
Black Star Angel

A boy achieved everything without anybody help with his sole hardwork and his lonely self.But because he is an orphan and nobody without any background been beaten into pulp by a young master for his seat in the university and thrown in the world's dangerous place. Who knows it lead him to fully complete his soul ,and once again the story of the most powerful ancient one begins . !!! Hii hello to everyone I am a amateur and it's my first novel.I hope every one can enjoy it while reading ,if any mistakes are there please pardon me ,and I will to better myself from time and let's enjoy ourselves.

KarthikeyanRam · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Death-Frost Cosmos Scripture

After taking the box that is given by the white lion , then he checked what's inside the box at that moment the white lion said it's a Spatial Spectrum Box , though it looks small there are many layers , I have set the restriction in the box so that until you reach a specific stage of power the other layers will not be opened . Ray sighed at the restriction applied by the white lion , which lead to his unsatisfied curiosity but once again he cheered up and tried to check what's in the box then he found that there are two different coloured hexagonal crystals and a bracelet. Then the white lion said the crystal with the rainbow colours is the "Myriad Energies Synergy Cultivation Method" and the other with deep blue and violet mix coloured crystal is a body cultivation method called "Death Frost Cosmos Scripture". The "Myriad Energies Synergy Cultivation Method" is a Soul and energy cultivation method.

Both these cultivation method are ***Infinity Grade*** . Then the white lion in your past life if you cultivated this techniques you would be undefeated, but at that time you don't have the correct age/affinity/body . But those whose mastered this techniques are said to be have power that can destroy the cosmos. But before that I will tell you that even the creator of this techniques are said to be unable to master it, but I can say that those cultivate this techniques are all Infinity Powerhouse. I am telling you that cultivating in this techniques at the start will be slow because of the requirements and it would be very painful that you wish death is better than cultivating it.

All brothers spoke at the same time "Don't worry , we are there for you, if you don't want to do it then leave it try another method we will be always there for you and support your decision" . They don't want comment more because it will help him in future to stand on his own and help him to protect his family and loved ones.

Ray at that moment seemed to be moved into the past, a memory started to repeat infront of his eyes. A woman so beautiful that can't be described in words standing by the seashore at the time of sun rise said while carrying a child in her hands she said My Child you're born to be a Monarch, though your mother may not be by your side all your life but remember my words child , I may not be with you but remember that I will always respect your decision and will always be on your side regardless of the your decision ,if you want live a peaceful life then so be it, and live your happily which I wish for you, but if follow the path of a ruler once again I will always be your side, but you need to be all alone in the path of a ruler my child, at that time come to me by yourself to me take to your side ,when you're powerful enough , come by tearing apart all the restrictions and enemies and take me and your father by your side said the woman with a smile that could even infatuate the heavens .At that time a man that could make shake all the universes with his beauty appeared by the side of woman said to the child , though I don't know what you will become in future you need to know that your elemental affinity with ice comes from both of us. Any Bloodline you awaken or inherit my child there will always be a connection you can come find us with the help of your ice because it's the name of the ice is "ICE OF ETERNITY" and then the man said we will seal the memories so that only when you start on the path ruler you will be able to unlock this memories bit by bit. Remember my child ,Mom and Dad always love you and stand on your side regardless of your decision.

As if this was happening in the mind of Ray all the brothers sensed the abnormal amount of energy that is leaking from him, at that moment the white lion said , there are another set of memories that are sealed in him that are related to him in this life and to tell all of you, your brother whether in the previous life, him and all of you in the previous life or this time even in this life he is not from this world , though from the previous life he unlocked the memories , by that time he is on the verge of death, but he said " If I have power that can make me and my brothers reunite with you , I will come back even from the depths of hell to make this real". At the same time the white lion and all the brothers sensed a threat of death as they saw Ray crying and releasing the ice from him body uncontrollably, The tears that are falling from his eyes are transformed into crystal of ice before they are fallen to the ground , at that moment all the people in the room heard a voice saying , "I am coming , just wait a few more years until I am powerful enough, I will come as you wish mom by tearing apart all the restrictions and enemies to reach you".