
Black Star Angel

A boy achieved everything without anybody help with his sole hardwork and his lonely self.But because he is an orphan and nobody without any background been beaten into pulp by a young master for his seat in the university and thrown in the world's dangerous place. Who knows it lead him to fully complete his soul ,and once again the story of the most powerful ancient one begins . !!! Hii hello to everyone I am a amateur and it's my first novel.I hope every one can enjoy it while reading ,if any mistakes are there please pardon me ,and I will to better myself from time and let's enjoy ourselves.

KarthikeyanRam · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Body and Genetic Transformation

The whole universe and countless stars and super powers are suddenly awakened.May of them feel the horror and reverence deep from their souls and stars. Countless stars and many living beings kneel and in the direction of planet Regan.

But ray at that moment feel into deep slumber.The pitch black flame if observed correctly it just a form ,The black storm devour everything near it changed into the nine pointed twelve layered star,at centre of it has a shape similar that of the white wings with layered dark colour rainbow edges at end of wings.

It rushed into the body of ray at that as if all the space paved a way for it.The body in the depth at that after the star rushed into the middle of his eyebrows and the whole body is wrapped in to the dark coccon his whole body is under going tremendous changes and world all energy gathered in depth of lost palace of death as if the heaven is declaring the welcoming of its sovereign .All living feel the pressure of the heaven and earth,all powerhouses and the many gods are alarmed.

The body of ray at that movement all the genetic code and cells and bones all the is being destroyed and created at rate of speed at naked eye.

His height reached to 186cm and a body that could even make celestial beauties and Gods jealous.The star shape eyebrows and his two eyes has changed into a black endless vortex and other into white starlight wheel consists of all rainbow colours as the edges.His hair changed from light brown to thick dark hair,at that movement his eyes were about to open the heaven all screamed in endless brightness in the excitement.In the far different universe above all place in the endless void a extremely beautiful and ancient palace with boundless horror spread out as if it's in excitement of recognising its owner.

In the planet Regan all the changes ended at a extremely fast rate,but even the powerhouses still don't dare cross into the boundary of lost palace of death.As if sensing the endless horror the being in depth of the lost palace of death the white fluffy hair dog with a dark blue crystal in the middle of it head,it has twelve tails and the as a the height of the dragon.