
1st Year (1)

"Reiryoku (spiritual power) is the amount of energy a being has stored within their body or soul, and Reiatsu (spiritual pressure) is the physical or spiritual pressure that a person's Reiryoku exerts on his environment."

I was at one of the tables reading the book that I had picked.

{Hmm...is the amount of Reiryoku predetermined by birth or can it be increased?}

"Reiryoku is most quickly increased when a soul is in a life-or-death situation."

{So through fighting}

"Reiryoku can be divided into basic, average, higher, great, and immense."

{Oh, that's what they tested first back then; if I remember correctly, I'm higher}

I continued reading the book, but no more interesting information was found on it, so I just put it back where I found it.

*Neck Crack*

"How much time has passed?" I looked at the clock at the top of the reception desk.

{3:40pm I guess I will go grab a bite, then I will come back for another book}

After eating in the canteen, I came back to the library, where I grabbed other interesting books that caught my attention.

"Kidō Theory, huh..."

According to the book, Kidō is the technique that a Shinigami uses to focus their Reiryoku into magic spells of various powers. These spells serve a wide variety of uses, such as healing, defense, or combat.

The Kidō Spells are graded from 1 to 99; the higher the number, the more complex the Kidō becomes.

"Spells?, really?"

I put the book down, then I stood up to grab something else.

I spent the rest of the afternoon in the library reading.


The next morning...


"Ugh, what a horrible alarm..."

I woke up, put on my uniform, and took the notebook from the desk along with the ink and brush. Exiting my room, I saw other people also exiting theirs.

"Good morning." I greet them first.


"Good morning"

As I was greeting them, I noticed that only male students were exiting the rooms on this floor.

{Is there only male students in this dormitory?}

I went downstairs, then exited the dormitory to go to the canteen for breakfast.

{It's even more packed today...}

There was a large line to get food.

15 minutes later...

*Nom* *Nom*

{Still, the food is good} It was a typical Japanese-style breakfast.


After finishing my food, I went to class, and there were even more students than yesterday.

{Maybe because I woke up late yesterday}

According to the Academy books, the classrooms are divided by talent: the first one is called the [Acceleration Class], where the elite are selected; the second one is called the [Genius Class], where people with talent are selected; and the third one is called the [Standard Class], where the people who passed the test are gathered.

The first class has one classroom,the second class has three, and the third class has five.

{If I remember correctly, I'm in class #2(B)}

Looking through the floor of the first year, I spotted the sign that said [Class # 2(B)].


I enter the classroom, and other people are already there. Due to my height of '4.2," I need to sit in front.

The first class that we had was [Soul Society History 1], which talked about the era before the world as we know it was created.

There were many shocking revelations, and I could see that many of the students didn't believe them, but how could you not believe them if you're in a place where they shouldn't even exist?

"Until almost one thousand years ago, the Soul Society was a land of death where ferocious creatures and monstrous souls ran rampant". (Teacher)


"Well, that's it for today; tomorrow we will continue the lesson." (Teacher)

*Thud*(Door Slam)

As soon as this teacher left the classroom, another came in.

"Hello everyone, welcome to Human Culture 1..." (Teacher)

This one talked about the history of humankind since the beginning.

After that, it was [writing and penmanship], where our objective of the year was to learn how to write without problems with ink and brush.

Then it happened...

"Welcome everybody to Mathematics 1..."

{Noo!!!, please noo!}

1 hour later...

A carcass of a child could be seen on the first row; it looked as if his soul was not in his body.

{I hate that class...}



There was a battlefield in the canteen, with many students fighting for food and a place to sit. Well, I used my height to my advantage and infiltrated deeper into the lines, securing my food.

*Nom* *Nom*

"Hey, you heard what happened yesterday?" (Senior student)

"No, what happened?" (Senior Student)

{Hm?, gossip?} I paid more attention.

"A captain was exiled from the Soul Society." (Senior Student)

"No way!! Who was he?" (Senior Student)

"Shh, you're too loud. I will tell you later." (Senior Student)

{Hmm... interesting}



"Welcome everyone! In this class, we will be talking about how to become a warrior, the costumes, philosophy, and mindset."

{Oh, like in ancient times...}

1 hour later...

"For short, embrace the virtues of selflessness, loyalty, discipline, honor, integrity, courage, and duty."


"This will be all for today."

{What an interesting class is like the movies that I watched in my last life about warriors}

The following class was called [Warfare Strategies], where we were introduced to battle plans and battle formations.

{But I know that all that doesn't matter if you're much stronger than your opponent, strategy is meaningless}

"Welcome, future Shinigami. In this class, we will be taking a look at the duties that all of you will perform when all of you graduate from this academy." (Teacher)

1 hour later...


"Well, that's it for today."

*Thud*(Door Slam)


*Nom* *Nom*

I didn't hear any more gossip about the captains.


{Hm?, which class was next?}

"Welcome class to the basics of reiryoku and reiatsu. In this class, we will be talking about the concepts of these two subjects."

{We basically talked about what I read in the book}


It was the same situation with the next class [Kidō Theory]. We basically talked a little more in depth about what I read in the book.


{Ugh, I think I'm not suitable for Kidō}

*Thud*(Door Slam)

"All of you follow me..." (Teacher)


Everyone didn't know what to do, but some did follow him, seeing that I finally moved to the door to follow the teacher.

We followed the teacher outside into the training grounds; many wooden sword racks were here.

"Good, now I want all of you to take one wooden sword and spread yourselves."

We followed his instructions; I reached for a wooden sword (Katana), and I took position between a couple of people, leaving a considerable space between us.

"Excellent, you all know how to follow instructions. Now, welcome to Introduction to Swordmanship. Here you will all learn how to handle your sword."

"The first thing you all need to learn is the correct stance; after that, the correct way to attack; after that, the correct way to defend yourself; and lastly, the correct way to counterattack."

1 hour later...


"That's it for today. If you all have free time to practice do it, swordsmanship is the core of a shinigami. That's it. Put the swords on the racks and return to your class." (Teacher)


{Ugh, my shoulders and hands hurt.}

We practice the stances and attacks that you can do with a sword, but my body is not used to this.

{I guess I will need to practice more}

*Thud*(Door Slam)

"All of you follow me..." (Teacher)
