
Bleach : Kurosaki Adopted Son (DROPPED)

Welcome to my second novel! This is a fun project for me, so I won't be releasing chapters on a regular schedule—school keeps me pretty busy. Please bear with me as this story unfolds slowly. Just a heads-up, the cover image isn't mine. Thanks for your patience and understanding as I embark on this creative journey! (Also, I want to be transparent: an AI is helping me write this story. I'm not the best at writing, and I'm doing this purely for fun, so I don't mind if it doesn't turn out perfect. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy creating it!) WARNING : 1. Might Have No Romance 2. Slow Paced 3. Bad Grammar 4. This Novel Might Contains Of Explicit Violence And Gore 5. This Novel Most Relying On Chat GPT (AI) 6. I Often Remaking The Chapter So The One Who Comment On The Story Always Get Removed (Sorry) 7. Genre Might Be Changed (Maybe) 8. Genre Might Be Wrong (Maybe) 9. Gender Equality 10. Swearing Masashi Kenjiro, from a young age, was captivated by anime, particularly idolizing characters like Atomic Samurai from OPM and Himura Kenshin from Samurai X. This passion drove him to learn the ways of the katana early in life, showcasing a prodigious talent for mastering various sword techniques. His favorite fighting style became the quick draw, which he honed to perfection through relentless practice and by emulating moves he observed in anime. A genius in combat, Masashi could replicate and adapt sword techniques he saw, augmenting his own formidable skills. His military career exemplified his prowess; armed solely with his katana, he defied conventional limits, effortlessly slicing through bullets and even tanks with supernatural strength and speed. Unburdened by notions of honor, he was a ruthless force on the battlefield, feared and respected by friend and foe alike. Masashi's versatility extended beyond the katana; he was proficient with various weapons and formidable in barehanded combat. His unique ability to mimic fighting and training techniques, honed through careful observation of both real-world and fictional sources, further enhanced his combat repertoire, excluding supernatural abilities like elemental powers or magic. After retiring from the military, Masashi's interests expanded far beyond combat; during his retirement, he immersed himself in various hobbies such as cooking, singing, crafting, playing musical instruments, and more. His greatest passion was blacksmithing, where he dedicated himself to perfecting his swords, making them stronger and sharper. Masashi Kenjiro maintained an aura of invincibility, always with his katana by his side, unchallenged even by military or police forces. However, fate dealt him a cruel twist when he met his untimely end beneath the wheels of a truck while on a routine trip to the grocery store. (If you wanna know why he got easily killed by truck read the prologue) In a remarkable turn of events, Masashi found himself reborn as a baby, awakening near a clinic with his memories fully preserved. To his astonishment, he realized he had been reborn into the world of Bleach, taken in as the adopted son of the Kurosaki family. Clutched in his tiny hands was a letter bearing the heartfelt plea, "Please adopt him; his name is Kenjiro." Kenjiro always forget and remember bleach plot at crucual time

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New Life

Kenjiro opened his eyes, but he couldn't see anything because it was so dark. "Wait, am I already dead? I can't believe that truck came back and crushed me, not even letting me die in peace. What sin did I commit to deserve this? I mean, yeah, I killed a lot of people, but that was because I was at war, so that doesn't count. So, am I in the afterlife now? Am I going to meet God?"

Kenjiro tried to speak but realized he couldn't make normal sounds. His body felt small and weak. "Am I a baby? Is this why it's so dark? Am I inside a womb? Who am I going to be born as? Why is it taking so long? Wait, why is there a paper and a katana? Am I not in a womb?"

He noticed a katana near him, and despite the darkness, he could see it clearly. Carefully, he opened the scabbard, revealing a broken blade. "Is that my broken katana from when I failed to slash that truck? Looks like God gave me a gift after all, but why must it be in broken form? Is this God's way of sending me with my best friend, or will I have to fix it myself? It's impossible to repair a broken katana, but maybe... maybe I have to awaken it like some anime protagonist." He closed the katana and then noticed a piece of paper nearby. Despite the darkness, he could still read it, just like in his past life. The note said, "Please adopt him; his name is Kenjiro."

He was shocked and cursed. "Am I inside a box? Am I a fucking orphan? Fuck! I didn't even get to ask God for my wish! I hate you, God! I curse you forever! I didn't even believe in you!"

Baby Kenjiro wriggled and cried, his small body moving frantically inside the box. He screamed until he was exhausted, eventually falling asleep. Just before drifting off, he saw a figure opening the box. His last thought before sleep claimed him was, 'Someone finally found me. I think I recognize that man... Who is it? Wait, is it from...' But before he could finish the thought, he succumbed to sleep.

At the Kurosaki Clinic:

Isshin and Masaki Kurosaki heard a baby crying and assumed it was their newborn son, Ichigo. However, upon checking, they found Ichigo still fast asleep with a smile on his face. Confused, Isshin turned to his wife. "Honey, what is that scream? I thought it was our baby, but he's still sleeping. Is it coming from a neighbor's house?"

Masaki shook her head. "Neighbor? No scream could be this loud. Let's check outside."

The couple stepped outside and found a box on their doorstep. The box was moving slightly, and the sound of crying had just stopped. Masaki's eyes widened. "Dear, I think the sound is coming from this box. Do you think it's from Urahara?"

Isshin frowned. "I doubt it. He wouldn't do something like this. Stay back while I open it."

Isshin cautiously approached the box, and Masaki warned him to be careful. He opened the box to reveal a sleeping baby inside. Both were shocked.

"Why is there a baby in a box outside our clinic?" Isshin wondered aloud as he picked up the baby.

Masaki looked inside the box and found a piece of paper and a katana. She read the note aloud, "Please adopt him; his name is Kenjiro." Curiously, she examined the katana and opened the scabbard, revealing a broken blade. Her first thought was, 'Is his parent a Shinigami?' but she quickly dismissed it, reasoning it might be a memento for the baby since she didn't sense any spiritual energy from it.

Isshin looked at Masaki, uncertainty in his eyes. "What do we do? Should we adopt him or find someone else?"

Masaki pondered for a moment before replying, "It's quite a coincidence, isn't it? Our baby was just born, and now there's another baby at our doorstep. But I believe we should adopt him. A baby is innocent and doesn't deserve to be abandoned."

Isshin nodded. "I agree. Ichigo will have a brother."

Masaki cradled the baby gently, smiling down at him. "Kenjiro, huh? He doesn't have a surname. From now on, you'll be Kurosaki Kenjiro. Welcome to our family."

Isshin and Masaki shared a warm smile as they welcomed the new addition to their family.