
Black Star Angel

A boy achieved everything without anybody help with his sole hardwork and his lonely self.But because he is an orphan and nobody without any background been beaten into pulp by a young master for his seat in the university and thrown in the world's dangerous place. Who knows it lead him to fully complete his soul ,and once again the story of the most powerful ancient one begins . !!! Hii hello to everyone I am a amateur and it's my first novel.I hope every one can enjoy it while reading ,if any mistakes are there please pardon me ,and I will to better myself from time and let's enjoy ourselves.

KarthikeyanRam · Fantasie
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19 Chs


At that moment the voice said, "Restore" there is still time for the universes to know about you and let the universes know about you by your actions and glory of your deeds. As if a large spell cast all over the universes, each and everyone seemed to be forget about the recent commotion and start to resume their works except the people at the center of the commotion.

In this Dual planet star system, the universe has it's own conscious awakened in the past after the "Great desolate war " between the universes, and with the help of the Primal kings it developed a system like interface all over galaxy .Then afterwards it started to integrate with people all over the galaxy and maintain development and monitor the civilization. This gave huge boost in the technology and cultivation development of all the different race civilizations that are existing in the galaxy. It is mainly because to prepare against the void devourer race and the different universes who are always in greed of plundering resources. The galaxy conscious named itself as "Lily" .After the development of cultivation started to increase at a rapid phase as the spiritual energy started increase all over the galaxy due to the huge absorbing of resources and those that are fallen during the war.

In the Time chamber at this moment ,Ray as he just opened his eyes he looked confused and looked around him at that time the white lion spoke "Welcome back" .Then he just nodded at the lion, Vishwa spoke "Is there any problems with your body ,are you alright?" then ray said there is no problem but why are you all looking at me as if you have seen a ghost and what's with those people's expressions. Then Vishwa said to them who are looking at them with lecherous expressions ,as he looked them with a suffocating pressure said "have you seen enough " at that moment all the people felt like they are in at center amidst of a thousand waves of water. then all people come back to their senses. He said go back and all of you go and take your punishment at the spiritual sound tower. At that moment all the except the 10 brothers and the white lion all of them looked pale as if they lost their vitality. Others looked at them with sympathy as they know about their upcoming tragic states. This happened mainly due to the the charm attribute of ray who is clueless about the situation that is caused by him.

Then after all the people left except the 10 brothers and white lion, they started to resume their conversation. Vishwa said check your status with the help of the lily ,just feel the connection of the world with you you will be able to sense it. Ray started to do as he said, then he felt a faint connection around him in form a white spiritual light, at that moment the spiritual light dashed into his mental space formed a connection at that moment of the connection he felt as he was thrown from top of a mountain a searing pain spread in his mind after a few minutes the pain gradually reduced. The pain is caused because a massive amount of information injected in to his head. As he opened his eyes he said ,lily show my status at that moment a blue screen appeared in front of his eyes


Name : Ray Crimson

Species : ????????????????

Age :7 yrs

Physique : Devouring Primodial Body

Elemental Affinity : Ice, Light, Life

Titles :










Immunity : Poison, Curses, Illusion, Dark.

Titled skills given by the physique:

[NONE SHALL ABOVE ME(Active And Passive type):-

Every entity whether living or non living (undead category) shall face a tremendous pressure regardless of their status or power when the disobey his words.Can't be blocked,can only be resisted.]


Irrespective of any restrictions everything can be devoured.No exception .]

[THE ONE:- Can survive under any environment , adapt to it quickly and can also be immune all types of suppression and no one can duplicate any of your abilities, skills, comprehension, bloodline.(Every time a person born with this physique will automatically create a new race from the resources and the bloodline will be modified automatically,Will always be a progenitor to a race )]

Skills :









