
Black Star Angel

A boy achieved everything without anybody help with his sole hardwork and his lonely self.But because he is an orphan and nobody without any background been beaten into pulp by a young master for his seat in the university and thrown in the world's dangerous place. Who knows it lead him to fully complete his soul ,and once again the story of the most powerful ancient one begins . !!! Hii hello to everyone I am a amateur and it's my first novel.I hope every one can enjoy it while reading ,if any mistakes are there please pardon me ,and I will to better myself from time and let's enjoy ourselves.

KarthikeyanRam · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Training like Hell Part-1

After sometime Ray slowly stabilized his mentality and then look at the surrounding to find himself in the center of a ice field then only he seem to have understood what happened. Then his sixth brother Mitra and Ninth brother Shiva asked brother why is your ice colour different and it also seemed to pose a threat to all of us it's seems this ice has restricting and energy cancelling properties, as expected of these brothers as who are said to be most knowledgeable in cosmos even before the Great Desolate War, They are ranked first and second in the Hall of Wisdom. At that time Ray told to all those who are present there about the "ICE OF ETERNITY" at the same time he also said about the memories he experienced and he also mentioned what's the cause of his outburst. Though the people present here all strong enough to over through God's easily ,but that doesn't mean that they are invincible , actually all the brothers are also trying to connect to other universes, to increase their cultivation and to help their previous allies but they can't directly absorb the star energy know because they are already at the limit of the Galaxy as they are already enclosed from their and other universes, at that time lilly informed the brothers because of the pure energy of belief, though people from outer universes have the pure form of energy they can't full utilise it's potential because they are only using its in the raw form, but in the previous life of Ray he extensively analysed this form and he deduced that the pure energy of belief has a special characteristic that it can neutral any type of energy except the celestial energy as they can be fused to improve one's own innate energy but there is a problem that one must be recognised by the pure belief energy or need to be recognised by the cosmos and need to gain a imprint from the cosmic will , as till now according to Lily by its knowledge or according to the records of the cosmic will that are linked to the lily with its connection to the celestial cosmic will , as the brothers are all at the peak of star users they are already recognised in the Great Desolate War by the Cosmic will because of their actions and merits in war, to be specific Lily at that time looked at Ray and said you are a person who can be said that, as a person who shouldn't exist. Then at that moment Lily told to look at his right hand and chanted a spell and then a print appeared which has Five different coloured crystals and a form a connection that looked like as if lion that has all the cosmos in its mouth.


Imprint Of the Sura And Asura Devourer : This can only be inherited those who have the devouring primodial body and it's neutral to both God and Asura factions.

More Information can be unlocked at the higher stages only .



Then lily said that this imprint is said to be one of the guardian of the Cosmos who is said to be even feared by the cosmic will and because of the power that they wield and the race is said to be very rare and even feared by all. The cosmic will promised to that guardian ,that it will always bless their race who is recognised by this imprint because this type of race will only be born when either it represents extreme prosperity or said to destroy all the eternity or its the mark of beginning a new change, till now there only such 7 individuals in all the cosmos including you .

They are mostly because of their innate title that is " THE DARLING OF NATURE AND THE DESTROYER OF ETERNITY ".