
Bleach Void

Hungry man, lots of kills, void, bleach

1TOUCH_ME · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs


[Unknown pov]

A boy aged between 16 to 17 was sitting in front of a lot computer screen, clicking away at different sites. The clock on the table showed 3:30 am. The lights in the room where turned off, the room's only illumination being the computer screen and the only sound being the boy clicking away at his mouse.

[MC pov].

"Ahh this is so boring...life is boring". I was clicking at several sites for hours on end now and nothing peaked my interest, I had finished bleach manga today and was in the hype of any bleach content i could find my hands on.

That was 6 hours ago. Currently i had gone through a ton of videos and wiki pages about bleach and was now bored.

'I guess i should sleep now...it's 3:00 something in the night... Morning?..idk'.

I was about to turn off my computer when something caught my eye, a file was downloading by itself. suddenly the screen went black and a questionnaire popped up on my screen.

'Anime Questionnaire provided by Truck-Kun'

#1 which anime world would you like to go to if given the chance?.

"What the hell?".

I sat back at my chair and looked at the screen...And instead of the rational way which is to turn off the computer or try and exit the questionnaire which downloaded itself onto my computer...i typed in the answer.


#2 Do you want to attend training?.

"Training?...i guess". Again I typed 'Yes' without considering Why I was answering a questionnaire.

# Select difficulty level.






Omega brutal.( Not recommended).

As the rebel I was I clicked on Omega brutal...kids if you ever have to answer a questionnaire and one of the option says Not recommended...it Fucking means don't click it.

#3 due to choosing the Omega brutal level you have gained an extra skill Adaptability.

#4 race will be randomised...race fixed shinigami.

Death in 3,2,1

[You have Died].

The last memory I had was falling onto the ground with a thud as my computer screen went to normal.


Ōetsu Nimaiya was currently sitting in his Smithy when suddenly he felt something off.

"Hm?.. No way!...Mera!". He yelled.

Suddenly a Red spiky haired girl Appeared as she yelled. "Oi what is it?!".

Check the Asauchi we had in the storage.. I can't sense it.

Mera looked into the small storage as she said. "Their isn't any Asauchi in here".


[MC Pov].

I woke up with a groan. I groggily opened my eyes as I stared at the unfamiliar gray roof.

I sat up on my bed taking in all the scenary. I was in a white room with a gray cealing. The bed was white as well as the pillows. The walls and the ground pure white. The room was lit but their was no light source. For a moment I felt like I was dreaming. But the I knew it was real..one knows the difference between reality and dreams after waking up and this was a similar feeling. However just in case i slapped myself and their was pain, real pain.

I got up from my bed and stood near the head of it when suddenly a purple crack that resembled a portal opened up and something fell from it onto the floor. I carefully walked towards it as i inspected it. It was white katana..as far i knew about katanas this was the most generic one I had seen.

As I touched the sword, a sound resounded in my head.

'Asauchi acquired... Adaptability to environment has been activated.. emotional dampners have been activated'.

Ok and that was the kicker..I knew what was going on. In fact this just confirmed some of the theories I had in my mind. I was in a training room, This is an Asauchi ment it was connected to Bleach all meaning one thing, the questionnaire had transported me to this world. Now that I think about it it did say 'By Truck-Kun' Didn't it?.

Wait now that i remember it did say I died at the end didn't it...so is this afterlife.

Before i could ponder a red door appeared.

"Well I guess that's the entrance...I guess they won't give me any food..i am kinda hungry".

I walked towards the door and opened it as a pop up screen popped up which read.

[Trial 1/1]

[lev Omega brutal].

[Defeat the multipling evolver].

I was surprised at the cliche system like notification that showed up. Although I hoped it wouldn't be that hard, I did remember the weird Questionnaire not recommending this difficulty. I walked in the door after reading the objective almost avoiding it in a way. The moment I walked in I saw a different world a red eclipsed moon and then pain.....Pain unlike none I have ever experienced..it felt like I was melting alive.

"Ahhhhhhhhh...it hurts stop no ma..i ..ah!". I fell down in seconds but it felt like an eternity.

[you have died due to

I woke back up at the bed I was sleeping in, i was still screaming but their was no pain. Suddenly a calm washed over me as I sat up still breathing a little heavy.

'What the fuck?'. I looked towards the door as it downed on me that I was officially fucked.


After some time of consideration I made a decision to survey the room I was in. There had to be some way to quit this or go back.

"Hm...go back?..To my room.Yes...where did i live again..Ah I can't remember...wait what's my name?!...how did i look like!.. Parents name?..Did I have any?..Bleach..it's a manga... what's a manga?..don't remember at all, Memories I have forgotten my life".

I started to panic again but a cool calmness washed over me again calming me down as I sat on the bed again. All i remembered was a story called bleach..i remembered information about it but didn't know where from. Aizen, ichigo...sounded Japanese but I didn't know what Japanese was. Words with no meaning. What language was i speaking in my head.

Suddenly a beep sound resounded in my head again as a new notification popped up.

[you have stayed in the resting room for more than 2 minutes after the trial started. You will be forcefully transfered to the training grounds in 3].



Before i could react i was back in the red world with the red moon, i noticed it was raining red liquid but I was already too busy writhing in Pain as my body melted again. And after a couple of seconds I was back at my bed staring at the gray cealing with my eyes wide open in horror.


Time passes by as He was transported into the world of the red moon only to die even before taking a step only to return to his bed and be transported again to endure the same fate.

This continued on for 10 times before he was in despair. After the 30th time he was screaming like a mad man and after the 46th one he was weeping like a child crying into his arm. Praying to God for help. After 60th time his eyes where vacant as he was getting used to being melted alive, by the 69th time he was laying on his bed waiting for the time to pass so that he could be transported again to die again and be transported again. He was starving, However his body didn't let him die from it. He didn't know how much time had passed. There was no hope left in him. He was transported again.


[MC pov].

'I am Hungry,i am burning alive again, when will this end. How much time has passed. Is this how my life will go on from now?.'.

As I was thinking in agaony my mind blacked out.