

A broken soul in search of peace, An empty heart in search of love, A pure heart tainted by hate, A warm heart made cold with pain, I became the embodiment of the monsters I fought in my head, My inner demons became my friends, What do we do when the demons we fight in our heads can’t be won? We gaze into the abyss, And become one with it…

UDUJI_Anthony · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Chapter 5 - Zephyr

"Oh… So it's that mongrel barbarian Murdock? Pay him no heed boy, he's worth nothing more than a demented dog." King Orion said as he patted King Andy on his back. "Your uncle is right dear; Murdock should not be your problem at this time. You have a son to raise now." King Andy's mother advised. "You all are right. I will not let anger cloud my judgement." "Come uncle, there is much to discuss." King Andy said. 

In a part of the castle… 

"I feel those two bastards are planning to attack soon. What do you suggest we do?" King Andy asked King Orion. "Three things. Prepare, watch and wait. As cunning and daring as Murdock might be, I know the size of his balls. He's a coward but a wild one. He'd rather have someone else do his dirty work. That's why you need to be more mindful this period. Murdock's presence brings bad tidings. DO NOT FALL PREY TO HIS SCHEMES. Do you understand me boy?" King Orion asked after a stern explanation. "Yes uncle, I understand. What would I do without you?" King Andy said as he embraced King Orion and bade him farewell. 

Five years later… 

"Happy birthday Zephyr!!!" Everyone cheered as Zephyr blew out his candles. It's been five years since Zephyr was born and it was finally time for his talent test to take place. Children usually got their talents tested at the age of 5 and awakened their powers by the age of 7. Zephyr though, was a different case and his parents were about to find out. 

There were two tests to be taken by the candidates. One was a mana-based test where the purity of their mana would be tested; while the second was the nature of their magic. The regular knights were those who didn't have any magical nature or affinity to magic while the magic knights were as their names suggested, knights capable of wielding magic while having sword skills. The mages were those who had both mana and an affinity to magic. King Andy and his wife Queen Martha were prime examples of the highest attainable power in magic swordsmanship and magical arts. 

The birthday banquet lasted through the whole day. King Orion could not come so he sent gifts over. Zephyr received a lot of gifts from his parents and relatives; his favorite being a sword made of dragon bones and other parts which was the strongest sword in the kingdom from the royal vault. "Father, mother, I love this one. Thank you very much. I love you both." Zephyr said as he hugged his parents. "Aww, worry not our little angel, we would give you the world even if you asked for it." Both parents said as they hugged Zephyr. 

"Thank you everyone for your generous gifts and coming to celebrate with us, it has been a joyful day indeed. Tomorrow, we will be having the talent test of my son, I know he won't let me down so I ask you all wait for our good news. We, the people of Gormak will have one more protector!" The king said as he addressed his subjects. "Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!". Everyone screamed in joy and agreement as they all looked forward to the growth of their prince. The banquet came to an end and everyone retired to their homes as they all looked forward to the results of the prince's talent test.