
Black Star Angel

A boy achieved everything without anybody help with his sole hardwork and his lonely self.But because he is an orphan and nobody without any background been beaten into pulp by a young master for his seat in the university and thrown in the world's dangerous place. Who knows it lead him to fully complete his soul ,and once again the story of the most powerful ancient one begins . !!! Hii hello to everyone I am a amateur and it's my first novel.I hope every one can enjoy it while reading ,if any mistakes are there please pardon me ,and I will to better myself from time and let's enjoy ourselves.

KarthikeyanRam · Fantasie
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19 Chs


In distant cosmos of universe there many unknown powers and also powerful people.

In the universe there is a similar place as Earth but different than Earth.This planet is in Dual star planet system.The name of the planet is Regan.It is 70 times larger than Earth in terms of resources and the land .Only 54% of the whole planet is explored. This planet is highly advanced in technology.

In the planet the most powerful people are mostly the star users.

Star users are those people who can form a connection to the star based on their soul power and talent.The higher the grade of the stars the more power they can form.Thus at a level one will form soul star which also represent the power of the person.

The Regan planet come to use this power as the planet faced intense crisis from the people of the great world


In this Stellar star galaxy system the world is classified into mainly 5types.They are Supreme space world,, Grand Desolate space world,Great space world,Sub space world, Mystery space world.

In the Regan planet at a place some students are beating a person.The students are beating that person because he got to the top without any help, but he is a orphan although his talent is low because of his hardwork he got to the top.These students are hired by young master of a large companies. Because this student challenge to take the place of the young master and that is the reason he was injured .The student who got beaten up his name was Ray Crimson.As he was coming out of his unconscious mind he was in a bag unable understand what's happening as he was about to open his eyes only to see that he was being thrown into most dangerous space on the planet known as Lost palace of Death.In the history even the star users were easily killed in this place as he was being thrown from the sky into this place. The place he was thrown is covered in dense red coloured trees and the are very tall each with a minimum height of 5 meters and the highest nearly 250meters at the centre of the forest. Ray as he landed on the largest leaf and rolled to ground only growl in pain due his tenacious will he still didn't want give as he was getting slowly unconscious in the farthest place othe Lost palace of death a light shone as it was a connection between the universe , like a connection between heaven and earth ,the light shine in the farthest space the universe where everything is devoured. the most powerful and dangerous Black storm, which is highly equivalent to that of the power of 1million black holes.A star at the center of the storm in the inner space like a flame in pitch black colour that could devour anything has awakened a forming a connection to the light at the lost palace of death.The sound someone whispering sounded in the ears of the Ray .As he heard saying "Do you want to rule the world?, Do you want to rule the universe?Do you want trample those who looked down on you?Do you want to be at the top of all the stars?"

Ray in a very small voice said "yes".As soon as he said that he again heard the voice saying "Time to awaken yourself"and again in an the whisper stopped atlast saying"Master".As the light shine on to the body of Ray the whole lost palace of death tremble again covering in the thick dark fog and in the distant universe after a long time all the stars once again tremble mostly because of fear and also reverence and some because of joy and other in the anger.As the light on the body of the Ray was shining he slowly opened his eyes.