
1st Year (2)

We are now on a different training ground; here there are weights, gloves, and punching bags.

"Welcome everyone to the introduction to Hakuda. I will teach you all explosive and effective fighting techniques that are quick to execute, even if you have never trained in the martial arts before."

"I will also teach you all the fundamentals of fighting with your body, so be prepared, everyone."

1 hour later...


"Good job everyone, this will be all. Return to the classroom."

{Ugh, my body hurts.}

It wasn't joking when he said with the hole body, he taught us the basics of punching, kicking, and throwing.

{But it was much more interesting than the other classes}

We reached the classroom, albeit slowly, and a teacher was already there.

"Slow, all of you are so slow. Follow me all of you."

{These bastards, why don't you just tell us to wait on the training grounds}


We are now on the race track where the test took place.

"Welcome everyone to Introduction to Hohō. This is a defensive style of fighting that is related to footwork and also incorporates elements of speed and agility."

"But to learn how to run, you all need to learn how to walk, so I want all of you to walk on this track until I say, Stop, now go."


We all went into the track, and we started walking. Not even 2 minutes had passed when we heard.

"You all call that walking! Walking is an activity that involves your entire body, not only your legs!"

"When you're walking, focus on standing tall with your chin parallel to the ground and your ears aligned above your shoulders!"

He was yelling us advice from his position, and we could hear him loud and clear.

"Keep your eyes and gaze forward. Focus on an area about 10 to 20 feet ahead of you while you walk, and focus on elongating your spine while you walk!"

Unconsciously, everyone was doing exactly what he was telling us to do.

"Try to keep your shoulders loose and relaxed, not tensed up toward your ears or slouched forward!"

{Ugh, thi is though...}

"Your core muscles also play an important role when you're walking and help you move more easily. Focus on tightening and engaging your core muscles by pulling your belly button in toward your spine. This can help you maintain balance and stability!"

{Huff, huff, I'm getting tired really fast...}

I wasn't the only one; the people around me were sweating like crazy.

"As you walk, gently swing your arms back and forth at your sides. Make sure you swing your arms from your shoulders, not from your elbows!"

"That's it; also maintain a steady heel-to-toe gait. This involves striking the ground with your heel first, then rolling through your heel to your toe, and pushing out of the step with your toe!"

*Huff* *Huff*

"Good, now all of you know how to walk."


"Tch, a shame, that's it for today. Take a shower, everyone. You all reek." (Teacher)


(Eww, is that true? I think there's showers in the dormitory building.)


Indeed, there were showers; they were divided by genders. Speaking of genders, women and men meant nothing here. In every class, you can fight a guy or a girl, but in showers and dormitories, they are separate.

Now in my room, I could feel the pain that was growing.

"I'm pretty sure tomorrow will be more painful. I have two options: focus on academics or combat, or maybe if..."

*Stomach Growl*

"I need food first..."

In the canteen...

"Hello junior, though day?" (Kitchen Clerk)


My body is starting to hurt more by now.

"Ha, ha, ha, don't worry, junior, in a couple of days it will only hurt a little less." He handed me the tray with food.

"Thank..you..." I took it.

*Nom* *Nom*

{At least the food is delicious}


Now in my room...

"Ouch, is it hurting even more?" I'm laying down on my bed.

"Hmm, do I go all out on combat or do I also study?"

"Well, the protagonist of this show didn't need to know all that stuff, but I'm going to be a real Shinigami and not a substitute, so I guess I need to do both."


"Then I need to plan things out."

The next day...


"Ugh, so loud...huh? It doesn't hurt."

My body didn't hurt like yesterday.


I went to classes; the morning class had fewer people.

"Typical first week; well, let's continue the lesson." (Teacher) 

The teacher only commented that, by the second and third classes, all of us were in class now.

{Some looked pale, others felt like they were holding on, but why am I the only one that is good?}

The theory classes were boring for me, but I didn't sleep on them; I just felt like sleeping. The ones that excited me were the practical ones.

Swordmanship, Hakuda, and Hohō were my favorites.

{Maybe it's my past life influence; after all, the quickest way to do something is to do it with violence, that was my motto in my past life}

And that's why I dedicate two hours of reading from 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. every night.


Like that, days turn into weeks and weeks into months.

Thanks to my theory classes and visits to the library, I learned about the Soul Society, the Shinigami, and this world in general.

As for the swordsmanship classes...

"Pay attention, class. There are eight fundamental movements of attack with a sword: straight down, straight up, diagonally down to the right, diagonally down to the left, diagonally up to the right, diagonally up to the left, and left and right strikes horizontally. So practice them until you all can do them by  instinct." (Teacher)

And those were not the only things to consider; there was also your stance, your breathing, and your mindset.

It's hard, but I can't help but have fun.

The other class with which I was in love was Hakuda.

{This class reminded me of MMA in my past life}

"When fighting an opponent, never consider the motions you take to be separate movements in time. That is, never pause between offense and defense. Your motions should be continuous, seamless transitions from one action to  another." (Teacher)

And finally, Hohō, although the teacher was a jerk, he taught us pretty well...

"Good progress! Now we are going to learn how to run, so the first thing to remember is to keep your shoulders down; don't hunch your shoulders. Focus on keeping them down and away from your ears!"

"Second thing: get your head straight; don't look at your feet. Third thing: relax those hands; it can create tension in your shoulders and back!"

"Fourth thing: go for a mid-foot strike; focus on landing on the middle of your foot; fifth thing: control your knee lift. If you lift your knees too high during your run, your running will be bouncy and your body will absorb more impact with each stride!"

"Last, lean forward slightly; don't ever lean back or stay completely upright while running. Lean forward slightly, hinged at the hips!" (Teacher)

{But he's as loud as ever}

Like that, six months had passed...