorous than ever.

"Buddy, did you think up of any other foolish plan to make money? Trust me, it will not work. Give up now and save some energy. With the energy wasted in the past 2 years, you could have built the great wall alone. It will be useless." Ryan said trying to persuade him.

"Okay, go do your things, I will go clean up brother Paul's house. I left my bag there." Kyle said as he wore his shorts and put on a shirt over his tank top. He remembers the things he did on these days very vividly.

He got his bag and left the house, leaving a dumb Ryan.

"This guy, what was he talking about." He said shaking his head and packing his things. The semester is over. 2 months of vacation will start soon. Both Kyle and himself are from the capital, studying in the Demon capital city, known as the 2nd capital. Their Varsity is among the top Varsities in the country.

Kyle called his mother to hear her voice on the way. Listening to her long lost voice was very soothing to the tired wounded wolf. He would never let her die in this life, never. Kyle said as he clenched his fist.

He took a deep breath to get his mind back to his previous fresh state. He has to prevent himself from walking the same road as his past life.

Kyle walked towards the residential community beside the Varsity. On the way many female students greeted Kyle. he was very popular in his varsity. All men were jealous of him. But Kyle very rarely took the initiative to talk to woman.

On previous occasions, Kyle would just perfunctorily say hello. But today, he smiled brilliantly at them and chatted with them. He was on a fresh start. The Virgin Fangless Wolf needs to debut.

The girls getting such a good chance to talk to a merry Kyle followed him to the gate of the varsity while chatting.

After Kyle left, "what was up with senior Kyle today. He looked so excited and happy. He usually doesn't strike up a conversation." Girl 1 said.

Girl 2 said in response, "may be he likes us."

"Shit, have you seen your face. Damn, have you seen mine. He didn't even respond to Senior Evelin's vague confession at last night's party yet. He excused himself by acting drunk." Girl 1 said. She started to pull the hair of girl 2 for making her curse herself.

Kyle didn't care about any of it. He quickly came to the community gate and pulled out the Key to enter it. He then went into the 12th house.

He looked around and found no one as expected. He was very sensitive to monitoring due to his Vigilante exp and checked for them as well.

Kyle then went to the living room and set down.

He said, "system."

The blue transparent screen that he has been seeing from when he woke this morning flickered.

[Welcome host to the blessing system.]

These words popped up on the screen.


[The goddess of Justice, creation and mercy has rewarded you with the One and Only system for your valiant actions of justice and generosity.]

[Being the first User, the host has been upgraded to VIP 1 and the Nature's talent has been granted to help the user learn things better. It will let the user get closer to nature. It will grant him the primal air.]

[Sign up reward: 1000b.]

[VIP 1, Daily sign in reward: 100 b.]

[VIP 1, Weekly reward: material x 2.]

[VIP 1. Monthly reward: Secondary mechanical knowledge.]

[VIP 1, Promotion reward: creation cards x 2.]

[Accept all.] [close.]

When he was reading the text intently.

Kyle was hit with a warm current and a soft embrace for ten seconds. He just felt like sleeping then.

But it passed soon. Kyle's mind became clearer and he could focus more. He could feel the insides of his body. He could also remember everything he had been through in his 30 years of life. All the vague memories of his past life became very clear.

He could also feel the breath of his body.

He could see that his body may be ripped, but it will not be able to handle such state for another decade. The body needs to get fit naturally, not with external stimuli of increasing pressure.

Kyle realized that this was the Natural Talent he was granted.

When Kyle saw the log, he was dazed. This is a system. a real system.

Kyle looked at the scene and shook with excitement.

Systems were a part of the Second chance routine these days. A system would set you for life. No more worries.

His young self-had read many novels of system, transmigration and second chances. And now he found himself in a similar situation. He was in a better state of mind because of that knowledge.

Kyle used his fingers and pressed accept all. Soon at the corner of the blue screen. The b mark that was 0 increased to 1100 b. There was a column on the right with some options and one had a red "!" on it.

Kyle Clicked it.

He found a few square boxes with some objects in them. It was like an item box panel.

Kyle clicked on the gear sign and it was the secondary mechanical knowledge.

Kyle was already knowledgeable on that field as that is his major in varsity and it was his interest when he was young. Kyle fell into his memories when he thought of it.

The natural talent helped him fall into thoughts, where else, some other time he may avoid going down these memories.

Kyle had been taught everything in his life from his grandfather. From how to be a man to how to be a real man.

Grandpa Kyle was a legendary race car driver when he was young. He won many races with his Ferrari 250 GTO. His love for his cars was shared with Kyle.

he taught him how to clean them, take them apart piece by piece and put them together. He was a very well-known car restorer. And he was much more than that.

He was nicknamed The Brave, The Play boy, The shameless by Kyle and many others.

He had taught Kyle about women. About how to see women, how to get them, how to please them. The both of them had done in-depth research on the subject and developed the Jaeger. Kyle even suggested writing a book on it and getting rich, but was rejected by The Shameless.

He said, "Wolf, what do you know, these are to sharpen your fangs. Fangs to hold women and drag them back to your den. How can you let others learn these?"

"But grandpa, to get them, the wolf needs a good den, good food and wine, and there needs to be room for other women. Things don't look good for the den and the wolf." The Wolf said.

How could these women, after going through such rigorous selection that even some stars and top models can't compare to them stay in a broken Wolf's den with nothing to eat, and a broken den that could collapse any time.

"We shall see when it breaks Wolf, we shall see." The Shameless said patting the Wolf's shoulder.

"You shall be called a fangless wolf till you use them in practice." He said as he limped away. He had forgotten that he had come back beaten black and blue in his underwear last night because he chased after another star bravely while holding another beauties waist. It was the beauty that was paying for his food.

Kyle chuckled sitting on the Sofa remembering the old man. Kyle had vowed than that he would never get a woman till he crosses the golden gate and becomes a dragon.

But tomorrow, things will change and Kyle never got the chance to travel the normal route like common youths and was embroiled it crimes and false accusations, becoming a Vigilante.

It was also due to Kyle's cowardice that led to the situation in a way. He will take care of the matter like a wolf this time.

Sadly, the old man was diagnosed with cancer 4 years ago. Even though the family followed a strict Diet and Exercise routine, he died 2 years ago, leaving Kyle devastated.

The car was transferred to Kyle when he had become 18, when the old man was diagnosed. Though many in the family protested at the unfairness as the car was very expensive, but no one could go against the law.

Kyle got accepted into Demon Capital Varsity 2 years ago. He left the GTO to an old colleague of gramps to take care of.

Kyle left the capital and came to demon capital. Occasionally he went home but never touched any cars again. The restoring business was closed.

And today, the system gave him the knowledge on a related field. After slight hesitation, Kyle pressed receive reward.

Since life was about to change. He should follow his heart. He had to relive his stashed away hobbies.

The one taking up the biggest space was this one.

Kyles mind was filled with advanced mechanical knowledge. It was to the point of top world level scientists. Some knowledge was way beyond this world. Kyle felt like he had become his Idol Mr. Tony.

It was just a feeling though. He just wanted to express his desires.

He was a rich hero while Kyle was a Vigilante.

Kyle took a moment to digest the knowledge. He understood a lot. He first thought of how fast he could make the engine block he had left back home, with some shaving and minor tinkering. Also the changes he could have made to his Lone Wolf equipment.

After calming down the excited state of his mind, Kyle put his attention on the System again.

There were 1100 b, 2 materials and 2 creation cards.

"what is this 1100b. how do I use it?" Kyle asked the system.

[The Blessing coins are used in The Shop.]

The panel highlighted the option below the items option.

Kyle clicked the button.

[10$ = 1b.]

[material = 10,000b.]

[Creation card = 100,000b.]

[Land 1sq.m = 1b.]

[Stock = market price in dollars.]

When Kyle saw this shop he had his jaws touching the ground. What was up with the system. he could by land and stocks.

He could buy dollars with blessing, but the reverse was not possible?

[To get blessing coins the host must get blessings.]

When Kyle saw this, he felt a bad premonition, so he started asking questions.

And his premonition was right. This System and the goddess was pitting Kyle. They were clearly trying to lead him somewhere here.

But no goddess, you can't change my firm heart. I am determined to live a leisure life.

But this determination was a very fragile thing it turns out. Or the weapons breaking it was too strong. Ah, human greed, and lust.

The blessing coin seems very precious. The land and stocks can only be bought by using blessing coins.

When he asked around, the system said.

[With enough influence and level, any land can be bought at the stated fixed price.]

Meaning land with much higher price can be bought cheaply.

And blessing coins can only be harvested by working in the goddess's respective domains. That is by implementing Justice, mercy and generosity.

The system was tempting Kyle now. Kyle's weapon of greed was getting sharper.

Kyle then put his eyes on the creation card that was priced at 1 million dollars or 100,000 b.

Kyle asked the system and it responded.

[VIP 1 allows the user to summon random creation. Relatively higher than the Users level.]

Kyle asked the system a few more questions. He was just asking, not interested at all in the system's temptation. Not curious about his potential future at all.

He was a virgin cultivator who practiced his Dao for 2 lifetimes. How could he fall for such low level lure and bait?

[Summons will be loyal and have no past memories. They will only have instincts and character. Even an evil inclined summon with a fresh start will be neutral. They will act their character they were made with.]

When Kyle read this he was tempted. He clicked the summon for one of the card.

The system caught the fish. No, the Wolf.

A very magical scene unfolded before Kyle as light slowly gathered at the center of the room.

It took about 5 seconds till Kyle could see the silhouette of a woman.

The Lights slowly faded as a tall woman with pink long hair in thigh length maid outfit came into view. The black stockings and garter belt on her long smooth legs were an excellent touch.

Though the outfit looked descent, it couldn't hide her big-perky-firm bosom and juicy plump back.

When she opened her eyes they were amber colored.

She had a Katana on her hand and throwing knifes on her garter belt.

Information of her floated on the system screen.

Name: Yu Jaeger.

Sex: Female.

Age: 20.

Height: 174

BWH: 40 – 24 – 35.5

Sex: 0.

Interests: Killing Villains. Serving the Master.

Personality: Aloof and Care free.

Shyness: 20 %.

Skills: Swordsmanship, Medicine and surgeon.

Seeing the systems high level bait, Kyles determination was finally cut down and shattered to pieces.

This system was the One and Only after all. It knew how to play the host to it's tune very well. The host would now jump around collecting blessings to net one of this beautiful fishes again. Bwahahahaha.

Kyle looked at the beautiful buxom women, he remembers seeing a 2D character resembling her. As there was too much difference between a 2D character and real life flesh and blood she was a different person. And there was no memory, she was practically a whole new person.

Yu after noticing Kyle tilted her head to think for a while and second and process the situation. After a while she bowed her head lightly and said, "thank you Lord Kyle for your grace."

Kyle caught a glimpse of her wide valley for a second, before she straightened up again. Her voluptuous body caused great waves with that action. And with her perfect looks she was a perfect 10 on the Jaeger scale.

"You can relax, and call me Master Kyle.

Come here and see some magic." Kyle said indicating her to come next to him.

Yu came to his side and stood beside him with a curious look.

But when she stood beside him, a very hot breath hit her. The wild primal fresh smell made her shiver. It was caused by Kyles talent. The primal air. It was a killer to woman.

As Kyle was sitting beside her, it was with great willpower that he kept his head from turning and ogling at her thighs and juicy bouncy assets. He didn't notice her flushed face and lips bitten with a sexy look.

Kyle checked the system and found a summon option lit up with Yu's details in it. She had his last name and found her documents in the item box.

Kyle used the summon card again with great expectation.

The 1st time was excellent. It gave him a sexy bodyguard. Or, a side kick to do the systems bidding with more vigor.

Garage girls and sexy plays will coming soon. The Mc is kinda perverted.

I like classic cars. Which cars should i add?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Hack_Proofcreators' thoughts