
Long Journey

After that day, Kurenai disappeared. I don't know why, maybe he got sick of my whining so he left me behind. I wouldn't blame him.

I went to go say goodbye to Yukiko once it was time for her to go back home, but she could immediately tell something was wrong. I told her I was fine, but she could tell I was lying again.

Once I found Ito, he had... changed. He was no longer the jokester pervert that he used to be and instead become stone cold and serious. But I guess the same could be said for me.

Yuki hadn't changed much, but she has been looking a little more dull recently. I thought it was because of Shido, but it's been looking like something else.

As for the Tekken tournament, it would continue to be held 6 months after that incident. Since I disobeyed the orders of a Soul Reaper, my punishment was to have my right to participate revoked, and so Yuki won the tournament by default. She got to become a Soul Reaper early.

Chikako, the grandmasters assistant, ended up becoming the next grandmaster of the Academy. Most of the teachers disagreed at first, but after reading Yamada's recommendation letter, they quickly changed their minds.

In a flash, the last 2 years of school had ended.

And finally the day arrived when I became a Shinigami.

Im gonna be taking a break from this novel for a while.

Proberbly won't come back till next year. In that time though I am going to be starting a new original novel called, Baylight: The Independent, but the name is suseptible to change. It's gonna release within the next week or so, so please check it out when you can. I accidently released the second chapter draft so some of you might've seen it(Sorry for that).

Since this is the end of the third volume, please drop a review and some power stones to help my novels popularity. Might even do a 2 part christmas special to get it to 100 chapters.

When I return to this story, it will be set 10 years after the end of bleach, and it will return to the living world. So look forward to that.

Until then, see you guys next year.

Redist_Kingcreators' thoughts