
Black Clover: Kage no kami( The Shadow God)

I DON'T OWN BLACK CLOVER CHARACTER'S EXCEPT MC. This is story of a boy who was on his way to fulfill his mother wishes. In which he made bonds with people.

Mr_Myeterious · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

Bandit Eradication And Invitation

"You should create a plan if not for hostages I would have charged but considering their safety we have to work accordingly." Kage said

"If not for the lives on lines I would have asked you to surpass your limits. We will make our move at night when many of them would be drunk and tired from long distance travel. Our first priority should be the safety of citizens."

Yami devised a plan on which Kage Agreed.

"I would use my magic to teleport them at a safe distance" Kage said revealing his other technique.

This technique allows Kage to teleport through shadows. But he has to leave his trails which he named 'Shadow Mark' in order to teleport which simply is traveling through shadows.

'How many techniques does he have?' Yami is thought of amused by his vast amount of techniques.

"Hey kid, how about a little spar once we wrap up this mission?" Yami proposed with a grin.

"Facing off against a Magic Knight Captain in a spar? That'd be an honor," he replied, nodding in agreement. 'This could be my chance to test my strength against a magic knight captain to see how much I have to improve.,' he thought.

"Let's spice it up a bit," Yami suggested, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

"Oh? How so?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"A friendly little wager," Yami proposed.

"What are we putting on the line?" Kage asked, intrigued.

"If I win, you would be joining the Black Bulls squad. Now, what are your terms?" Yami challenged.

"If I win, you'll teach me one of your techniques that doesn't rely on your magical attributes," Kage countered, a determined glint in his eye.

As the night came near bandits started making their temporary camps.

They secured a circular area in which they formed three concentric circles as layers and assigned guards in each of them. Outer being the most.

In the middle of camp there is a large tent probably for their leader while there were numerous tents. In the second layer they held captives. They kept captives such that they weren't able to communicate with others rendering them to form a group to escape.

After settling their camp they started drinking alcohol, consuming narcotics. They even started abusing sexually some of the captives mainly women. Using them for their pleasure.

Seeing this Kage was going to charge but Yami stops him by putting his hands on his shoulder and says

"Calm down"

"How?" Kage asked in suppressed anger.

"This is how it works stronger...." Yami was cut off by kage

"I already knew that. I am asking How I calm down." He asked

"You have figured it out on your own because your single wrong move would make an innocent life in danger." Yami reasoned

Kage took a deep breath and doesn't suppress his anger only holding back to release later on.

As night became even more dark bandits laughter died many succumbing to exhaustion or others to alcohol.

Observing their opponents situation Yami and Kage made their move.

Kage expands his shadow enveloping both Himself and Yami to teleport to the second level in which hostages are kept by passing the 1st line of security effortlessly.

Kage made a chokuto of black in colour by using mana construction and shadow manipulations.

He swiftly made his way towards captives by merging with shadow concealing his presence.

While also killing all the assigned guards of 2nd line of security Which were unfortunate enough to meet him with his newly formed chokuto.

He reached the captives who were nearly unconscious. He started looking for women and girls that were used by bandits and gathered them all around. He then goes to meet Yami who also finished his work.

Then Kage expands his shadow and teleports all the hostages to a safe location. Where he deploys his summons to protect them. And returns back to Yami.

"Normally I would have enjoyed a good fight and resistance while fighting them but Now I am not in the mood." Kage declared.

He released his mana with such pressure that surprised and impressed Yami.

His mana reacting to his emotions started emitting sinister aura which were too much for the weaker one and they passed out.

And those who managed to remain Consciousness were shaking with fear.

Then Kage starts what is called a massacre as he slaughters one by one mercilessly without stopping at once. The screams of fear and death echoed throughout the forest as if a demon was unleashed, blood flows like waters as bandits starting to get sliced open. What they saw was inhuman ironic to them who attack, kill and rape for fun. He maneuvered between them showing the fear for the fast time.

As for Yami he is observing Kage and was impressed

'He doesn't even have an ounce of doubt in himself. His never hesitated from killing ones, many would have emptied their guts till now. What an odd bunch he is, Black bulls would be definitely the best squad for him.' His thought continued as he observed the massacre

'I thought he had suppressed his anger but he merely held that back and took it out on bandits. Many would have their blood boils from what we have seen but this type of activity isn't unheard of. His anger seems different maybe something from his past. It's of no use in dwelling, he would tell when he wants to.' Yami ended his inner monologue, seeing how Kage had killed all and now returned.

'He doesn't even have a drop of blood on him

' Yami thought as he saw Kage clothes.

"We have to inform villagers about completion of the mission along with the location of hostages and camp." Yami instructed.

"I will give villagers a general direction" Kage responded in understanding.

He then teleported to the villagers and brought some of them via route and showed the hostages and camp.

They left after ensuring that villagers don't have a problem rescuing hostages and recovering their belongings.

"Come, I know a perfect place for spar" Kage informed and ran deep into the forest who was quickly followed by Yami.

They traveled for a while reaching an opening. Early sunlight was letting the area, signify the sunrise is near.

"Whose back touched ground first would lose." Yami laid the ground rule.

Both Yami and Kage were standing in front of each other while holding their weapon, Yami with a katana while Kage with chokuto.

A breeze of wind passed through, leaves shook from the wind and a leaf fell from a tree. They readied their weapons Yami holding his katana in a downward manner with both of his hands while Kage holding his chokuto sideways in a single hand.

As the leaf danced in air the tension increased and as the leaf fell they leapt towards each other.

Yami bringing his sword above the head of Kage and slashed downward to which Kage brought his Chokuto to stop the blade in between


Their sword clashed with Yami's superior strength forcing Kage to bring both hands in support to hold Yami's katana. They jumped backwards and again ran towards each other





With each strike generating sparks with a clang sound.

Slowly they started increasing their speed in order to overpower another.

Their movements became blurred only leaving black trails behind, Signs of usage of Yami's dark magic and Kage's Shadow magic.

Slashes started appearing all over the places

Splitting trees, rocks and everything in the area. They moved from one place to another in order to gain advantage over others.

Kage was very excited, no one has pushed him this much, known that both were holding back but it's exciting none or less.

Yami who is waving his blade with experience and precision slowly started to overpower Kage.

Kage honed his skills himself, slashing only the basis of instinct which he developed by surviving in the Magic Zone started to lose.

Alas Yami finished the match by making Kage fall on his back.

"You are good, kid" Yami praised.


"You act totally on the basis of instinct while having such a nice instinct is great but your lack of skills causes you to lose." Yami instructed

"That's why I wanted to learn from you. I am aware that you will win. But as they say when you fight someone stronger you learn a lot from them." Kage answered

"Well that's for you." Yami grumbled

"I am Yami Sukehiro, Magic Knight captain of Black Bull squad" Yami Introduced.

"I am Akira, Kurogami Akira " Kage Introduced himself.

"Now according to our wages you are a black bull from now ." He declared

'I have no problem in joining black bulls as I planned on becoming a magic knight anyway.' kage thought while smiling.

"But you have to wait for me to get a grimoire." Kage Said

"Seriously kid you don't have a grimoire yet. I know that you were young but not even 15."

Yami thought while shaking his head.

"Get your Grimiore and train. There is no need to take the magic knight exam. Just came to Black Bulls Hideout after getting your Grimiore ." Yami Said

'He doesn't even use his other techniques, only relying on his sword skills and instinct. He will surpass all captains in no time with correct training. His uses his magic in many versatile ways even before getting his grimoire. He will be a force no he is a force to reckon with'

He thought as he left.

As Yami walked away, leaving Kage to ponder his next steps, a sense of determination welled up inside him. Joining the Black Bulls was just the beginning of his journey, and he knew he had much to learn and accomplish before he could truly achieve his dream of becoming strongest.

With an unwavering resolve, Kage rose to his feet, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. The path ahead was fraught with challenges and uncertainties, but he was ready to face them head-on. For Kage, becoming a magic knight was only the beginning of his dream, and he would stop at nothing to achieve it.

With one last glance back at the forest clearing where he had fought alongside Yami, Kage set off into the unknown, his heart filled with determination. The journey ahead would be long and arduous, but he knew that with perseverance and courage, he could overcome any obstacle that stood in his way.


Hey next chapter