
RE: Black-Light

-A guy has a modified version of the Blacklight virus, watch him on his journey on becoming the strongest being alive. -Picture belongs to me, via A.I... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WARNING!!!: Respective series mentioned are credited to their respective owners, all characters twisted a little are due to my creative uses...

Aaron_Chong_6689 · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

CHP 25: Missing Date, and Training...

~Jacob's Pov~





'I don't know where I'll find her at this point. She must think I'm an asshole for ditching her like that...' I made it back to Konoha without too much trouble, aside from that single mishap.

My favorite jacket got pretty banged up from the scuffle. Another reminder that I'll need to find a way to get some more durable gear down the line. I stored the tattered remains in a storage scroll, mentally adding it to the growing list of things I need to figure out...

I quickly took a bath, washing off some of dirt that gathered on me after everything so far, I need a walk to clear my mind... And, there was a lot weighing on it. After putting on some clothes, I make my way out, and slowly walked the streets of the village, thinking about what I'll do now...

'I need to get my affairs in order if I'm going to pull this off. Without a proper base of operations, there are going to be a lot of limitations on what I can do. This is likely my best shot, but it's going to take time - months even - especially to get it to the level I needed...'

After walking strolling around the village for a bit; I found myself infront of the nearby library. I could start here, I didn't have much knowledge about seals in general; only the talent for them.

I entered the library and approached the front desk. "Good evening, could you direct me to materials on fuuinjutsu?"

The librarian eyed me curiously, "Are you a shinobi, sir?" she asked, perhaps a bit shyly, but I shook my head no, "Not, exactly." I replied evasively. The truth was more complicated than that...

If she knew that I wasn't a shinobi, or a civilian... Technically. And that I was a monster that became what he ate, she'd piss herself.

Still, she looked surprised by my response, "I'm afraid information on seals can only be accessed by registered ninja of Konoha," she informed me politely but firmly.

'Seriously? Only ninjas have access?' I thought irritably. But getting upset wouldn't change anything now. "I understand. Thank you for your help," I said instead.

Leaving empty-handed, I returned to my simple home deep in thought. It was clear I wouldn't be able to research sealing jutsus so easily. If I wanted to progress, I'd need to find an alternative space to conduct my experiments privately... 

I left the library and walked streets of Konoha, while on my stroll I was still looking in the crowed, and even went to the place where me and Kurenai said we would meet up a few days ago; just in case, but as I guessed, nothing came up...

But throughout all of today, I couldn't help but feel frustration. I hadn't been close on getting some info on fuuinjutsu, but now it seemed like an impossible task, at least at the moment. I needed a new plan, and fast.

I approached my small, yet boringly unassuming home, 'At least this place is quiet...' I mumbled; I slipped inside, closing the door behind me, and began to pace back and forth, thinking on what to do from now on...

Furthermore, I needed access to a secure space, somewhere I could conduct my experiments without prying eyes. But, where would I even go? The village was small, and everyone knew each other's business. I didn't want to risk being discovered.

As I walked, my mind began to wander. I eventually thought about the abandoned buildings on the outskirts of the village, the ones that had been left to decay after the war. I wondered if one of those be my new base? I made a mental note to scout them out, to see if any of them would be suitable.

But as I continued to think, another idea began to form. I remembered the old, abandoned mine on the outskirts of the village. It was said to be cursed because of the men that died down there, and even the bravest of ninjas avoided it, hell; even Danzo had no business there, but I doubt that was necessarily out of fear... Regardless, I didn't care about that. I was a monster, after all...

'Good, now I have somewhere set...' 

I stopped pacing, and my mind filled with content. The mines would be more than perfect enough. It was secluded, and no one would think to look for me there. I could set up a makeshift base of operation.

Though, I still needed to be careful, of course. I couldn't risk being discovered, not now. Plus, I still don't know how I would get fuuinjutsu materials, but that would have to wait, I wasn't in any particular rush either-

*Knock! *Knock!*

'Hmm?' I heard the knocking on my door, I walked over, opening it, seeing it was Naruto, and he didn't look like the ball of sunshine he usually did, "Naruto, you... alright?" I scratched my head a bit, not getting a response from him; I sighed, "Naruto, what's wrong?" I asked, noticing the concern etched on his face. He looked like he had just lost his last ramen coupon, "You look like you've seen a ghost kid. What's going on?" I asked again.

"It's, about the mission... I need to talk to you." I heard him say, I let him through. 

"So... How did your first mission go? You've been gone for a while, so I've been a bit worried..." I was trying my best to start up a conversation.

"I'm fine...", But that was far from the truth; it's even been a few hours since he came back, and he isn't too injured either... But I expected as much, Naruto should be a good chunk stronger than he's supposed to be in the original canon.

"Alright seriously, what's going on kid?" Now, I was curious, "I should start from the top..." I listened...




"I see... So this Zabuza person died, and now his student is in your team's care..." I asked, and Naruto nodded. This was already shifting things, if my memory serves me right, Haku should be dead too. However, how he died was still a mystery to me.

Naruto told me that Haku was gravely injured, and in the care of medical nins at the moment...

"So, this Haku person; with the death of his master, how do you think he'll react?" I asked, "I... I... Don't know, but regardless, he isn't an evil person. Despite Sasuke's injuries, the diagnosis was that the senbons were aimed at spots left to paralyze someone, momentarily..." 

When I heard this, I was slightly surprised. Despite his situation, Haku didn't want to kill Sasuke... If Naruto was right about the injuries. I think Naruto also realized that his intention wasn't to kill either.

"They say he should be fully healed by the end of the month, he was quite strong... But, I wanted to ask for your opinion on something. Is this all worth it?" Naruto asked, and I asked what was.

"The position of Hokage... What does it mean? I don't want to kill people, but I also understand that its a fool's thought..." Naruto looked downward. I guess the kid was put in a situation in which he had the thought to do so.

"To be honest Naruto... I'm the same as you. I don't want to kill others. if I can avoid it; but sometimes, we have no choice but have to commit to it. A ninja's path is riddled with death, Naruto... Prep yourself for the day when you actually kill someone." I said to him.

I was one to talk, however, those I killed, I knew they deserved it. There was no redemption for them in the first place. Thus, I didn't feel the guilt that came from it. However, if someone redeemable was there that I killed; I don't think I would have been able to have this conversation with him in the first place...

"Kid... I think you should go home, and get some rest. You have a lot to do from now on. When your well enough, come back for some training." I smiled, trying my best to cheer the little guy up.

He nodded, "Thanks for listening sensei..." I gave him a thumbs up, "Alright kid, see you when you're better..." I shut the door behind him. 

'That was... Interesting...'




After some consideration and training, I decided to approach the local blacksmith and see if I could strike a deal with him. I needed a secure and private space to test some stuff, and fortunately enough, he needed someone to test his new weapons and armor...

The blacksmith, was the typical a burly man with a thick beard. After a bit of talking, he eventually listened to my proposal, albeit with a, skeptical expression. But when I offered to pay him a generous sum for the use of his forge and workshop, his eyes lit up.

"Alright, you've got a deal," he said, extending a meaty hand. "But I'm warning you, it's going to be dangerous work. I don't want any liability if things go wrong."

I nodded, shaking his hand firmly. "I understand. I'll be careful.", Not.

With the blacksmith's help, I was able to set up a makeshift laboratory in far ends of the mines with the help of a few clones. It was a cramped and dirty space at the moment, but it would serve my purposes for the time being...

Over the next few days I trained in what I knew about seals, while using the clones I also began to gather the materials I needed for whatever experiments I had in mind: sealing-tags, ink, and various ingredients for the sealing jutsus. 

I worked tirelessly, night and day, testing out different sealing jutsus and perfecting my techniques. It was slow going at first, but I gradually began to make considerable progress. I was able to successfully seal a relatively large object inside a tag, and then gradually increased the size and complexity of the objects I was sealing...

'Thanks up above for the talents I have...' But as I continued to push the boundaries of my abilities, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being, watched. Initially I thought it was a coincidence, but over the last few days, I picked up the patterns...

At this point in time, I was well into a 2 weeks with my progress. I decided to set a trap, using one of my newly-created sealing jutsus to ensnare anyone who might be spying on me. I waited patiently, my senses on high alert, until finally, I heard the sound of footsteps approaching...

As the figure came into view, I was shocked to see that it was none other than the librarian from the village. She looked terrified, her eyes wide with fear as she realized that she had been caught...

"Please, I'm so sorry," she stammered, her voice trembling. "I didn't mean any harm. I just wanted to know more about you, about what you're doing here. I've never seen anything like it before."

'Really?' I hesitated, unsure of what to do. On the one hand, I knew that I couldn't trust her. She was a Nara clan member, and she had been spying on me. But on the other hand, I could see both genuine curiosity and fascination in her eyes... She, was a scholar, just like me; Kind of, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of understanding with her, albeit slight.

It wasn't like I inherently needed her. But, I already caught her trying to catch me. And, another mind and opinion could likely help me out in the long run, so I ran with the thought for now.

And, she was kinda cute... And, very intelligent...

In the end, I decided to take a chance with her. I released her from my trap, and told her everything: Not about my abilities of course, that would be retarded on all levels, both known and unknown to man; However, I did tell her about my research on seals, and about some of my plans for the future...

To my surprise, she listened intently, her eyes wide with wonder and excitement. She asked thoughtful questions, and offered valuable insights and suggestions. And when I was finished, she looked at me with a newfound respect and admiration, or just those, I think...

And so, the librarian became my little partner, my confidant, and my friend. And because of her I got access to the sealing books I needed, even the ones that she only had knowledge as a librarian. Regardless, creating new sealing jutsus had become much, much easier for me...

Over this time, Naruto had been training with me, and over the past few weeks, he was growing powerful, rather quickly too. He's even at the stage on wearing 200kg weights I made myself at the blacksmith on all his limbs, and he's about to up them soon.

Me on the other hand...






Name: Jacob Mercer

Age: 18 Years old

Life-span: 47,456 Years old

Height: 6'4

Weight: 154.56kg --> 160kg

Chakra Points: 7,456,345.77 / 7,456,345.77 CP --> 39.34 Billion / 39.34 Billion

Chakra Affinity: Water, (True) Lighting, Wind, Earth and Fire

Kekkei Genkai: Ice-Release

Talent Value: A++ [ASCENDED]

Str: 3,145.87 Tons --> 32,567 Tons / 13 Tera-Tons

Spd: Mach 23,546.65 --> Mach 453,856.46 / Sol x 35

Mov-Spd: Mach 34.56 --> Mach 485.5 / Sol x 8.4

End: 1,432.1 --> 4,563.2 / 26,675

Sta: ∞

Cha: 9.32 / 10.3 [ASCENDED]

Int: 17.9 -->23.5 / 58.4





I had grown a decent bit more powerful, I could have grown much stronger, but I wasn't in any particular rush with my physical training, in fact, I had been leisure with it... If I got too strong, I would be automatically thrown into a stronger universe. I learned that through my first world...

I wanted to get a decent footing in this world at least before I could go forward.

On the other hand, I was mainly putting in the effort in creating new seals for myself. And on the topic of seals, I was on the verge of making a seal that could potentially grant me nature chakra usage, and another for increasing one's Chakra amount by converting the chakra in the air...

Still, I needed to move faster with my progress, and though seals were fascinating to me, I still needed more. However, despite how talented I was. I had a hunch on who to go to next; however, being the slivery person he is, and now I'm wondering if it's even worth it...








