
Bleach Void

Hungry man, lots of kills, void, bleach

1TOUCH_ME · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


[MC Pov].

I Woke up again, this time the world was unfamiliar. I was looking at red mud. My clothes where soaked in red liquid, the red rain that was falling was burning my skin little by little, it felt like needles prickling my skin, hundreds of them. I was starving but the feeling was something I could ignore now.

Like the rain the sky was also red with red clouds and a eclipsed moon with a red outline.

I stood up and started to walk however it was hard to walk. Like a weight crushing down on me. It was hard to breathe due to the air burning my insides each time I took it into my body , But it was all bareable. Everything was to an extent bearable.

I walked and started to notice things. my hair was white and long. I didn't know how I looked like or remember my previous appearance but I was sure i didn't have white hair. I thought i was old. Had that much time passed?. I had no way of knowing.

I started noticing the large structure on the horizon that stood out like a sore thumb in the flat expanse of mud. I started approaching it carrying myself towards it. However before i could get any closer my body gave up as I knelt on to the ground falling and dying.

I woke back up again on my bed in the white room. And I felt healthy again. My weakness was gone however I was still starving and thirsty.

"Ha.Haha...Hahahahahaha..This is it I can finally walk in there, it was a big step that gave me hope. Hope in God knows how long.

As I looked around in a self induced high due to my happiness, i noticed something. My blade it was longer than what it used to be and it's hilt was different a circle instead of the opal like shape it had. The blade looked exactly the same otherwise.

I also noticed a strand of my hair, which i picked in to my hand, i currently had shoulder length white hair. And my body it was toned, I had and and my arms where toned. I looked down at my legs and it was quite musclar and defined. The problem was i didn't remember how I looked like to know if they always existed or where new changes.

I was sure each death and each trip to that accursed world was changing me making me stronger,Maybe it was building my body as well.

I also felt a wierd energy flow through me, it was always their just that I didn't notice it untill now or maybe it was too weak to notice. My vision was much clearer and my body felt lighter more easier to move and without restrictions. The problem was the hunger and thirst was kinda getting to me now. Also the pressure or weight I felt wasn't on me inside this room.

Suddenly the familiar beep insued and I was force fully transported onto the other side of the door.

I was standing on the red mud the rain still present along with the pressure or weight I felt earlier. However it now felt different, I could discern it as something or someone challanging me from inside the structure.

Suddenly a figure walked out of the structure and started coming closure. The closer it got the heavier the weight on my body. Then it clicked in my head, it was reatsu of whatever the hell this thing was.

[You have encountered multiplying evolver].

Suddenly I felt death approach, the same feeling I got each time I was dying but this time it was faster. By some luck or by instinct I raised my blade in an horizontal defencive posture and a loud 'Clung' was heard.

"Heavy". Was the first thing i blurted out as the opponent pinned me against the ground slitting my throat.

[You have died].

I returned back to the room, however this time instead of freaking out because of a new thing I was in deep thought.

'That thing what was it?. It was a black humanoid. Looked like a black rubber human. No eyes no mouth no facial features..only a blade in its hands..was that a training dummy?'.

I knew I had to defeat it in order to complete my training so I did what anyone would do, take my zanpakto and enter the door.

I stood before the structure as the black doll came into view. The dummy charges towards me as it swung it's blade towards me in vertical uppercut aimed for my jaw. I doged narrowly and struck down however the figure doged and countered my attack using his blade slashing at my chest making me fall backwards. Suddenly I was stabbed in the gut. The pain felt hot and cold at the same time however suddenly i wasn't concerned about it. All that was on my mind was kill the dummy and make it out of this world. So i slashed at it without any regards for my own injury landing a small cut onto it's shoulder.

The dummy backed out jumping backwards and gaining distance.

Suddenly I was getting dizzy and I fell to the floor due to losing blood. However I was smiling. 'Next time I will cut it'.

[Evolver has began evolution].

'Fuck'. I thought as I blacked out.

I was back again however this time I sat up as I went deep in thought.

'Its gotten stronger if that message was anything to go by, isn't their anyway for me to get an upgrade?'. I needed to defeat that thing if i was going to get out of here. "Ah all I can do is retry i guess".

I went back in However something was different this time, The pressure from the Dummy had gotten stronger. It wasn't unbearable though, However it was different. I was still fine though and I went ahead towards the dummy.

Suddenly a black flash came from around me. I reflexively swung my sword only for my arm to get cut off.

"Ahhhhh-". I couldn't even finish my scream before my head was cutoff.

[you have adapted].


I woke up and stayed in bed for sometime. That was impossible to defeat. Or maybe it wasn't. I felt stronger than last time and i was able to see his movements, however reacting to them was almost impossible at the time but something told me this time i could react to his moves.

Again with renewed vigor i went back into the red world to fight the dummy.

This time it's spiritual pressure didn't weigh me down at all I could also sence him.

Our bout began again but this time i could perceive his attacks, slashes and blocks followed each other's strikes as the Dummy would attack, i would defend and try and copy it's movement to attack it. This was for some reason easy for me as I felt like I was evolving and adaptating to the dummy's attack. In short I was copying the dummy's every move after defending against his strikes.

Eventually I landed a hit on to the dummy and a similar notification popped up.

[Evolver has began evolution].

I stepped back however the dummy quickly closed the distance and slashed at me, i doged however the blade wizzed past me onto the ground cracking it. It then gracefully did a vertical upperrslash followed by a thrust onto my chest shattering my rib and piercing my heart.


I woke back again at the white room this time another notification popped up.

[You have adapted].

"This is fun...this feeling of having to fight it and learning and surpassing it with a blade is so euphoric..I wanna fight it and win this time I will definitely win".

I took my Asauchi as I walked towards the red door continuing the cycle for as long as it would take.


On the mud lay a decapitated black humanoid figure. In front of it was a white haired boy with hollow black eyes panting and looking at the dummy with a smile.

"Finally it's over".

[You have defeated the evolver-26 evolutions after 76 tries].

[Calculating amount and requirements to end tutorial].

[Multiplying evolver level 30 has been confirmed].

[Multiplying evolver level 30 has began multiplying].

Suddenly a black dummy spawned in front of me. It was stronger than the one I just defeated, suddenly it split it self from the middle and became two seperate black dummies each stronger than the previous one which took me around 70 something tries to defeat. And I died.