
Blessing System

What would a Vigilante who got a second chance do? The Lone Wolf Vigilante. Kyle Jaeger just wants to stay away from the messy life this time. He will take the opportunity to correct the wrongs, and wash off his hands. Comes the Blessing System Hunt villains of the society to get rich. But Kyle rejects. He just wants to enjoy life in leisure, restoring cars as his hobby. [Voluptuous vigilante elder sister from corrupted world] was gifted as start up assist. The more you level up, the more stronger goddess will be gifted. Kyle said, "Let us not rot in leisure and help the society from time to time." 4 chapters a week. please stay tuned. Classic Cars & garage ladies will be coming soon.

Hack_Proof · Urban
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The Lamb

When the lights faded, the woman Kyle was expecting didn't show up. Instead it was a mechanical robot that looked like a woman.

Her face was that of a western lady with short blue hair. And the figure though mechanical was properly made. Her limbs and fingers were all made of metal, and the face looked like it was made of silicon and looks very real.

Name: BB A.I. – 1.0

Sex: Female.

Age: 0 day.

Interests: Serving master Kyle.

Personality: Curious.

Shyness: 0%

Skills: Home & Work Assistant, A.I. primary, Fast Deep Learning, Networking Assistant.

Kyle looked at the close eyed Robot lady dumb founded. The skills she had were very versatile and useful from the looks of it.

Kyle checked her files and manuals on the item box and found out that, she had to be activated. Kyle thought 'This, where is my beauty lady? Where is my motivation? What do I need a physical A.I for? If an A.I was to be given, just send me brother Jayvees from MCU.'

Yuko on the side was looking at Kyle making people out of thin air. It was really a magical thing. 'Is it so easy to make people now? Wave your hand, bam and boom. Ding your human is ready.' She thought.

Kyle looked at the manual of BB A.I. for a few second and a smile slowly formed on his face. This was a good thing.

He got up and said, "BB Artificial Intelligence assistant – Power up."

A very soft mechanical sound was heard as BB 1 opened her eyes, they were blue and hollow. The small mouth opened as well.

"Hello sir. BB thanks you for creating me." BB made a light graceful bow lifting her skirt corners with her highly sophisticated mechanical fingers.

Even though it looked advanced, human emotions couldn't be replicated and her face was expressionless when she spoke. Kyle understood the difficulty of such intricate mechanical movements with his top of the world acquired Mechanical Knowledge.

"Okay good, turn on learning mode and check the general situation of the times and surroundings." Kyle said.

He learned that from the manual that, the networking and fast learning skills she had will help her get a situational awareness.

The trend for Mobile assistants have not started yet now, in the year of 2014. The fruit A.I has not become famous yet. Even in the year of 2022, BB should be able to topple the future worlds A.I. as well. She is from a higher plane of existence with better knowledge base.

But an A.I. and a hacker are different. If the skill networking assistant is strong enough, then…. Kyle dreams and desires may not be far. He may get a Jayvees.

If she could infiltrate into the public network and hack into protected encrypted files than she will be able to play a good role helping Kyle. It will take a while for her to know how ­­­­­­­­­­­much she can do. She should be testing the waters now.

"Master Kyle, is she a human." Yuko who has been quiet until now couldn't help but hesitantly ask.

She didn't know if she should take the initiative to ask things to Kyle. Though she had a carefree personality, she still didn't know much about Kyle and didn't know how to act without his orders. Would he mind her speaking out?

Kyle looked at Yuko, acting so cute and timid. Completely out of her bold older sister character. he couldn't help but pull her soft cheeks.

"She is an A.I operated robot. She will be of good help to our future Vigilante activities. No, I should say our future crime suppression activities." Kyle had thought about the systems objective of sending these two to Kyle.

Though it looked random, they were both complementary to each other. Kyle was being led astray by the system. It was making him a source of justice. These two are his assistants.

Kyle didn't want to lead that life anymore though. Stress and pressure of a vigilante's life was terrible. Many other seniors of Kyle in the movie worlds had become neurotic from it and he was close to it as well.

As for his death in his last life. He still feels unbelievable about it. That was straight out a horror scene for the unsuspecting Kyle. He didn't want to think about it.

But he had to find a way. A way to get points and live in leisure. There were a few seniors with similar mind sets as well.

Kyle Thought of his Idol, Mr. Tony and decided to go on that route. A playboy Hero, playing leisurely, working on his hobbies and getting out of his den from time to time to take care of the world's scum.

Compared to him, Kyle was playing a lot closer to the ground, chasing the object of his vengeance. The one who led him to the dark side, Mr. Good. The gentlemen drug lord.

He will be passing by the city tomorrow. If Kyle wanted, he could bomb the guy to oblivion, with his knowledge of the future. He really wants to bomb the guy.

Even though, what Mr. Good did was not his intentions, Kyle still felt the pain. The pain of losing her.

'He will protect and love her this time. Her brother can go to hell.' Kyle thought gritting his teeth.

Even with a fresh start mind. Some hatred and contradiction can also cross time and space.

Kyle took deep breaths. His natural talent activated, calming him down. This mysterious talent had a lot of uses. It helped him hold true to his words of keeping a leisure mindset. Not get on the path of vengeance again.

Seeing Kyle act without shelf with her, Yuko was also a little relieved, and was also happy when she thought of the work he had said. She had great interest in that.

She also saw that Kyle was getting emotional and held his hand still holding his hand on her cheeks.

Kyle turned on the computer for Yuko, so she could get some understanding of the social situation as well. He himself went to the supermarket outside. There was no food at home.

Kyle used Brother Paul's car, this rich buddy went back home leaving his keys to Kyle.

On the way, Kyle asked the system about the remaining [material] in the item box. And according to the system, Kyle can materialize anything within the volume of 1 cubic meter using material.

This was a treasure.

Kyle didn't believe something so good was possible. The world's economy and balance will break if Kyle just materialized a lot of Diamonds.

Sure enough, the system said that he could summon any material made of same matter and the level limitation now would shrink the summoned matter.

The best and richest matter Kyle could think of was gold and he could actually summon 25 kg of legit pure gold. That's about a million dollars if sold.

Kyle had already reached the supermarket when he found himself become a millionaire. He got of the car with fluttery steps and entered the shop.

He bought some clothes for himself and Yuko. With his knowledge of her sizes and in-depth research on women's body and looks, he easily found a few dresses for her. Not expensive but good. After cashing in on the gold he would take her out to shop again.

He also bought a set of clothes for himself. Buddy is rich now. Buddy has the system now.

Bye bye, pauper days. Bwahahahaha.

Kyle shopped until his pockets were empty and ran back home. He barely had enough money for refueling the car.

Kyle received a call from Ryan on the way home. He received it using hands free.

"Buddy, where have you been? Let's go for lunch if you are nearby." Ryan's energetic voice came from the cars speakers.

"I am having lunch outside today. Also I forgot to ask, did you get tickets for me?" Kyle remembered that Ryan asked him about it first thing in the morning.

"Hell, you ran away like a bull. I bought one on my own. And I think you should quickly get one too." Ryan said snickering.

"Why, what sup?" Kyle asked. He had some guesses.

"Things aren't looking good for you. I heard some boys joking about stabbing you to death on the dorm hall. And buddy, you shouldn't take a joke on your life lightly. Better run away?" Ryan said mockingly.

"What did I do? How come they are talking about me?" Kyle asked incredulously. He knew he was handsome and popular and made guys jealous from time to time. But no one hated him as he didn't go after any girls.

"You still ask that? You left junior Evelin hanging after her confession. Now I think she is hurt and the guys want to get some of her attention. Though they will not stab you, it won't be much less from stabbing. You are already getting named coward and eunuch for not responding to the prettiest and the richest girl in the campus." Ryan said with a voice an octave higher. He was getting jealous and irritated as well.

"I…" Kyle couldn't help but tighten the steering harder.

Evelin's pretty face that he had not seen for 8 years came to his mind. He really wanted to tell sorry to her. He wanted to apologize to her for being a coward. For not being there for her when she needed him the most.

For the previous Kyle at this time, he was in great pressure. Both Evelin and Kyle knew each other since college. To others, they were already a couple. But for Kyle, Evelin was a lamb on a very high mountain. A mountain he couldn't climb.

So, when Evelin blurted out her feelings to Kyle last night. He ran away using an excuse.

It was this cowardice and pushing her aside time and time again that led to the disaster tomorrow.

The corners of Kyles eyes became moist.

"I will talk to Evelin now. I just had a stomach ache yesterday." Kyle said in a hoarse voice.

"what, did you grow a pair suddenly?" Ryan said incredulously.

"Your mother knows whether I have a pair." Kyle said cursing. This guy really knows how to question a guys menhood.

He really grew a pair after this morning though. A pair as big as footballs. Hanging below like wrecking balls. The system ball & a lone wolf ball.

"Ok, don't go after my widow mother. She and my grandma won't be able to resist your seduction. I will be leaving tonight, farewell my friend. Let us meet again in my den in the capital." Ryan joked and hung up.

Kyle drove the car for refueling and thought of Evelin. It had been more than 4 years since they met.

She who is usually bold and cold, but not with Kyle. But yesterday under the influence of alcohol, she boldly confessed and said about her admiration and frustration for 4 years.

Kyle also liked her a lot. But, he didn't want to be called a white face raised by a younger woman. He wanted to have the strength to climb up to her. The strength to sink his fangs into her soft flesh and drag her to his den.

But the mountain she resided on was too high. The journey very treacherous.

Her brother, Robert Goldberg. He was the chairman of the Golden group.

Back then Kyle didn't even know how many tens of billions he had. How could he handle that much pressure? His hunt was bound to fail.

It was because Kyle was not strong enough that it happened. The lamb came down the treacherous mountain.

Evelin came out of her house without her bodyguards. She wanted to show Kyle that she could be grounded as well. She wanted lessen Kyle���s pressure.

Mr. Good's underlings spotted the pretty lady and picked her up right before she reached Kyles house.

After the incident, Kyle was accused of a lot of crimes by Robert. Kyle also didn't deny. He was devastated and guilty. Though later Robert revoked his chargers, Kyle couldn't. He refocused his guilt and energy. He went after the cause of this incident.

Mr. Good couldn't be held responsible by the law, and with his energy it was easy to even evade Goldberg's gunfire. But couldn't let him go. Kyle became a wolf, tracking him, slowly experiencing many things along the way.

But things changed this morning. In came the second chance and reincarnation.

Voluptuous beauty sister was given as assist and brought him more confidence. The potential riches and talents brought him more strength.

In this life he didn't want to have any more regrets, he will diligently follow gramps teachings and soak up all the girls. He will hunt till his fangs are bloody this time.

Kyle parked the car in the garage and started to text Evelin.

He invited her for coffee tomorrow afternoon He also asked Ann to come. With Ann, he will not be worried about her safety. He didn't want her to go out at night and meet with the accident again.


In a high-end villa, near the university.

"miss, please eat something. You didn't have breakfast this morning." A maid said from outside the master bed door. But there was no response.

A smart looking lady in glasses from beside her said, "she has been like this since last night. we should find out what happened."

She had blonde straight hair, a fair beautiful face with green eyes and a neat slim figure with round curves.

"Ms. Ann, should we inform the master?" the maid asked. Even though Ann was the miss's butler, since very young they were like sisters. They were just 2 years apart in age, and were equally pretty. She acted respectful to her.

"No need, she will get angry if we do. Leave her be for now. She will probably eat the snacks in the room." Ann said as she knew how stubborn Evelin was. She didn't even let her in, so she should be in a bad mood.

Inside the room, a girl was lying down on her stomach giggling looking at her phone screen. She had black long hair and black round eyes that were red from crying. Her small nose was red as well. But her supple red lips had a sweet smiling arc now.

Her bountiful chest was pressed against the bed and her graceful and peach shaped juicy butt was shaking as swung her legs while looking at the text on the phone.

"humph, It seems he cannot run anymore." She said as she flipped and lied on her back.

Her big and supple breasts jiggled from the momentum.

"I know you liked me too, but we didn't even touch first base for 4 years. How could I not get frustrated? And I still took the courage to confess and this guy ran away.

I nearly gave up and fell into Ann's arms. She would've surely taken the chance to eat me up. I was saving it for you." the girls said as she giggled and responded with an OK to a chat named Senior Kyle.

She then jumped down from bed and went downstairs to fill her empty stomach.

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